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So far DVR Fatima has created 42 blog entries.

O Immaculate Virgin Mary


From the Sermon 'Special Graces of the Immaculate Conception' given on December 8, 2019 O Immaculate Virgin Mary, conceived without sin! Thou wert miraculously preserved from even the shadow of sin, because thou wert destined to become not only the Mother of God, but also the mother, the refuge, and the advocate of man; penetrated therefore, with the most lively confidence in thy never-failing intercession, we most humbly implore thee to obtain for us that angelic purity which was thy favorite virtue, that purity of heart which will attach us to God alone, and that purity of intention which will consecrate [...]

O Immaculate Virgin Mary2023-12-16T17:17:45-05:00

Letanía Breve a Nuestra Señora de la Inmaculada Concepción


Santa María, ruega por nosotrosSanta Madre de Dios, ruega por nosotrosMadre completamente perfecta, ruega por nosotrosMadre nunca manchada por la menor imperfección, ruega por nosotrosMadre, superando toda integridad y virginidad, ruega por nosotros Santísima Virgen, inmaculada por predestinación, ruega por nosotrosSantísima Virgen, inmaculada en tu concepción, ruega por nosotrosSantísima Virgen, inmaculada después de tu concepción, ruega por nosotrosTorre inexpugnable ante el enemigo, ruega por nosotrosJardín cerrado por todos lados, ruega por nosotrosCiudad resplandeciente de Dios, ruega por nosotrosArca de la santidad, construida por la sabiduría eterna, ruega por nosotrosFuente siempre clara y sellada por el Espíritu Santo, ruega por nosotrosRosa siempre [...]

Letanía Breve a Nuestra Señora de la Inmaculada Concepción2023-12-07T12:11:01-05:00

Immaculate Conception Prayer


O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. Mary, mystic rose of purity, I rejoice with thee at the glorious triumph thou didst gain over the serpent by thy Immaculate Conception, in that thou wast conceived without original sin.  I thank and praise with my whole heart the ever blessed Trinity, Who granted thee that glorious privilege; and I pray thee to obtain for me courage to overcome every snare of the great enemy, and never to stain my soul with mortal sin.  Be thou always mine aid, and enable me with thy protection to obtain [...]

Immaculate Conception Prayer2023-12-07T10:25:08-05:00

Catholic Origins of Thanksgiving


Have you ever wondered why we eat turkey at Thanksgiving? Most Americans know the story about the Puritan Pilgrims who came aboard the Mayflower and landed at Plymouth in 1620. They nearly starved to death but were helped by the Wampanoag tribe. The next fall they held a food-filled autumn fest celebrating their friendship and thanking God – for their survival.It was quite natural for the pilgrims to hold such a celebration, as autumn harvest feasts had been celebrated in Europe since time immemorial. But have you ever wondered why a large fowl served as the centerpiece?Although the protestant Puritans had [...]

Catholic Origins of Thanksgiving2023-11-21T12:21:42-05:00

A Prayer for Studying the Faith and an Act of Consecration


From the Raccolta (Prayer 763) Under Thy patronage, dear Mother, and invokingthe mystery of Thine Immaculate Conception, Idesire to pursue my studies and my literary labors:I hereby solemnly declare that I am devotingmyself to these studies chiefly to the followingend: that I may the better contribute to the gloryof God and to the spread of Thy venerationamong men. I pray Thee, therefore, most lovingMother, who art the Seat of Wisdom, to bless mylabors in Thy loving kindness. Moreover, Ipromise with true affection and a willing spirit, asit is right that I should do, to ascribe all the goodthat shall accrue to [...]

A Prayer for Studying the Faith and an Act of Consecration2025-02-02T11:14:38-05:00

Prayers to Our Lady of Sorrows to Better Participate at Mass


Fr. Rodríguez mentioned these prayers in his sermon 'The Fourth Sorrow of Our Lady' given on September 10, 2023 Eternal Father, I unite myself with the intentions and affections of Our Lady of Sorrows on Calvary and I offer Thee the sacrifice which Thy beloved Son, Jesus, made of Himself on the Cross and now renews on this altar: to adore Thee and give Thee the honor which is due to Thee; to thank Thee for the innumerable benefits received; to appease Thy justice irritated against us by so many sins and to make satisfaction for them; to implore grace and [...]

Prayers to Our Lady of Sorrows to Better Participate at Mass2023-11-07T09:10:47-05:00

An Indulgenced Prayer to the Queen of the Holy Rosary


A prayer from The Blessed Sacrament Prayer Book by Fr. Lasance (pg. 508) O Virgin Mary, grant that the recitation of thy Rosary may be for me each day, in the midst of my manifold duties, a bond of unity in my actions, a tribute of filial piety, a sweet refreshment, and encouragement to walk joyfully along the path of duty. Grant, above all, O Virgin Mary, that the study of thy Fifteen Mysteries may form in my soul, little by little, a luminous atmosphere, pure strengthening, and fragrant, which may penetrate my understanding, my will, my heart, my memory, my imagination, my [...]

An Indulgenced Prayer to the Queen of the Holy Rosary2023-10-13T09:38:43-04:00

A Prayer to the Queen of the Holy Rosary


The prayer from the sermon 'Octobri Mense, On the Rosary' given on 3 October 2010 (Raccolta No. 399) Queen of the most Holy Rosary, in these times of such brazen impiety, manifest thy power with the signs of thine ancient victories, and from thy throne, whence thou dost dispense pardon and graces, mercifully regard the Church of thy Son, His Vicar on earth, and every order of clergy and laity, who are sore oppressed in the mighty conflict. Do thou, who art the powerful vanquisher of all heresies, hasten the hour of mercy, even though the hour of God’s justice is [...]

A Prayer to the Queen of the Holy Rosary2023-10-06T13:46:16-04:00

A Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows


The prayer from the sermon 'Pierced with Thorns' given on 15 September 2018 O my afflicted mother, Queen of martyrs and of sorrows, thou didst bitterly weep over thy Son who died for my salvation. But what will thy tears avail me if I am lost? By the merits then of thy sorrows, obtain for me true contrition for my sins and a real amendment of life.  Oh my Mother, the most Sorrowful of all mothers, I will not leave thee alone to weep. No, I will accompany thee with my tears. This grace I now ask of thee: obtain that [...]

A Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows2023-10-03T08:30:21-04:00

O Divine Blood of Jesus


The prayer from the sermon 'The Supreme Dignity of Man' given on 9 July 2023 O Divine Blood of Jesus, I adore Thee from the depths of my heart! Thee I fervently invoke, for Thou art my salvation, and by Thee I hope to obtain the joys of Paradise. Eternal Father, be merciful, for the sake of the Blood of Thine only-begotten Son; we beseech Thee, show us Thy mercy. Most Precious Blood of Jesus, cry to the Heavenly Father for mercy for us, and deliver us. Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Precious Blood of Jesus in atonement for my [...]

O Divine Blood of Jesus2023-08-29T07:26:27-04:00
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