Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Ye Seek Jesus of Nazareth


"Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, Who was crucified." On Easter morning, despite their fears, the holy women went to the tomb to seek Christ - because they loved Him! This is the vocation of every Christian: to constantly seek and love Him more. 'Going to the tomb' is a beautiful description of the Catholic Mass, for the altar mystically represents the tomb. So ask yourself, which is greater: fear you have or your love for Christ? St. Thomas' faith was enlivened by touching the Sacred Wounds, signs of Christ's passion. We must be willing to sacrifice and suffer in order to seek Christ and [...]

Ye Seek Jesus of Nazareth2020-04-14T07:42:37-04:00

Do We Believe Christ is King


As Catholics, we affirm the Kingship of Jesus Christ. We also commemorate His passion and death. And these two go together, as we so clearly see in the Mass of Palm Sunday. Now to affirm Christ as King, we must be united to His Passion. This is why so many souls do not truly acknowledge His Kingship, because they are unwilling to follow Him in His passion and death. Yet we beleive 'Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Christ commands.'   This has many implications. Let us consider some especially relevant right now. Does our reaction to the threat of COVID-19 reflect our firm belief that Christ [...]

Do We Believe Christ is King2020-04-07T05:53:23-04:00

What Can Be More Important than Jesus


Stay at home directives are being issued everywhere. Only 'essential services' are being permitted. But are any of these activities as important as the worship of God or imploring His mercy in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass? If our present times are in fact particularly dangerous, can anything be of greater help than Jesus Himself? Let us invoke the intercession of the saints in their litany.

What Can Be More Important than Jesus2020-03-28T04:36:06-04:00

Fix Your Heart on the World to Come


Three signs given to us by God which urge us to fix our minds and hearts on the world to come are [1] This month of November, [2] Today's Holy Gospel on the Coming of Christ at the Last Judgment, and [3] The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. So many of the changes made to the Mass have contributed, directly and indirectly, to the Catholic Faithful no longer fixing their attention on the life hereafter, but rather on things of this world which are passing away. At Holy Mass, Heaven comes down to earth and we are raised up to Heaven. [...]

Fix Your Heart on the World to Come2019-11-28T06:59:58-05:00

From Visible Signs to Sublime Mysteries


An extremely important aspect of the Holy Ghost's mission is that He teaches all truth. He helps us truly know who Christ is and to truly love Him. The most important way He does this is through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. We are to use the visible signs at Mass to grow in our Faith in the invisible mysteries. If we remain only at the level of the visible, at what we understand with our human reason, then we are missing the most important things at Mass! Sadly, all the changes introduced into the Mass after Vatican Two have [...]

From Visible Signs to Sublime Mysteries2019-08-05T05:41:31-04:00

Precious Blood Truly Present and Shed Now


The Church dedicates the month of July to the Precious Blood so that we will grown in our devotion and love for It, and pray for all the many graces that It brings. It is the special office of the Blood of our Savior "to plead" - to plead to the Father for grace, mercy, and the forgiveness of sinners. Salvation is only through the Precious Blood, for there is no washing of sin except in our Redeemer's Precious Blood. Unlimited it its power! This Blood merits all good things for every single soul, including the magnificent graces of high sanctity. [...]

Precious Blood Truly Present and Shed Now2019-07-27T12:30:55-04:00

Mass is About Believing not Understanding


If we hope to stand firm in the faith we must go to Jesus. At Holy Mass, Jesus Himself is calling us to believe in Him. In fact, the greatest grace helping us to stand firm in the faith is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Holy Eucharist. You see, Mass is about believing, not about understanding (don't fall for the false complaint: "I don't understand the Latin Mass"). What is most important at Mass are the sublime hidden realities of our Faith (which can't be seen or understood by human reason). At Mass, all the visible signs of [...]

Mass is About Believing not Understanding2019-07-12T08:11:08-04:00

Supreme Act of Christs Infinite Love


The Supreme act of Christ's infinite love is constantly renewed upon the altars of His Church. The Mass is the culmination and center of the Christian religion. It should thus be obvious that this has to be most stable (the rock of our Faith), for if it is radically changed, what will happen to the entire Catholic religion? At the Mass, we offer perfect adoration and thanksgiving to God (incredible!) and God's grace and mercy descends upon us. At Mass, the merits won by our Divine Redeemer are made available to us. Participating actively at Mass is the baptized's chief duty [...]

Supreme Act of Christs Infinite Love2019-05-20T07:13:19-04:00

Our Lady and the Mass


After Our Savior, no one ever suffered more or sacrificed more for the salvation of mankind than the Blessed Virgin Mary. Thus, no one desires more ardently than she to see the fruits of our Lord's Passion and Death applied to souls. This is indeed one of the central aspects of the Mass, whereby the glorious fruits of His Sacrifice are applied to individual souls. Meditate upon the profound connection between Mary and the Mass! It is even a pious belief that St. Peter offered the first (post-Ascension) Mass at Our Lady's request. The Mass gave us Mary and Mary gave [...]

Our Lady and the Mass2021-07-01T13:47:58-04:00

Passiontide and the Mass


Passiontide is upon us and and we enter the two holiest weeks of the year. At this time, Christ calls His Church, each and every member, to be focussed on His Passion. His Passion is the font of all grace and mercy, of all life and salvation; the means whereby He conquered death and opened the gates of Heaven. The statues are now veiled, calling us to mourn and meditate constantly on His Passion. The saints teach there is no exercise more profitable for the salvation of the soul and to advance in virtue and grace. We have many ways by [...]

Passiontide and the Mass2019-04-08T07:27:33-04:00
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