Sacred Heart of Jesus

Absolute Sovereignty of the Sacred Heart


What Jesus desires above all is our hearts and He wants to reign and rule in our hearts through His love. The Sacred Heart has a very special love for sinners and a great desire for their conversion. We must promote the kingly and social aspects of His reign. Civil society has to be organized according to Catholic principles. The state has the responsibility to safeguard God's law and make sure it is obeyed by all. Yet Christ's Heart, love, and reign are almost universally scorned, despised and rejected. Incredibly enough, this is also true within the Catholic Church. Do the [...]

Absolute Sovereignty of the Sacred Heart2022-09-18T06:37:36-04:00

Roe vs Wade is Dead


What an extraordinary 'miracle' on the Feast of the Sacred Heart and the Nativity of John the Baptist. These feasts teach us many pertinent lessons. There never was a right to murder the unborn. This 'constitutional right' has been forever eliminated. Truth is on the side of life. Now the real battle begins, in the political area and to win minds and hearts. We must cry out in condemnation of the culture of death and the demons behind it: 'Non licet!' Now is our time to act.

Roe vs Wade is Dead2022-07-22T17:39:03-04:00

Triple Devotion of the Sacred Heart


The Sacred Heart is the symbol of Jesus' infinite love for us poor sinners. Our devotion to the Sacred Heart compsies (1) love, (2) reparation, and (3) imitation. We must seek to never displease Him by sin and always seek to conform our will to His. He told Sr. Margarer Mary that His outraged love desires reparation, so strive to repair offenses with opposing honors. Finally, we should emulate His virtues, such as meekness, humility and patience.

Triple Devotion of the Sacred Heart2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

From Visible Signs to Sublime Mysteries


An extremely important aspect of the Holy Ghost's mission is that He teaches all truth. He helps us truly know who Christ is and to truly love Him. The most important way He does this is through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. We are to use the visible signs at Mass to grow in our Faith in the invisible mysteries. If we remain only at the level of the visible, at what we understand with our human reason, then we are missing the most important things at Mass! Sadly, all the changes introduced into the Mass after Vatican Two have [...]

From Visible Signs to Sublime Mysteries2019-08-05T05:41:31-04:00

You Draw Out What You Put In


St. John of the Cross exclaims: “Where there is no love, put love and you will draw out love.” This is a simple way to understand the Sacred Heart. God looked upon the world and found it forsaken, without true and authentic love. Thus, Divine Charity, the Holy Ghost came down and formed the Sacred Heart in the womb of the Blessed Virgin. Yet this statement applies to many other things: Where there is no [anger, suspicion, immodesty, irreverence, etc.], put it in - and you will draw it out! Too often we act like the proverbial Trojan horse, claiming to [...]

You Draw Out What You Put In2019-07-06T05:44:12-04:00
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