Most Recent Sermons

Grant Us An Increase of Religion View description ▼ The Mass' Collect Prayer is a solemn petition on the part of the Universal Church. Today we ask God, "Graft in our hearts love for Thy Name and grant us an increase of religion." Religion is the highest moral virtue; by it we render to God the worship and honor due to God. This virtue necessitates being convinced of God's greatness and our own nothingness. It calls us to overcome our self-love and pride, both great obstacles which prevent us from loving God. At Mass, make a special effort to consider the Sacred Heart. "O Jesus, take my heart and change it; purify it, to render it worthy of Thee." June 30, 2024 by Fr. Michael Rodríguez
Take My Heart and Change It View description ▼ Most Catholics never learn what it truly means to participate at Mass or having a true conversion of heart. The Sacred Heart is instrumental in these matters. He manifests His love to us especially from the crib in Bethlehem, the Cross on Calvary, and the Holy Eucharist in every church. Yet this Heart which loves without limit is not loved in return. At Mass, look to share the sentiments of the Sacred Heart. Pray for the grace to change your heart! June 23, 2024 by Fr. Michael Rodríguez
Participate at Mass with Faith View description ▼ Man's chief duty is to participate in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. it is not enough for one to simply be present. How many times are we distracted and daydreaming? Rather we must assist with earnestness and concentration, uniting ourselves with Christ the High Priest. Note, what is most essential to our participation is not perceptible to our senses. Rather, it is of the Faith. If the majority of us don't participate well, then what will happen to our families and our Church? "Eternal Father, permit to offer Thee the Heart of my Savior Jesus Christ." June 16, 2024 by Fr. Michael Rodríguez
Let Fear Not Rule the World View description ▼ Christ is King, not the globalists. The world lies to us and perverts the fight for freedom. Anti-semitism laws, built upon exaggerated atrocities, are designed to prevent the truth from being known. So are all our good and simple works for nothing? No because the charity of God and true worship of God can never be perverted or defeated. May 5, 2024 by Fr. James Mawdsley

For sermons posted in 2024, see Most Current Sermons under the audio tab in home menu.

News and Updates

Conference in Buffalo, New York
August 16 - 18, 2024

Talks are targeted to help young people learn the foundations of the Catholic Faith and the Message of Fatima. However, everyone is invited to this conference. Effectively handing on the Faith to the next generation must concern us all.

Topics addressed include rebutting society’s anti-Catholic bias, using social media in a healthy manner, resisting sins of the flesh, healing from pornography, discerning God's will, finding a good spouse, building a strong Catholic family, developing a deep interior life, living the Message of Fatima, learning how to share the Faith, appreciating good music, and much more.

Speakers include; Fr. Michael Rodriguez, Fr. Karl Stehlin, John Henry Westen, Kevin Roerty, David Rodríguez and more!

Sermon Flashback

Blest Are They Who Walk in the Name of the Lord
by Fr. Michael Rodríguez
2010.06.25 - [Audio Only]

Special Report

Marian Devotion is Essential to Salvation
with David Rodríguez

Conference Talk

Resist the devil and he Will Flee
with Fr. Mawdsley
2024.06.17 - [Podcast]

Special Report

Why Does the Papacy Exist
by Fr. Michael Rodríguez
2024.06.12 - [Podcast]


The ‘Summa’ of Our Lady’s Message to Mankind
by David Rodriguez

Monthly Litany

[July] Litany to the Most Precious Blood - Pray this litany with Fr. Rodriguez. For an audio-only version of this litany, click HERE. Text can be downloaded HERE.

Learn the Fatima Essentials (Audio Only):

Know Live and Share the Fatima Message
Learn, Live and Share the Message of Fatima View description ▼ Our world stands on a knife’s edge,
 Fatima is a heavenly Message of the greatest urgency 
which all must obey; it is not optional. It is the only solution for the crisis in our Church and the world. It is never too late to have recourse to Jesus and Mary. This conference provides an overview of the Fatima essentials,
 briefly covering the event and message,
 the controversial topics,
 and how we must respond today. Notes are available HERE.

View our most popular video:

Prayers to the Holy Ghost

From the sermon Practice True Devotion to the Holy Ghost (May 19, 2024 - Pentecost Sunday).

O Holy Ghost, Who guidest and governest the Church of Christ in all truth, illuminating its Doctors, strengthening its Martyrs, and perfecting its Saints; Thou Bond of mystical union between Christ our head and us His members; between the Church above and the Church here below; have mercy on us and keep us in the unity of the Faith. Amen.

O Spirit of Light, Love and Life, be with us every day and every hour of our life. Illumine, vitalize, enkindle us. Lift up our hearts; keep in strength and honor the body which Thou hast chosen for Thy temple; grant us integrity of purpose; cleanse us of inordinate self-love and of self-deceit. Reveal to us the beauty of holiness; speak to us above the voices of the world and give us grace to hear Thee, Who together with the Father and the Son art one God, for all eternity. Amen.

Come, O Holy Ghost, Thou blessed Paraclete, thou most merciful Comforter! Come, Thou Purifier of sins, Thou Upholder of the falling, Thou Teacher of the deceived, Thou Guide of the erring, Thou Friend of the friendless, Hope of the despairing, Consoler of the sorrowful, Physician of the sick; come, Thou Glory of the living and Salvation of the dying! Come, and have pity on us and on all who have recommended themselves to our prayers or stand in need of special aid from on high. Lead us all safely through this valley of tears to the city of God, our heavenly home. Amen.

A SPIRITUAL COMMUNION: My Jesus, I firmly believe that Thou art present – Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity – in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief. Lord, increase my faith. I love Thee above all things and desire Thee in my soul. Yet my love is weak and inconstant, strengthen my love for Thee evermore. Since I cannot now receive Thee under the sacramental veil, I beseech Thee, with a heart full of love and longing, to come spiritually into my soul. As though Thou were already there, I embrace Thee and unite myself wholly to Thee; permit not that I should ever be separated from Thee; Thou in me and I in Thee, in time and in eternity, in Mary and Her Immaculate Heart. Amen.

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