
A Bishop Opposes Error


In the Epiphany mysteries, Jesus manifests His glory. He reveals the Truth about Himself. Yet man is always tempted to believe in Jesus how he sees fit. No! Focus on the Lord and do not engage in your own projects or ecclesial ideologies (this phrase is a recent gaslighting effort by Francis). Too many Catholics live their marriage based on their own ideas, preferences, and projects. No! Base it upon Christ's teachings and example. Bishops must faithfully transmit the teachings which come from Christ and the Apostles. Let us be grateful that a Peruvian Bishop has resisted Francis' grave error regarding [...]

A Bishop Opposes Error2024-02-01T16:19:29-05:00

Holy Matrimony is Practicing for Heaven


The bride and groom who marry do not have true love. What they have has the potential to reach perfection as authentic ennobling love. Sadly, it can also develop into a mere coexistence and ignobility. Which shall it be? In this world, suffering is the proof of love and gives love its meaning and value. Love in marriage must mirror the love of the Blessed Trinity. It is indissoluble and self-effacing, thereby spirating love and life. Sacrifice your excellence. Bear one another. In the company of saints we become saints. The moving example of Saint Eulogius and the Cripple teach us [...]

Holy Matrimony is Practicing for Heaven2023-01-13T09:36:20-05:00

Families Need A Spirit of Development


We are fighting a battle we can't afford to loose. Catholic families need to foster an environment that is all about continual development. Examine your level of desire to attain perfection and the means you are using to attain it. Spouses and parents must set goals, establish strategies, and provide accountability. This require constant communication, collaboration, and evaluation. Our weakness and strengths play a critical and unique role in how God is calling us to sanctity. When spouses say "I DO" they should be promising that every day, for the rest of their lives, they will slave away to build saints [...]

Families Need A Spirit of Development2022-09-22T11:11:17-04:00

Eight Points of Reflection on Motherhood


Motherhood is under a terrible attack by the diabolical errors or Russia. Using typology we can look to the Ark of the Covenant (Our Blessed Mother) for eight points which help heal the wound in woman caused by Eve. These points of reflection include teaching, correcting, compassion, chastity, modesty, self-effacement, and others. Dear Mothers, know and take up your place, mirroring the Ark of the Covenant: to raise up saints to help the Church in this time of need. You may not be known in this world but many will say of your children, 'You must have had a good mother."

Eight Points of Reflection on Motherhood2021-05-12T10:00:25-04:00

The Church Seemingly Possessed


Consider Bl. Miriam of Jesus Crucified (+1878) as a type for the Church. God allowed the devil to possess this Carmelite mystic for forty days as a victim soul. She suffered terribly but never sinned as God preserved her soul in grace. Could Holy Mother Church presently be enduring a similar trial? The Church has so many failures and is seemingly possessed, yet she remains the holy and immaculate Bride of Christ. This has caused a breakdown in authority. All faithful souls feel a certain aloneness as they struggle to defend their fortress. We need great patience, perseverance and fortitude to [...]

The Church Seemingly Possessed2021-03-09T08:01:31-05:00

The Mission of Husband and Wife


Keep your Nativity Scene up until Feb 2 so as to continue looking upon the Holy Family - our exemplar model. Families should also strive to imitate the Three Kings, who offered gifts of love, prayer and mortification. By the command of Christ, marriage is meant to give rise to a people, fellow citizens with the saints in Heaven, who render fitting worship to the true God. Marriage is a sacrament and it symbolizes exalted mysteries, such as the union of Christ and His Church. Husband and wife must strive to subject themselves to God and hold their passions check. Chastity, [...]

The Mission of Husband and Wife2021-02-11T08:03:35-05:00

Christ Establishes Marriage and Blesses the Home


At the year’s start, for forty days, we look upon the Holy Family in the manger scene. At the Wedding at Cana, Christ establishes marriage as supremely sacred (man can’t alter it). A great tragedy is that so many misguidedly think they, or ‘their love,’ is the foundation of their marriage. Wrong! On account of our fallen condition, we have very little genuine and sincere love (symbolized by having no wine). Christ is the foundation of marriage; pray Him to bring His divine love into your marriage. Seek our Lady’s intercession, and keep her words in your heart throughout the year: [...]

Christ Establishes Marriage and Blesses the Home2021-02-11T08:04:46-05:00

Jesus is Inseparable from the Holy Family


Jesus brings us salvation — but He does not come alone. He comes as a member of the family. With His Incarnation and Nativity, He brings the model for all families. Through this Christmas feast, Christ teaches: [1] Marriage is something supremely sacred. It comes from God. He has willed it to be a primary instrument of our salvation and provides the laws which govern it. (Never fall into the deadly trap of thinking man can redefine marriage or determine how it ought to be lived.) [2] Marriage is meant by God to bring forth life — specifically life in Christ. [...]

Jesus is Inseparable from the Holy Family2021-02-11T08:05:14-05:00

More Saving Patterns from Cana and Baptism


Let us consider a few more patterns laid down by our Savior, as presented to us by Holy Mother Church, in Christmastide feasts: The Baptism of the Lord and the Wedding at Cana.  (Both feasts are also part of the Mystery of Epiphany.) Note that Baptism [1] is the sure and clear way to Heaven; [2] brings about the indwelling of the Holy Ghost and habitual sanctifying grace; [3] and produces faith in the Triune God. The Wedding of Cana establishes patterns for validity in marriage, the purpose of marriage, and the importance of Our Lady and of sacrifice in marriage. [...]

More Saving Patterns from Cana and Baptism2020-02-11T10:42:53-05:00

Commandments Not Unreachable Ideals


A very dangerous idea that has crept into moral theology is that the Commandments of God are only ideals; hence, modern man can adapt them to his concrete circumstances. It is now claimed that a faithful indissoluble marriage directed towards procreation is just for those with heroic virtue, instead of a universal norm. This is gravely contrary to Christ's immutable teaching and a pastoral disaster. It turns all the Commandments into mere counsels or suggestions which may or may not be followed by a "good conscience." We need to hear from our shepherds the thundering voice of John the Baptist which demands [...]

Commandments Not Unreachable Ideals2019-09-06T06:04:00-04:00
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