From a sermon given on the Third Sunday after Epiphany (January 21, 2024)

O Divine Infant, dearest Jesus, after the wonders of Thy birth in Bethlehem, Thou didst wish to extend Thy infinite mercy to the whole world. Thou didst call the three Magi, by heavenly inspiration, to Thy crib; Thou didst graciously receive those holy men who were obedient to the divine call and who hastened to Thy feet. They recognized and worshipped Thee as sovereign King, the Redeemer of mankind, and the one true God.
Show us also Thy goodness and almighty power. Enlighten our minds, strengthen our wills, and inflame our hearts to know Thee, to serve Thee, and to love Thee; grant us the grace of adoring Thee with Thy holy angels and saints in this life, that we may possess Thee eternally with Mary and Joseph in the life to come. Amen.

O Holy Three Kings, Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar! who offered to Jesus Christ gold, frankincense, and myrrh, thereby recognizing Him to be at once King, God, and Man, obtain for us from Our Lord the grace to continually offer Him the gold of our charity, the incense of our prayer, and the myrrh of our mortification.
O Holy Three Kings! who, when warned by an angel not to return to Herod, traveled back to your country by another road, obtain for us from Our Lord the grace to avoid the paths of heresy, false religions, sin, and every vice.
O Holy Three Kings! who were the first among the Gentiles called to the knowledge of Jesus Christ, and who persevered in the True Faith until your death, obtain for us from Our Lord the grace of living always in conformity to our baptismal promises and leading ever a life of faith.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, bless us and grant us the grace of loving Holy Mother Church, and of ever showing forth our love by the witness of our deeds.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, bless us and grant us the grace of professing courageously the Faith that we received through Thy gift in holy Baptism.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, bless us and grant us the grace of sharing in the defense and propagation of the Faith, whether by word or by the sacrifice of our fortunes and our lives.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, bless us and grant us the grace of loving one another in mutual charity, and establish us in perfect harmony of thought, will and action, under the rule and guidance of our holy pastors.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, bless us and grant us the grace of conforming our lives fully to the commandments of God’s law and that of His holy Church, so as to live always in that charity which they set forth. Amen.