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Christ our Savior made a great sacrifice to which all are invited. But many make excuses, having more 'important' things to do. Consider our situation today. So many have 'Covid related excuses' for canceling or missing Mass. God desires us to give Him glory and make Him first in our life. The most important way we do this is by uniting ourselves to the glory that only Christ can give God, and that is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. If the Mass is set aside, it is impossible to give just and due glory to God! Yet we are 'too busy' with the affairs of the world. Inordinate attachment to worldly things impedes the Holy Ghost. We are living in a man-centered world, not one which is God-centered. Our society and Church need to recover a true sense of the majesty and greatness of God. Let us begin this radical conversion by practicing the Presence of God, especially when at Holy Mass.