An introductory series on the Mass given by Mr. David Rodríguez, M. Th.
– Choose a format: MP3 download [$8] or CD set of 4 discs [$16]
$8.00 – $16.00
An introductory series on the Mass given by Mr. David Rodríguez, M. Th.
– Choose a format: MP3 download [$8] or CD set of 4 discs [$16]
PRODUCT INCLUDES: 29 mp3 audio files, 3 pdf files: slides, slide notes or 4 audio discs.
DESCRIPTION: Not all valid Masses are the same! The Divine Liturgy is the glorification of God and the sanctification of man through the priestly office of Jesus Christ. As the source and summit of life, Catholics ought to be particularly familiar with its basic principles, though confusion on this matter is rampant. Learn what buzz terms like ‘organic growth’ and ‘active participation’ really ought to mean and how & why the Liturgy is sacred, transcendent, sacrificial, revealed, and much more. This knowledge in turn helps the faithful Catholic identify that sacred liturgy which best disposes one to receive God’s grace.A Mass which is more sacred, reverent, beautiful, and oriented towards God helps raise man's mind from the visible to the invisible (lifting our heats to heaven), as opposed to one which is more banal, irreverent, improvised and oriented towards man. Moreover, the prayers which are prayed are also incredibly significant and many have been changed to express different ideas and to request less grace. Man needs God's grace and therefore every Catholic ought to be extremely concerned with assisting at a Mass which is most in harmony with the basic principles (truths!) of the Liturgy; to give greater glory to God and greater sanctification to man.
Topics include: The Liturgy is Theocentric, Christocentric, Pneumatological, Ecclesiological, Soteriological, and Eschatological. Each of these categories is then subdivided into various important principles, such as Lex Orandi Lex Credendi or how the Liturgy is Incarnational.
Format | CD, MP3 |
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