
About DVRodriguez

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So far DVRodriguez has created 126 blog entries.

Oh Buen Jesús


¡Oh  amabilísimo y dulcísimo Jesús, nuestro Dios, nuestro Salvador, y nuestro Padre! ¿Cómo podemos nosotros, miserables criaturas que somos, responder al amor que Tú has mostrado y que no cesas de mostrarnos? Que los serafines del cielo te den las gracias adecuadas en favor nuestro, y nunca cesen de alabarte repitiendo para siempre que mereces toda la gloria, todo el honor y todo el poder. ¡Oh dulce Salvador!, esperamos obtener, en virtud de tu glorioso nombre en nuestros labios y en nuestros corazones, la victoria sobre el mundo y la carne, y la salvación de nuestros cuerpos y almas. Te ofrecemos [...]

Oh Buen Jesús2021-01-27T05:39:18-05:00

Ven Espíritu Santo Creador


Ven, Creador Espíritu;visita nuestras almasy pues Tú las creaste,llénalas de tu gracia. ¡Oh don de Dios Altísimo!abogado Te llamas,fuego, amor, fuente viva,suave unción del alma. Tú, dedo de Dios Padre,siete dones regalas;Tú, de Dios fiel promesa,inspiras las palabras. Tú nuestro amor inflamay con tu fuerza animaa nuestra carne flaca. Ahuyena al enemigo,infúndenos tu calma,dirige nuestros pasosy nuestro mal aparta. Enséñanos al Padrey al Hijo nos declaray en Ti, de ambos Espíritucrea nuestra fe santa. A Dios Padre sea gloriay al Hijo que de los muertosresucitó y al Paráclitopor siglos sempiternos. Amén.

Ven Espíritu Santo Creador2021-01-27T05:20:55-05:00

O Bone Jesu


O very amiable and very sweet Jesus, our God, our Savior, our Father! how can we, miserable creatures that we are, respond to the love that Thou hast shown and that Thou dost not cease to show us?  May the seraphim of Heaven give to Thee for us suitable thanks, and never cease to praise Thee by forever repeating that Thou dost merit all glory, all honor, and all power.  O most sweet Savior, we hope to obtain, by virtue of Thy glorious Name in our hearts and on our lips, victory over the world and the flesh, and the salvation [...]

O Bone Jesu2021-01-27T05:39:42-05:00

Veni Creator Spiritus


Come, Holy Ghost, Creator, comefrom Thy bright heavenly throne;come, take possession of our souls,and make them all Thine own. Thou who art called the Paraclete,Best gift of God above,the living spring, the living fire,sweet unction and true love. Thou who art sevenfold in Thy grace,finger of God's right hand;His promise, teaching little onesto speak and understand. O guide our minds with Thy blessed light,with love our hearts inflame;and with Thy strength, which never decays,confirm our mortal frame. Far from us drive our deadly foe;true peace unto us bring;and through all perils lead us safebeneath Thy sacred wing. Through Thee may we [...]

Veni Creator Spiritus2021-01-25T08:06:47-05:00

O Bone Jesu


by St. Gertrude the Great O Eternal Father,I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son Jesus,in union with the Masses said throughout the world today,for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory,and for all sinners everywhere. Amen.

O Bone Jesu2024-10-28T12:35:33-04:00

Prayer to the Holy Ghost


by St. Alphonsus Liguori O Holy Ghost, divine Paraclete, Father of the poor, Consoler of the afflicted, Light of hearts, Sanctifier of souls!I adore Thee with the most profound submission, and I repeat a thousand times with the seraphs who are before Thy throne: “Holy, Holy, Holy!” I firmly believe that Thou art eternal, consubstantial with the Father and the Son. I hope that by Thy goodness Thou wilt sanctify and save my soul. I love Thee, O God of love! Thou art a divine Spirit, fortify me against evil spirits.Thou art a Fire, enkindle in me the fire of Thy love.Thou art a Light, enlighten [...]

Prayer to the Holy Ghost2020-11-14T12:59:14-05:00

Prayer to Obtain the Graces Necessary for Salvation


by St. Alphonsus Liguori Eternal Father, Thy Son has promised that Thou wilt grant us all the graces for which we ask Thee in His Name. In the Name, therefore, and by the merits of Jesus Christ, I ask the following graces for myself, my family, and for all mankind. First, I pray Thee to give me a lively faith in all that the holy Roman Church teaches me. Enlighten me also, that I may know the vanity of the goods of this world, and the immensity of the infinite good that Thou art. Make me also see the deformity of the sins [...]

Prayer to Obtain the Graces Necessary for Salvation2020-11-14T12:44:45-05:00

Three Kings Adore Christ Child


THE STORY OF THE THREE KINGS - PART II [Read Part I -- Read Part III] The three Kings journeyed to Jerusalem, each his own way with his own company. Yet as they neared the city, dark clouds covered the earth and they lost sight of the Star. In this event, the prophecy of Isaiah was fulfilled: "Arise, be enlightened, O Jerusalem: for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For behold darkness shall cover the earth, and a mist the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be [...]

Three Kings Adore Christ Child2020-11-02T14:16:29-05:00

The Star of Bethlehem


THE STORY OF THE THREE KINGS - PART I [Read Part II] Many of us are familiar with the fact that three gentile kings came to adore the Newborn King. They brought Him gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. We celebrate this feast each year on January 6, Epiphany. Their appearance in the Gospel is quite unexpected and their departure equally sudden. Who were they? What did they do before and after this great event of their lives? While such details are not contained in Sacred Scripture Tradition does record their lives, including the fact that they became great bishops and [...]

The Star of Bethlehem2020-11-09T13:54:56-05:00



St. Genevieve, Virgin and Defender of Paris, like a great precursor of St. Joan of Arc (422-512 AD) A SPECIAL CHILDSt. Genevieve was born in the small village of Nanterre, near Paris, about the year 422 A.D. Her parents were simple farmers who also tended sheep. She was but seven years when St. Germanus (Bishop of Auxerre) and St. Lupus passed through Nanterre on their way to England to defeat the Pelagian heresy growing there. St. Germanus preached to the people of Nanterre. Under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, the holy bishop took special note of little Genevieve. He sought [...]

ST. GENEVIEVE – Jan 32020-11-02T14:11:27-05:00
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