From the sermon Light, Salvation and Glory given on February 2, 2017
O most Excellent and Immaculate Queen of Heaven, Holy Mary of Good Success, most favored Daughter of the Eternal Father, most beloved Mother of the Divine Son, most cherished Spouse of the Holy Ghost, sublime throne of the Divine Majesty, august Temple of the Holy Trinity, in whom the Three Divine Persons have placed the treasures of their power, wisdom, and love!
Remember, Virgin Mary of Good Success, whom God has made so great, so that thou canst give succor to miserable sinners; remember that thou has often promised to show thyself a merciful Mother to those who have recourse to thee. I come to thee then, Mother most merciful, and I beg thee, for thy love of the Most High, that thou shouldst obtain for me from God the Father, a lively faith that never loses sight of the eternal truths; from the Son, a firm hope that always aspires to reach that glory that He won for me with His Blood; and from the Holy Ghost, a charity so inflamed that I will always live loving the Supreme Goodness and thee, Most Holy Virgin, until, through thy intervention, I should love and enjoy thee eternally in glory. Amen.
Soul of Mary
Traditional Payer to Our Lady of Buen Suceso
Soul of Mary, sanctify me.
Body of Mary, purify me.
Heart of Mary, inflame me.
Sorrow of Mary, comfort me.
Tears of Mary, console me.
O Sweet Mary, hear me.
With thy benign eyes, look on me.
Through thy holy steps, guide me.
To thy Divine Son, pray for me.
Pardon for my sins, achieve for me.
Devotion to thy holy Rosary, infuse in me.
Love for God and my fellow man, grant me.
Permit me not, to ever be separated from thee.
In the hour of my death, comfort me.
From my enemies, defend me.
With the shield of thy holy name, protect me.
With thy mantle, cover me.
In the fatal instance of my agony, assist me.
From dying in sin, free me.
Into the arms of Jesus, deliver me.
To the eternal mansion, bring me.
So that, with the angels and saints I can praise thee forever and ever. Amen.
“And second …when tribulations of spirit and sufferings of the body oppress them and
they seem to be drowning in this bottomless sea let them gaze at my holy image and I will
always be there ready to listen to their cries and soothe their pain. Tell them that they
should always run to their Mother with confidence and love…”
- Our Lady of Buen Suceso to Mother Mariana