57 Precious Blood

Precious Blood of Jesus


From the sermon Seven Petitions to the Precious Blood (Tenth Sunday after Pentecost) Precious Blood of Jesus, shed at the circumcision, make me chaste of mind, heart and body. Precious Blood of Jesus, shed in the agony of the garden, grant me to love above all things the holy and adorable will of God. Precious Blood of Jesus, shed in the scourging at the pillar, inspire me with a keen sorrow for my sins and a love of suffering. Precious Blood of Jesus, shed in the crowning with thorns, grant me a love of humiliations. Precious Blood of Jesus, shed in [...]

Precious Blood of Jesus2024-09-12T07:23:43-04:00

Holy Mass and the Precious Blood


Devotion to the Precious Blood should be a great help in participating well at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Both of these ought to be very dear to the Catholic heart. Truly believe that Jesus sheds His Precious Blood for you at Mass! Then unite yourself to this Sacrifice of Christ and invoke His Precious Blood.

Holy Mass and the Precious Blood2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Of Masks and Blood


'I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery'. Sadly, many will even surrender fundamental liberties to obtain a perceived level of security. Unfortunately, it is usually only an illusion as man relinquishes his God-given rights. Today we have entered into an Orwellian society. We have double-speak and double-think. Policies are arbitrary and reversed on a dime. Authorities expand their reach into our lives. With the Church, let us then turn our attention to the Precious Blood our Lord shed for us. The shedding of blood always has to be avenged, as we learn from the Old Testament. And without the shedding of blood [...]

Of Masks and Blood2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Which Blood Shall be Shed


Ours is a culture of death because so many seek to solve 'problems' by resorting to violence and death. Revolutionaries seek to inflame anger; thereby increasing violence and killing. This makes us liable to much judgment (the wrath of God) and deserving of chastisement. Expect more of the same as long as the causes of anger in man's heart remain far from being resolved. In humility, we should admit that we too are infected, to some degree, by revolutionary anger. And all these problems are not unrelated to the Holy Mass, to its power and purpose. For if we do not bring our [...]

Which Blood Shall be Shed2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Mysteries of the Precious Blood at Holy Mass


At Holy Mass, the minds of the faithful are to be raised to the contemplation of the most sublime mysteries which are hidden in this Sacrifice. They are veiled to our physical senses and to our human reason. Yet this contemplation is the most important way by which we participate in Holy Mass. Three marvelous mysteries concerning the Precious Blood hidden in Mass are: [1] The shedding of Christ’s Blood is renewed at Holy Mass. [2] The Precious Blood is sprinkled upon those who are present and poured out upon their souls. [3] The Precious Blood intercedes for us and calls [...]

Mysteries of the Precious Blood at Holy Mass2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Shedding of Christ’s Blood


Devotion to the Precious Blood is devotion to Jesus Christ who has redeemed us; to His sacred passion, death and five holy wounds. This is a central aspect of the mystery of Christ, essential to our knowing and loving Him. The shedding of our Savior’s Precious Blood [1] washes away our sins, [2] reconciles us to God, and [3] makes us holy. It provides abundant grace to help us hate sin and fight against sin with all our strength. Thou hast redeemed us O Lord in Thy Blood. The mercies of the Lord I will sing forever.

Shedding of Christ’s Blood2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Despair Patience Blood


Many are expressing frustration at the state of affairs in the Church and the world; the problems seem institutionalized and intractable. It is as if the devil is taunting us: “Give up! These problems can't be fixed. I own this world." In response we must turn to the One Who shed His Blood, for it is His Precious Blood which conquers evil and can bring about all healing. Thus, we must remain utterly confident, full of faith and patience, in this dark night. DO NOT DESPAIR! You may think there are problems stemming from sin in your life, and those around [...]

Despair Patience Blood2020-01-07T06:30:09-05:00

From Visible Signs to Sublime Mysteries


An extremely important aspect of the Holy Ghost's mission is that He teaches all truth. He helps us truly know who Christ is and to truly love Him. The most important way He does this is through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. We are to use the visible signs at Mass to grow in our Faith in the invisible mysteries. If we remain only at the level of the visible, at what we understand with our human reason, then we are missing the most important things at Mass! Sadly, all the changes introduced into the Mass after Vatican Two have [...]

From Visible Signs to Sublime Mysteries2019-08-05T05:41:31-04:00

Precious Blood Truly Present and Shed Now


The Church dedicates the month of July to the Precious Blood so that we will grown in our devotion and love for It, and pray for all the many graces that It brings. It is the special office of the Blood of our Savior "to plead" - to plead to the Father for grace, mercy, and the forgiveness of sinners. Salvation is only through the Precious Blood, for there is no washing of sin except in our Redeemer's Precious Blood. Unlimited it its power! This Blood merits all good things for every single soul, including the magnificent graces of high sanctity. [...]

Precious Blood Truly Present and Shed Now2019-07-27T12:30:55-04:00
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