AUDIO: Conference in Northern Kentucky [4 Jan 2025]

Bishop Strickland and Tradition [20 Dec 2024]

Fr. Rodriguez's Anniversary and Las Posadas [17 Dec 2024]


Save Us Most Holy Theotokos View description ▼ God came unto His own and His own received Him not. Mary and Joseph spend these days in contemplation and expectation; what about the multitude? The vast majority of Catholics live the Christmas season in a pagan way. We are too busy in worldly affairs; Mary and Joseph were totally focused on Christ. If we reflect and focus on Jesus, with a sincere and holy disposition, He sanctifies us. In giving us His Mother, He is imprinting upon our souls love of Him after the example of the Heart of Mary. December 22, 2024 by Fr. Michael Rodríguez
Christmas Petitions View description ▼ This Christmas Season, make the same petitions as the saints. Thus will you better understand what it means to truly love Jesus. St. Alphonsus repeatedly prayed to obey God alone, to seek to please God alone, and to desire God more and more (even while others crave worldly goods and fortunes). May God dispose of me and my affairs as He wills. St. Louis de Montfort constantly prayed for the grace to imitate the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It was her heart which hastened the Incarnation, bringing the True Light to men. Reflect upon the fact that Christmas is a great feast of the Heart of Mary. December 25, 2024 by Fr. Michael Rodríguez
The Two Hearts View description ▼ God has so intimately joined the Sacred and the Immaculate Hearts that it is impossible to separate them. These two devotions are linked by many parallels. For example, salvation is the central them of both. They focus our attention on hell, Purgatory and Heaven. They both request reparation and call for a consecration. When God commands, man is obligated to obey. If we do not, we suffer pestilence, war and other punishments. Like a good Father, God allows these, not to destroy, us but to turn us back to Him. Today we stand on the brink of a world war. Our society is polarized and threatened by civil war. Do not be discouraged or frightened. God's power is made perfect in our weakness (cf. 2 Cor 12:9). But we should pray like we have never prayed before! Only Our Lady of the Rosary can help us. Her Immaculate Heart will show us the way to the Sacred Heart. November 24, 2024 by Fr. Linus Clovis

For sermons posted in 2024, see Most Current Sermons under the audio tab in home menu.


Virginity a Precious Christmas Gift View description ▼
The prophecy of Isaias 66:7 makes sense in light of the prophecy in 7:14: A virgin will concieve [without the agency of man] and give birth to a son [while retaining her virginity]. This is a deep miraculous sign and history will never see its equal. Mary's perpetual and physical virginity - before, during and after the Birth - is infallibly defined. One who does not believe it is anathematized. Error abounds when this truth is denied or doubted. The value of virginity has been lost in our world. Yet God created the world virginally. Virginity is noble and precious. It is loved by God. Virginity is a great gift.
Christian Remember Your Dignity View description ▼ Christmas is such a wondrous feast that it demands great celebration. God became man that we might share in His divine nature; that man might be like God! St. Francis originated the tradition of the nativity scene so all would see the love, humility, and poverty of our good God. Yet so many live this blessed season in undignified manners, as if they were no more than material beasts. Today, the war on Christmas is even openly demonic. Oppose this blasphemy, remember your Christian dignity, and act in a godly way.


Fatima and The Latin Mass

Learn the Fatima Essentials (Audio Only)

Know Live and Share the Fatima Message
Learn, Live and Share the Message of Fatima View description ▼ Our world stands on a knife’s edge,
 Fatima is a heavenly Message of the greatest urgency 
which all must obey; it is not optional. It is the only solution for the crisis in our Church and the world. It is never too late to have recourse to Jesus and Mary. This conference provides an overview of the Fatima essentials,
 briefly covering the event and message,
 the controversial topics,
 and how we must respond today. Notes are available HERE.


Conference Talk

Communism, The Third Secret, and the Crisis in the Church
by David Rodríguez at LifeSite's Rome Life Forum in Kansas City (17 Oct 2024)

Fr. Michael Rodríguez

How to Pray the Rosary More Fruitfully
by Fr. Michael Rodríguez
The Epiphany Blessing
by Fr. Michael Rodríguez

Scripture and Tradition

Medieval mystery in the 7 Great 'O Antiphons'
by Fr. James Mawdsley
What was the Final Solution
by Fr. James Mawdsley

On Communism - An 'Error of Russia'

Did God Allow Communism to Happen
David Rodríguez interviews Monique Krawecki of The Fatima Center
3 Ways Communism has Infiltrated the Church
David Rodríguez interviews Matt Gaspers, former Editor of CFN

Reasons for the Traditional Latin Mass


How I Left the New Mass and Found Tradition
by Fr. Michael Rodríguez


TLM: Refuge in a Time of Crisis
by David Rodríguez

Monthly Litany

[January] The Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus  - Pray this litany with Fr. Rodriguez. For an audio-only version of this litany, click HERE. Text can be downloaded HERE.

Maranatha - Come Lord Jesus

From the sermon given on Gaudete Sunday in 2014

Almighty and ever-living God, let all the assembly of Christ’s faithful ones laud the graces that are near, and sing their highest praises to Thee, our Creator. When Thy only-begotten Son, through Whom Thou created this world, redeemed us, He fulfilled the promises which Thy prophets spoke in the ages past.

The Word, having come down from Heaven, and shown Himself to men, took away the punishment due to our sins; and assuming our nature, though but dust, He vanquished the prince of death. Born of a Mother in time, but begotten eternally from Thee, Father, in the two substances there is but one Person, that is the Person of the Word. God made man has come into this world, that our old man being changed into the new, we may put on new beauty by being regenerated in the new-born God.

Let this coming of Jesus our Savior be celebrated with devout solemnity by all, and may this divine Nativity bring light, strength, conversion, and sanctification to Holy Mother Church, especially to the Pope, the cardinals, the bishops, and all priests.

May our devout celebration of the coming of Jesus our Savior in the flesh give us confidence as we look to the day when His Second Coming shall burst upon the world and fill it with fear and judgment.

To God the Father, and to His only Son, and to the Holy Ghost, be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Restoring the beauty, majesty, and truth of our traditional Catholic Faith all over the world.