The Popes Against Modern Errors

The Popes Against Modern Errors


An in-depth study of papal encyclicals presenting perennial Catholic teaching on ‘controversial’ topics given by Mr. David Rodríguez, M. Th.

– Choose a format: MP3 download [$45] or CD set of 30 discs [$60]


PRODUCT INCLUDES: 222 mp3 audio files, 24 pdf files: prayers, slide notes, papal writings

DESCRIPTION: For over two centuries, the Popes consistently and courageously used their holy office to dispel the modern heresies which plagued our world. On account of their consistency with Tradition and papal insistence spanning several centuries, these teachings do form part of the ordinary and universal magisterium. Yet the warnings issued by these Vicars of Christ have gone unheeded, even up until today. The same errors they refuted (the ‘spirit of diabolical revolution’) have seemingly triumphed in every corner of society. Thus, their wise and prophetic words are even more pertinent for us NOW; for in them God has already granted us the antidote against the grave evils afflicting our days.

This was a year long course in which the faithful studied over 13 papal encyclicals (from 1830-1950) and numerous "hot" topics, such as Infallibility, Ecumenism, Social Justice, Democracy, Capitalism, Religious Indifferentism, and Modernism, the synthesis of all heresies. It is impossible to understand the current crisis or its solution without the providential teachings which God gave us through these Sovereign Pontiffs. Catholics who desire to remain faithful to God and the perennial teaching of Holy Mother Church, especially in these times of confusing times, must know these papal teachings.

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