St. Vincent Ferrer Pilgrimages to Our Lady of Buen Suceso in Quito, Ecuador
A brief overview of the 2016 pilgrimage can be viewed / downloaded HERE. Sites we have visited on our various pilgrimages are listed below.
Each day of the pilgrimage included a pre-dawn procession to a different church, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the Holy Rosary, the Novena to Our Lady of Buen Suceso, various devotions, and tours to various shrines. Father also gave spiritual conferences, which included stories from the lives of the saints, in particular those associated with Ecuador and Victim Souls. Those spiritual conferences are available through the Foundation. More information on the spiritual conferences below.
HIGHLIGHTS: Father encourages us to bear you cross well. He inspires to to offer up our sufferings in reparation for sins and thus help save souls. He exhorts us to be relentless in the battle against evil. Following the theme of Our Lord and Our Lady's coronations in Quito, Father speaks of four personal crowns: [1] Crown of Grace, [2] Crown of devotion to the Passion of Christ;
[3] Crown of devotion to the Blessed Sacrament; and [4] Crown of devotion to Mary.
These talks are available for purchase HERE.

- Miraculous Statue: Our Lady of Buen Suceso
- Conceptionist Monastery, home to incorrupt bodies of several nuns including Mother Mariana de Jesús Torres (+1635).
- Augustinian Monastery and Museo Miguel de Santiago; the miraculous statue of Our Lord of Good Hope resides in a side chapel.
- Basilica of St. Francis and Museum Fray Pedro Gocial; home of the city's highly venerated patron statues, Our Lord of Great Power and Our Lady of the Apocalypse.
- La Companía, the Jesuit's church ranks among the most beautiful Baroque churches in the Western Hemisphere.
- Jesuit Chapel where a painting of Our Lady of Sorrows came to life and worked wondrous miracles (1906). In the image, our Lady's heart is pierced by seven swords.
- Carmen Alto Monastery, original residence of the Lily of Quito, St. Mariana de Jesús de Paredes (+1645). St. Marianita offered her life in sacrifice for her country. She is the nation's patroness. Her feast day (May 26) is a national holiday.
- St. Dominic's Church, Convent, and Museum, including the Red-Gold Chapel of the Rosary and the Chapel of Pompey.
- San Juan Diego de Alcalá church, museum and convent. This was the home of Padre Manuel Almedia and the miraculous crucifix which spoke to him.
- Dominican Monastery of St. Catherine; Ven. Catalina de Herrera (+1795) was a nun here. Many women sit on her miraculous bench to pray for a child.
- The site where Gabriel Gracia Moreno, Catholic president of Ecuador, was assassinated and he cried out "Dios no muere!"
- Cathedral and Archbishop's Palace.
- National Basilica of the Sacred Heart and Chapel of the Immaculate Heart.
- Our Lady of Mercy; Mercedarian Fathers' Church, Monastery and private museum.
- Virgen del Panecillo
- Guapulo Colonial Church and Convent, with Our Lady of Guadalupe
- Visitation Nuns Chapel of the Miraculous Medal
- Church of Saint Roch
- Monasterio de Santa Clara
- Monasterio de Carmen Bajo
- Convento de la Providencia
- San Antonio de Ibarra, a small town where master artisans make beautiful religious statues and paintings.
- Mitad del Mundo - where you can stand across the equator with one foot in the southern hemisphere and the other in the northern hemisphere.
- Aerial tramway to Pichincha Mountain in the Andes (the ascent takes twenty minutes, going from an elevation of 10,226 ft to 12,943 ft).
- Otavalo Open Air Market
- Botanical Gardens, featuring many unique species of plants.