Fr. Rodríguez mentioned these prayers in his sermon 'The Fourth Sorrow of Our Lady' given on September 10, 2023

Eternal Father, I unite myself with the intentions and affections of Our Lady of Sorrows on Calvary and I offer Thee the sacrifice which Thy beloved Son, Jesus, made of Himself on the Cross and now renews on this altar: to adore Thee and give Thee the honor which is due to Thee; to thank Thee for the innumerable benefits received; to appease Thy justice irritated against us by so many sins and to make satisfaction for them; to implore grace and mercy for myself, for all afflicted and sorrowing, for poor sinners, for all the world, and for the holy souls in Purgatory.

O Mary, offer to Jesus all the adoration, thanksgiving and reparation which thy holy Mother's heart made before Him in His passion. Let the fervor of thy acts of faith and love supply before God for the coldness of mine.

Holy Mary, Mother of Sorrows, obtain for me, by the merits of thy indescribable pain and suffering in the passion of thy Son, a perpetual remembrance of our blessed Savior's cross and death, and a true and tender devotion to all the mysteries of His most holy Passion, and the grace to carry my cross after thy example.