The primary end of marriage is to "increase and multiply" (Gn 1:28). God wants souls with which to share His goodness – Himself – for all eternity. Parents are 'stewards' of their children with the duty for help children reach the perfection God has planned for them (think of the parable of the talents). The secondary end is mutual help and the quelling of passion (Gn 2:18,23). Marriage demands a man and woman who are open to all the children God wishes to give them. They must be ready to die for their vocation, and not be motivated by self-interest or emotional/physical pleasure. Today marriage is under terrible attack, even within the Church. Marriage is not understood or taught correctly. God's wondrous gift is abused, even by well-meaning Catholics. For example, Natural Family Planning (NFP) is nearly always used as a contraceptive method and as such is gravely immoral.
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