18 Epiphany 3rd Sunday

The Devil at Work in the Church


Breaking with all Tradition, Scripture, Natural Law, and God's Authority, Francis has allowed the "blessing" of couples engaged in unnatural vice. This confusion is dividing the Church and shaking the faith of many. It is a terrible abuse. Two great problems we suffer under today are the abuse by fathers - including spiritual fathers - and a misunderstanding of marriage. Yet it is not hard for us to know the truth. We simply rely on what the Church has always and everywhere taught to all (universality, antiquity and consensus). As the Church endures this terrible passion, remain close to Our Blessed [...]

The Devil at Work in the Church2024-08-28T19:56:11-04:00

Leper and Centurion


Given how Our Lord delivered the Sermon on the Mount, He was asserting His divinity. His miracles provide abundant proof. Our Lord's healing of physical leprosy points to spiritual truth. Leprosy not only caused physical and psychological suffering, but inflicted social and religious pain. The centurion's faith prompts Our Lord to utter a wonderful prophecy and a chilling warning (it is the first of many times that Jesus speaks of hell). The Leper and Centurion share similarities and teach valuable lessons. God wills to make us whole. Christ speaks and His word is fulfilled. Both Jew and Gentile are brought into [...]

Leper and Centurion2024-08-13T10:03:20-04:00

Martyrs of Christmastide


At the center of Christmas we see Jesus willing to take on a human nature so that we may be conformed to His likeness. Another "epiphany" is the Divine Child revealing Himself by shedding His Precious Blood and giving us the grace to live and die for Him. As Christ's disciples, we are called to believe in Him and to be faithful to His teaching (which is the teaching of the Church). Every single martyr gave his blood for the truth; we must be willing to suffer for the truth. The Church honors many martyrs in this season: SS. Peter and [...]

Martyrs of Christmastide2024-02-04T09:05:02-05:00

Prayer to the Divine Infant, Three Kings and Holy Family


From a sermon given on the Third Sunday after Epiphany (January 21, 2024) O Divine Infant, dearest Jesus, after the wonders of Thy birth in Bethlehem, Thou didst wish to extend Thy infinite mercy to the whole world. Thou didst call the three Magi, by heavenly inspiration, to Thy crib; Thou didst graciously receive those holy men who were obedient to the divine call and who hastened to Thy feet. They recognized and worshipped Thee as sovereign King, the Redeemer of mankind, and the one true God. Show us also Thy goodness and almighty power. Enlighten our minds, strengthen our wills, and inflame our hearts to know Thee, to [...]

Prayer to the Divine Infant, Three Kings and Holy Family2024-01-22T16:24:52-05:00

The Divine Child as Teacher


The Magi saw the Christ Child carrying His cross in the light of the star. The manger is Jesus' cathedra (teaching chair of authority) from which He confounds the spirit of the world. Christ teaches us by the very mysteries He chose to live in His infancy. He teaches us to overcome our inordinate inclinations (concupiscence). These Mysteries testify to His love and desire to save us.

The Divine Child as Teacher2023-02-05T11:24:38-05:00

Anarchy and Tyranny in Church and State


Those in power are employing a purposeful strategy of oppression to strengthen their authority. Oppressive government power is used against the law abiding. Yet a grotesque paralysis sets in when that same power should carry out the most basic duties. They use disorder to terrorize opponents and protect chaos to crush resistance. The Catholic faithful are also suffering terribly under the anarchy-tyranny of shepherds who are leading the sheep to slaughter.  

Anarchy and Tyranny in Church and State2023-01-29T21:10:29-05:00

Mysteries of His Sacred Infancy


Devotion to the Child Jesus means devotion to the Mystery of the Incarnation. Meditate on the mysteries of His sacred Infancy to grow in love for Him. These mysteries highlight His humility, poverty, obedience and love. In particular, consider that He purposefully chose each of these events to begin His saving mission on earth. To love Him you must strive to imitate Him. For example, every one of us can be more detached from the world; by this we imitate His poverty.

Mysteries of His Sacred Infancy2022-02-07T09:49:04-05:00

St Sebastian and the Purge


St Sebastian joined the Roman army to assist Christians being persecuted by pagan officials. Yet he so distinguished himself by excellent service to the empire that he became commander of the emperor's personal praetorian guard. He survived one execution, rebuked the most powerful man in the world, and suffered a 'second martyrdom.' We have experienced many disappointments this past year and are filled with concerns. I encourage you to fight for the faith and endure whatever trials may come your way. Be alert! A great purge is in progress. Nevertheless, like St. Sebastian we can live and work in this passing [...]

St Sebastian and the Purge2021-03-28T06:13:29-04:00

The Mission of Husband and Wife


Keep your Nativity Scene up until Feb 2 so as to continue looking upon the Holy Family - our exemplar model. Families should also strive to imitate the Three Kings, who offered gifts of love, prayer and mortification. By the command of Christ, marriage is meant to give rise to a people, fellow citizens with the saints in Heaven, who render fitting worship to the true God. Marriage is a sacrament and it symbolizes exalted mysteries, such as the union of Christ and His Church. Husband and wife must strive to subject themselves to God and hold their passions check. Chastity, [...]

The Mission of Husband and Wife2021-02-11T08:03:35-05:00

Do Not Despair


Do you ever ask God to end your life now, thinking it be better to die than live? As man is a social being, without proper support from fellow men, he loses the will to live. Despair and depression are terrible things to struggle through. Worse, the devil preys upon it. Even great personages from the Bible struggled with this, such as Job, Elias, Tobit and Sarah. Three major points of commonality they had: [1] Living in a time of God's wrath; [2] None gave up on God; and [3] Despair was trigged by a failure in human relations (barbed words).  These conditions are present today and [...]

Do Not Despair2020-03-07T19:22:15-05:00
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