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Prayer, fasting and almsgiving are at the very foundation of our spiritual life as Catholics. We must practice them in order to grow in God’s grace. All three require a profound interior disposition. Prayer grows our love for God, almsgiving increases our love of neighbor and detachment from the world, and fasting requires our death to self. These pillars of penance are the most important ways to store up treasures in Heaven and combat the obstacles to receiving God’s grace. This Lent, I exhort you to pray the Rosary more devoutly, meditate upon the Stations of the Cross, grow in your devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows, and pay close attention to the readings of the Septuagesima season. Today’s gospel focuses us upon Heaven, the Passion of our Lord, and ‘the blind man’ who represents us. Beg our Lord to open your eyes so that you can see more clearly how great is His love for you and that you see more clearly the horror of sin.