
About DVR Fatima

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So far DVR Fatima has created 42 blog entries.

A Prayer to the Holy Ghost


The Conclusion from the sermon Each of Us Is Wounded given on 28 May 2022 Come, O Holy Ghost! My heart is unclean, but Thou canst purify it. My heart is dark, but Thou canst illuminate it. My heart is wicked, but Thou canst penetrate it with love. My heart is sad, but Thou canst comfort it. My heart is weak, but Thou canst strengthen it. My heart is cold, but Thou canst inflame it. My heart clings to earth, but Thou canst fill it with heavenly desires. My heart is full of sin, but Thou canst adorn it with all virtues. My heart is inconstant [...]

A Prayer to the Holy Ghost2023-06-28T07:50:08-04:00

A Sacred Heart Prayer


From the sermon Absolute Sovereignty of the Sacred Heart given on 26 June 2022 O Most Holy Heart of Jesus, fountain of every blessing, I adore thee, I love thee, and with a lively sorrow for my sins, I offer Thee this poor heart of mine. Make me humble, patient, pure, and wholly obedient to Thy will . Grant Good Jesus, that I may live in Thee and for Thee, protect me in the midst of danger, comfort me in my afflictions, give me health in body, assistance in my temporal needs, Thy blessing in all that I do, and the [...]

A Sacred Heart Prayer2023-06-05T11:24:06-04:00
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