There are seven ways in which YOU can unite yourself to the St. Vincent Ferrer Foundation:
Read More About the Apostolate
The Foundation sends out regular emails regarding updated sermons, classes, prayers, saints stories, resource material at our website, as well as Catholic news of interest, especially in regards to our mission of recovering and restoring our Catholic Faith. Approximately three emails per month are sent to English-speaking subscribers and one email per month to Spanish-speaking subscribers.
➫ Each month, at least two Masses are offered for the intentions of Benefactors. Fr. Michael Rodríguez offers a Mass on the 13th of each month (this date was chosen in honor of Our Lady of Fatima). A religious priest offer another Mass on the third Saturday of every month.
➫ Benefactors receive unlimited access to all our material. This includes special video conferences and our entire audio archive of sermons, classes and missions which reside behind a pay wall.
➫ As a daily intention, for example in the daily family Rosary, please pray for the Foundation, including the priests and religious whom we support.
➫ We encourage you to pray for the Foundation with this prayer card.
➫ Use the Novena to St. Vincent Ferrer to seek our patron saint's intercession for your intentions and for the recovery and restoration of Catholic Tradition.
➫ Donations as checks, or money orders, may be sent to:
St. Vincent Ferrer Foundation
3155 David Ct.
Edgewood, KY 41017
➫ The St. Vincent Ferrer Foundation of Texas is a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation that relies solely on the prayers and financial donations of its supporters to maintain its existence and further its apostolate. All donors who provide their contact information receive a tax receipt at the end of the fiscal year.

The apostolate of the St. Vincent Ferrer Foundation is focused upon recovering and restoring the beauty, truth, goodness, and unity of our traditional Catholic Faith all over the world.
This serves for the greater glory of God, the honor of Holy Mother Church, and the salvation of souls.
This organization was founded by Catholic lay faithful to help spread, promote, and foster the practice of our traditional Catholic Faith in all its integrity: doctrine, liturgy, morals, devotions, asceticism, corporal and spiritual works of mercy, etc. As the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the source and summit of Catholic life, we naturally place a unique emphasis upon exclusively supporting the Traditional Latin Mass.
It is our heart-felt prayer that our humble efforts, in cooperation with God's manifold graces, will help individuals, families, society, and nations restore all things in Christ (omnia instaurare in Christo) and hasten the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
We are firmly convinced that the recovery and restoration of our traditional Catholic Faith, including a return to the Traditional Latin Mass as the universal Roman Rite norm for the Holy Sacrifice, is an absolutely necessary step in bringing about an end to, and a cure for, the current grave crisis in the Church.
All of our efforts have as an aim 'omnia pro sanctis Matre Ecclesia;' that is, do all things for the good of the One, Holy, Apostolic, and Catholic Church, our spiritual Mother.
We invite all Catholics who share these goals and desires to unite themselves to the efforts of this apostolate. Each individual's union with these efforts is to be completely free-willed, and motivated by their conviction (and prayerful discernment) that God is indeed calling them to this work of recovery and restoration.