Recent Sermons by Fr. Rodríguez

The Key of Divine Treasures View description ▼ God’s grace is absolutely necessary to perform any good work towards obtaining eternal life. The ordinary means for obtaining this grace is prayer. In general, God only gives His grace to those who ask for it and are disposed to receive it. Through the prayers selected for Lent, the Church is teaching us how to pray and prayer's great value. In prayer one 'sets himself apart' so as to be with God. The goal of prayer is to transform the heart and mind (conversion). By prayer, one offers his heart and mind to God. March 16, 2025 by Fr. Michael Rodríguez
We Have to Persevere View description ▼ God calls us to conversion (a change of heart, intellect and will). This conversion is not easy. We absolutely need God’s grace. One also needs to have faith and to do penance (prayer, fasting, almsgiving). All this comes from grace; so one must ask for these graces and continue to ask. The great and mysterious work of the Holy Ghost is to sanctify men’s souls via divine grace. He shows us what is good and virtuous. He strengthens us to do the good and avoid evil. Don’t let up asking for His help during Lent! March 9, 2025 by Fr. Michael Rodríguez
Two Most Important Mysteries View description ▼ First class in a course taught by Father Rodríguez on the Foundations of the Christian Faith. Father discusses the two most foundational truths of the Catholic Faith. Every Catholic should know them and really believe them. (Father tests all his first communicants on these two points.) These two truths have innumerable consequences for how we live and how we practice the Faith. Knowing these principles helps us rebut those who ask "Well, where is that in the Bible?" or "The pope said such and such, so you have to accept it." June 13, 2024 by Fr. Michael Rodríguez
Three Images for the Whole Year View description ▼
Jesus was born in order to die for us. Colossians 3:17 aptly describes our fitting response. Three 'Christmas' images which help us keep this response in mind are: [1] The Blessed Mother offering her Son in sacrifice in the temple. [2] Jesus teaching the truth in the temple. [3] Jesus the King teaching from His cathedra. It is necessary to hear and transmit the teaching of Christ and to worship God rightly. Keeping these three images in your mind and heart will help you be faithful to God's grace and to grow in His grace.
February 9, 2025 by Fr. Michael Rodríguez
Cooperate with Actual Graces View description ▼ Each of us struggles mightily with conversion. Let us not receive the grace of God in vain. Sanctifying grace – the life of God – gives us eternal life. Actual grace is a supernatural help which God bestows upon us daily to work out our salvation. When we cooperate with grace we merit more graces. But the abuse of God's grace prevents us from receiving further graces. There is direct relationship between the amount of grace in our soul when we die and the level at which we will experience the beatific vision of God for all eternity. God is faithful. He wills to give us the grace to overcome all temptations. February 23, 2025 by Fr. Michael Rodríguez
My Son, Give Me Thy Heart View description ▼ Septuagesima season is another example of the great need for us to recover our Catholic Faith. God is calling each of us to be converted to Him with all our heart [intellect & will]. Penitential practices – such as prayer, fasting and almsgiving – are meant to bring about this conversion. To give God our heart, we must be less attached to our own will (that's the biggest problem in all relationships). We also give him our heart by being faithful to the Church's lex orandi, lex credendi. In all this, we look to imitate the Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart of Mary. February 16, 2025 by Fr. Michael Rodríguez
Five Mysteries of Candlemas View description ▼ Bringing the Christmas season to its glorious conclusion, the feast of Candlemas emphasizes: [1] Jesus is the Light and Salvation for all men. [2] Simeon's example. [3] Jesus was born to be sacrificed. [4] Strive to fulfill the will of God. [5] The Blessed Virgin Mary's role. Christ is obviously the Light, but it is God's will that she place Him into the arms of Simeon and then of Anna. February 2, 2025 by Fr. Michael Rodríguez
Be Guided by Light of Faith View description ▼ The Epiphany Star represents Jesus, the True Light. Secondarily, it represents the true Faith. Today, a Catholic simply can't rely on what this priest or that bishops says because so many of them are no longer guided by true worship and right doctrine. Instead, each Catholic has to strive to learn the truth. Live your vocation within the family so as to offer it as fitting adoration to the Christ Child. Parents are especially called to educate their children in the truth and to offer reparation for past failings. January 26, 2025 by Fr. Michael Rodríguez
Ten Sins Against Marriage View description ▼ Go spiritually to the cave at Bethlehem. Contemplate what you see: the Holy Family. You have a role within a family. Offer it to Baby Jesus as a gift; that it may please, serve and honor Him. We can't change someone else, but we must know the truth and stand fast in what Christ the King teaches regarding holy Matrimony. Do your best to live according to His truth, transmit these truths to others, and resist the errors and evil of others. Offer prayers and sacrifices for the failings of your past sins against marriage and in reparation for mankind's many violations against this holy sacrament. January 19, 2025 by Fr. Michael Rodríguez
Pray to Imitate the Holy Family View description ▼ The Feast of the Holy Family is a Christmas Feast. With His nativity, Jesus gives us not only Himself but also the Holy Family. Note how the Holy Family has a central role in all twelve mysteries of Christ's infancy. We are called to imitate the Holy Family and thereby grow in the grace of God. This is why God has placed us upon this earth. Yet mankind today is more than ever opposed to marriage. How terrible! A rejection of holy matrimony is a rejection of the Holy Family. Take these things seriously and really reflect upon them. January 12, 2025 by Fr. Michael Rodríguez
Four Ways God Calls You to Grow This Year View description ▼ At the start of the year, it is especially appropriate to ask 'What have I been doing with all the time God has me? What have I been striving to attain?" God speaks to us, yet we are inundated in the world. We constantly face the temptation to live in a secular way. Pay attention to the liturgy at the start of the year. It provides four clear ways to correspond more faithfully to God's love. January 5, 2025 by Fr. Michael Rodríguez
Ponder These Christmas Mysteries in Your Heart View description ▼ Both Jesus' Name and the shedding of His Precious Blood manifest that Christ has come to save us. He gave His life for us, so as to gain our affection. The ingratitude of men is a great source of sorrow to Him and Our Blessed Mother. Consider how insufficient an effort we make to love Him in return. Resolve this new year to love Him more faithfully. January 1, 2025 by Fr. Michael Rodríguez
Twelve Mysteries of the Holy Infancy View description ▼ The Light of Christ comes to us through the Heart of Mary, which is a vast sea of grace and an immense furnace of love. As Christians, our mission is to love Jesus and His Church with the same love as Our Lady. So let us reflect – with Mary – upon the Divine Child in the mysteries of His infancy. In these mysteries, Christ offers us salvation and His divine love. Yet they are also filled with His sufferings. Contemplating them moves us to sorrow and compassion; to share in the love of Mary for Her Son. "O Mary, may I have no other heart but thine, to love God with a love as pure and ardent as thine." December 29, 2024 by Fr. Michael Rodríguez
Save Us Most Holy Theotokos View description ▼ God came unto His own and His own received Him not. Mary and Joseph spend these days in contemplation and expectation; what about the multitude? The vast majority of Catholics live the Christmas season in a pagan way. We are too busy in worldly affairs; Mary and Joseph were totally focused on Christ. If we reflect and focus on Jesus, with a sincere and holy disposition, He sanctifies us. In giving us His Mother, He is imprinting upon our souls love of Him after the example of the Heart of Mary. December 22, 2024 by Fr. Michael Rodríguez
Christmas Petitions View description ▼ This Christmas Season, make the same petitions as the saints. Thus will you better understand what it means to truly love Jesus. St. Alphonsus repeatedly prayed to obey God alone, to seek to please God alone, and to desire God more and more (even while others crave worldly goods and fortunes). May God dispose of me and my affairs as He wills. St. Louis de Montfort constantly prayed for the grace to imitate the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It was her heart which hastened the Incarnation, bringing the True Light to men. Reflect upon the fact that Christmas is a great feast of the Heart of Mary. December 25, 2024 by Fr. Michael Rodríguez
Prepare for He is Near View description ▼ We rejoice in the Lord because He is near. But we must also prepare for He is coming. God Himself teaches us that preparation is extremely important. The entire Old Testament is a great example of God's preparation. We could say preparation is one of the grand laws of the divine economy. This entire week, to prepare well, we beg God to move our hearts: "Stir up our hearts O Lord to prepare the ways of Thine Only Begotten Son." How well are we preparing? December 15, 2024 by Fr. Michael Rodríguez
Value Grace Above All Else View description ▼
The Immaculate Conception is a singular example of the infinite power of God's grace and how God grants grace to overcome sin. She gives us the perfect example of what it means to "put on Christ." In this mystery, we see the full grandeur of God's grace. Make it personal! God's grace can overcome any difficulty, temptation or sin which plagues you. This feast dispels a heresy, promoted by Bregoglio, that at times our "best effort" is a sin, or that God might ask of us a sinful act (in Amoris Lætitia). With God's grace you can always grow in holiness. And while this world will pass away, God's grace will never pass away. The grace with which your soul leaves this earth will be kept for ALL eternity.
December 8, 2024 by Fr. Michael Rodríguez
Put Ye On the Lord Jesus Christ View description ▼ In giving us His Son, God could give us nothing more. And He gives us everything. God provides this season of Advent so that we will change! Strive to make it a holy season. Father lists numerous ways to grow in Advent. Do not displease Christ. Conform your will to His. May He reign over you. Behold His Heart which has loved so much that It has given itself completely and spared nothing. How do I respond? By Christmas, we must be clothed more with Christ and less with our own self will. Unite my heart with Thine and my will with Thy Will. December 1, 2024 by Fr. Michael Rodríguez
Little Children, Love One Another View description ▼ Jesus loves us and calls us to love Him in return His judgment of each one of us will be based on truth and charity. Because we love Him we obey Him and seek to follow His will. Conform yourself to His signified will (as expressed in His commandments, sacraments, church teachings and the commands of our lawful superiors). Conform yourself to the will of His good pleasure (i.e. have a wiling and cheerful acceptance of everything that happens, realizing it comes from His loving hand). Detach yourself from creatures - including self – in order to attach yourself to God. November 24, 2024 by Fr. Michael Rodríguez
Charity Must Begin at Home View description ▼ Faith, hope, and charity are like a mustard seed. Meant to grow from the moment of baptism, they are essential to the Kingdom of God. Charity means loving God above all things for His own sake and loving our neighbor for the sake of God. We must patiently endure the faults of others, forgive injuries, and do good to our enemies. God also calls us to practice charity towards the souls in Purgatory. To be more effective, sacrifices, prayers and indulgences should be offered with true charity. Look to the teaching and example of the saints, such as St. Gertrude the Great. We must first practice charity with our spouse and family. November 17, 2024 by Fr. Michael Rodríguez

Sermons by Fr. Iakobus

The Two Ends of Marriage View description ▼ The primary end of marriage is to "increase and multiply" (Gn 1:28). God wants souls with which to share His goodness – Himself – for all eternity. Parents are 'stewards' of their children with the duty for help children reach the perfection God has planned for them (think of the parable of the talents). The secondary end is mutual help and the quelling of passion (Gn 2:18,23). Marriage demands a man and woman who are open to all the children God wishes to give them. They must be ready to die for their vocation, and not be motivated by self-interest or emotional/physical pleasure. Today marriage is under terrible attack, even within the Church. Marriage is not understood or taught correctly. God's wondrous gift is abused, even by well-meaning Catholics. For example, Natural Family Planning (NFP) is nearly always used as a contraceptive method and as such is gravely immoral. January 26, 2025 by Fr. Iakobus
The Marriage Vows View description ▼ Marriage is under terrible attack in our society. Even many Catholics are succumbing to the errors which have proliferated society. In order to live holy matrimony well, the wedding vows and the nature of the sacred contract must be understood and appreciated. This contract can only end by death (God does not permit divorce). The primary end of marriage is the procreation and formation of children. The secondary end is the mutual good of the spouses. Unity and indissolubility are essential properties. These deep truths have very practical consequences for how marriage must be lived on a day to day basis. February 9, 2025 by Fr. Iakobus
The Family Needs Purity of Intent View description ▼ Our Lady provides a great model for what it means to be pure, which is far more than just purity in body. Purity begins in the mind. A family can't be happy unless it is a pure family. Purity helps us resist pride, selfishness, and the world. It means not judging things by our feelings but according to what God wills. Parents, practice purity and form your children accordingly. Children should not face these things alone. It is far easier to shun vice when we know the truth. Marriage is not for pleasure or self, it is to die; to die in order to live for God and fulfill what He has called you to. February 2, 2025 by Fr. Iakobus

Sermons by Fr. Clovis

Warfare is in Temptation View description ▼ The Spirit leads Jesus into the desert to be tempted. The devil always attacks us at our weakest point, where we lack support. He tempts our Lord to satisfy his natural (bodily) needs with illegitimate means. The context of Jesus' scriptural rebuttal is the manna from Exodus, and hence highly Eucharistic. The devil then tempts Jesus with pride and avarice. satan wants to be worshiped as if he were God. This is the root of temptation, by which our first parents fell, the desire to "be like God." Yet Jesus strongly rebukes satan him for violating God's honor. Man should only adore and serve God. This is the crux of the Christian life. March 9, 2025 by Fr. Linus Clovis
The Woman and The Mother View description ▼ Adam disobeyed because his wife enticed him. Eve was deceived as she lacked faith. These sins against obedience and faith require reparation. Mary believes. Jesus is obedient unto death. Since the devil attacked through the woman, the battle remains there. Emnity between her and the devil will always exist. Adam first called his wife Woman. After the Fall, he changes her name to Eve. Eve is the mother of all who must die whereas Mary is Mother of all who truly live. Jesus always addresses His Mother as Woman for she is created and always exists in original and absolute perfection. February 23, 2025 by Fr. Linus Clovis
The Two Hearts View description ▼ God has so intimately joined the Sacred and the Immaculate Hearts that it is impossible to separate them. These two devotions are linked by many parallels. For example, salvation is the central them of both. They focus our attention on hell, Purgatory and Heaven. They both request reparation and call for a consecration. When God commands, man is obligated to obey. If we do not, we suffer pestilence, war and other punishments. Like a good Father, God allows these, not to destroy, us but to turn us back to Him. Today we stand on the brink of a world war. Our society is polarized and threatened by civil war. Do not be discouraged or frightened. God's power is made perfect in our weakness (cf. 2 Cor 12:9). But we should pray like we have never prayed before! Only Our Lady of the Rosary can help us. Her Immaculate Heart will show us the way to the Sacred Heart. November 24, 2024 by Fr. Linus Clovis

Sermons by Fr. Simplicius

The Doctrine of Predestination View description ▼ God by the eternal resolve of His will has predetermined certain men to eternal blessedness. The number of the elect is predetermined and can not change (none added, none taken away). While God wills all men to be saved, not all men are saved. This is based not on God's providence but on a man's sin and lack of contrition. The heresy of "double predestination" holds that men are like brute beasts with God leading some to salvation and others to damnation by His (predetermined) divine will. For men how are saved, it is a gift from God; from men who are damned, it is their own fault. November 26, 2023 by Fr. Simplicius
Great Pearl and Irrelevance of Novelty View description ▼ False religions deny Christ and thus have the spirit of anitchrist. Modern Jews are defined by their rejection of Christ. Protestants identify themselves by their denial of the Church. This same pattern, of finding one's identity by denial or rejection, is found in the novus ordo liturgy. Many of its advocates harbor a virulent animus against Tradition, wishing to sentence the traditional liturgy to death.  Revolutionaries long for the complete destruction of the old order, otherwise their revolution can't fully succeed. Traditional Catholics should not fall prey to identification by being against the new order for they have the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven. Why waste time and energy focusing on the irrelevance of passing novelties when one has the Pearl of Great Price. November 12, 2023 by Fr. Simplicius
Decline of Public Authority View description ▼ Obedience is a moral virtue that inclines the human will to comply with the will of another who has the right to command. We must obey the just commands of superiors because they represent the authority that comes from God. A grave error is to think men ("the people") are the source of public authority. Our nation is founded upon this false principle. When those in authority do not acknowledge the divine source of their authority, they abuse their power, becoming despotic. Subjects in turn mock rulers and only comply out of fear. The result is social dysfunction. Having cast Christ from His throne, the only solution is to acknowledge the kingship of Christ and submit to His Law. October 29, 2023 by Fr. Simplicius

Sermons by Fr. Ioannes Petrus

The Conscience of Man View description ▼ God gave man a connection to Him - an interior voice, a conscience. St. John the Baptist is a symbol of that voice. We can chose to heed or suppress our conscience; yet, man only finds peace when he listens to it. The conscience is a proof of the soul's immortality. It witnesses, bonds and incites; it also accuses, torments, and rebukes. It incites a holy anger (hatred) against sin, so that man roots out faults instead of justifying them. Make friends with your adversary (conscience) before you are handed over to the Judge. December 17, 2023 by Fr. Ioannes Petrus
Thou Shall Not Make a False Peace View description ▼ Why is the Synod discussing so many un-Catholic things? Why is the Latin Mass being suppressed? Why is Russia once again at war? We must seek the cause. And we shall find an all encompassing answer to these problems. Christ's truth requires that man first conquer in the interior life; then he can conquer on the outside. Yet modern man has sought new avenues according to his own wisdom. He seeks an easy way apart from the cross. He chooses compromise with the world to accomplish only an external peace. Yet false peace brings perpetual war. As we ignore Our Lady of Fatima, the errors of Russia proliferate within the Church. We need instead devotion to the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart. November 12, 2023 by Fr. Ioannes Petrus
Prisoners of War and Purgatory View description ▼ The saints see the connectivity of all history by typology. Yet this connectivity extends even beyond the confines of this world. A type for the poor souls in Purgatory can be noted in the true story of Robert Trimble. He was an American Air Force captain striving to rescue prisoners of war in WW2. Our hearts should be moved to do all we can to help the holy souls arrive at their heavenly homeland. November 2, 2023 by Fr. Ioannes Petrus

Sermons by Fr. Iacomus Paulus

Hope and Daring View description ▼ When you rise and when yo go to bed, ask yourself these two questions: [1] What drives you or fuels your desire? [2] What are you afraid of? We often know what we have to do but fail to do it because of something we fear. What keeps us from giving ourselves to God, and neighbor, as we are meant to do? During Advent, the Church calls to mind the example of St. John the Baptist and the Immaculate Conception. Saints change the world because they do what what others dare not. They achieve great virtue by their hope (the virtue that is born by the desire for difficult but possible things). December 17, 2023 by Fr. Iacomus Paulus
Mystery is Essential to Christmas View description ▼ Christ subverts the expectations of the worldly. Yet we are still in love with the things of this world – and our vice – because we have yet to see the true worth in tossing them aside. Christ changes the way we value things. The element of mystery, which surrounds Christmas, compels us to acts of greater virtue. (Note: Father's considerations of the Holy Family in Bethlehem touch upon matters not defined by Scripture or Tradition. Faithful Catholics are free to disagree on such details.) December 3, 2023 by Fr. Iacomus Paulus
Be a Master of Your Craft View description ▼ Here are three means to progress and excel in the spiritual life. [1] An ability to identify defects. We usually don't want to hear any critique of ourselves. Yet seeing our [minor] defects, which aren't easy to self detect, is the only way to make progress. [2] Humility in the spirit of collaboration. Every criticism has an element of truth, so be hungry for criticism (not paranoid or angry). [3] Love what you do and study your craft. Be obsessed with being Catholic. If you love your state in life, then at every moment you will try to learn how to be better at what you do. November 12, 2023 by Fr. Iacomus Paulus

Fr. Chad Ripperger

Living Through The Crisis 1 - Faith View description ▼ A divine chastisement is imminent. Our Lady has already warned us at Fatima and Akita. Very few Catholics, even in traditional circles, are spiritually prepared for what is coming. This series explores the virtues most needed to survive the coming years. Each one of us needs to be working on this now, while we still have the time. The first talk centers on the supernatural virtue of Faith. by Fr. Chad Ripperger

Fr. James Mawdsley

Let Fear Not Rule the World View description ▼ Christ is King, not the globalists. The world lies to us and perverts the fight for freedom. Anti-semitism laws, built upon exaggerated atrocities, are designed to prevent the truth from being known. So are all our good and simple works for nothing? No because the charity of God and true worship of God can never be perverted or defeated. May 5, 2024 by Fr. James Mawdsley