Liturgical Year

Humility of Intellect and of Will


St. Francis is the first recorded instance of the stigmata. Suffering with Christ –the Cross!– is central to our faith. The Cross is the source of all blessings, the cause of all grace, and the only path to Heaven. Carrying our cross well is what it means to be Catholic. Yet pride leads us to reject the cross. So we must grow in humility. Humility of intellect (an honest acknowledgement of our total dependence on God and of our real incapability of doing anything good without His assistance) makes us faithful to prayer. Humility of will (the readiness of the heart [...]

Humility of Intellect and of Will2023-11-07T09:45:37-05:00

St Teresa and Mental Prayer


Church tradition honors St. Teresa of Avila as the virgo seraphica, doctrix mystica, and reformer of the Carmelite Order. Her life was marked by such miracles as a 'resurrection' and the transverbration. She can teach us much about mental prayer, including overcoming failures. Prayer is essential for salvation and meditation is necessary for growth in virtue. Mental prayer is nothing else than an intimate friendship, a frequent heart to heart conversation, with God. [This sermon includes a brief, yet excellent, explanation of how to do mental prayer.]

St Teresa and Mental Prayer2023-10-30T22:50:57-04:00

Divine Maternity of Mary


The central mystery of Our Lady's life –from which all her mysteries, privileges and perfection flow– is her Divine Motherhood. It is the reason God graced her as immaculately conceived, sinless, and perpetual virgin. Her assumption into Heaven and crowning as Queen are likewise rooted therein. It is also why she is Mediatrix of all Graces and our Spiritual Mother. In fact, all of Our Lady's apparitions manifest both her divine maternity and her spiritual motherhood of all the faithful.

Divine Maternity of Mary2023-10-29T12:12:33-04:00

Our Lady’s Eternal Thanksgiving and Greatest Sorrow


The Blessed Virgin Mary united herself to her Son's Sacrifice in an all together unique way. Her participation in His Passion and Death was so profound, that she truly merited the title of Co-Redemptrix. Her thoughts and actions, as detailed in the Mystical City of God, provide an ideal model for how we are called to truly participate at Mass.

Our Lady’s Eternal Thanksgiving and Greatest Sorrow2023-10-30T22:51:28-04:00

Tower of Faith and of Truth


There is a terrible crisis afflicting the Church. It revolves about unimaginable loss of faith. And the depth of the crisis is accelerating. Simply consider how Catholics today view Mass and Marriage. Or how Catholics are asking, "What if the Church changes this or that teaching?" Take time to examine your own deficiencies in the faith. Pray the Rosary well, for it is a tower of salvation against the assaults of the devil. Never abandon the holy Rosary!

Tower of Faith and of Truth2023-10-24T14:05:57-04:00

Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart of Mary


Devotion to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart means to know and imitate her love and perfect charity: [1] her love for God, [2] for Jesus Christ, [3] and her maternal love for us, her spiritual children. These three loves lead us to reflect upon three stages of her life: [1] annunciation / incarnation; [2] passion and death of her Son; [3]  Mediatrix and Queen in Heaven. Truly, her heart is sorrowful. The fact that she willingly suffers so much is one of the greatest signs of the immensity of her love. And by her suffering she gives us a perfect example of [...]

Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart of Mary2023-10-24T14:08:33-04:00

Can Dogma Change?


Five cardinals sent dubias to the Vatican. Francis' answers increase doubt and raise greater concerns. Much is being said at the synodabout the theory of the 'development of doctrine.' Modernists are using this notion, first expounded by St. Vincent of Lerins, to undermine the Church. We must understand it correctly and not fall into their snares of deceit. Our understanding of a doctrine may deepen, but the meaning can never change to something contrary. Authentic development establishes identity with the past, not difference. It make us more, not less, Catholic. A reversal in doctrine is a clear sign of heresy. The [...]

Can Dogma Change?2023-10-24T14:12:25-04:00

Synod Follows Path of Devils not of Angels


October is a month dedicated to the Rosary and holy angels. The angels reflect God's glory as images of His perfections. Consider what St. Michael defends and promotes: the glory of God; the Church; the Blessed Virgin Mary; the Holy Eucharist; the Pope; and true doctrine and true worship. St. Michael fights against the enemies of God who seek to undermine, change and destroy the holy things of God. Lucifer attempted it before creation. Today, we see Francis and his synod undermining the Deposit of Faith (foundational truths revealed by God and necessary for our salvation). We are in the midst [...]

Synod Follows Path of Devils not of Angels2023-10-10T07:31:04-04:00

Is it Catholic to Support Illegal Immigration?


We are witnessing a Great Replacement via mass immigration. This is not a conspiracy theory merely a factual observation. A mass population influx can destabilize a country similar to a military invasion. Nations in Europe and North America are experiencing such tremendous ethnic and civilizational substitution that one wonders if traditional Western cultures will be lost. Mass migration is a new form of slavery, hurting the immigrant and inflicting terrible damage on his homeland. Thomas Aquinas and our Popes have provided sound teaching regarding immigration but few Catholics know it. It is part of the Natural Law that we love and [...]

Is it Catholic to Support Illegal Immigration?2023-10-07T20:21:03-04:00

Why Our Lady Weeps


The sorrows of the Mother of God give insight into every aspect of our faith. Her sorrows are not just something of the past but also of the present. She wept at LaSalette because God's holy law was being profaned. Consider how she must be weeping today as Francis and his synod seeks to undermine the Church and destroy the holiest things of God. This synod is the work of the devil. Now a bishop who defends the truth is persecuted by the Vatican. Pray to share in the sentiments of Our Lady's Immaculate Heart. Offer your Rosary as reparation in [...]

Why Our Lady Weeps2023-10-13T09:32:04-04:00
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