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[heading]My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord[/heading]
Theme of Retreat: Mary's Immaculate Heart and St. Louis de Montfort's Perfect Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Exhortation: True Devotion to Mary is a sure, short, certain and perfect way to arrive at that union with God which is Christ-like perfection.
Summary: A central theme of the Mission is Mary's Immaculate Heart, which proclaims the infinite greatness, wisdom, and love of God. By growing in our love and devotion to the most holy Mother of God, our hearts become like hers, and we too can magnify the Lord with our entire being--all our thoughts, sentiments, words, and actions. A marvelous way to accomplish this is St. Louis de Montfort's Perfect Consecration to Jesus Christ, or Perfect Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
These retreat talks begin by presenting a brief summary of the Message of Our Lady of Fatima as it relates to Perfect Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The talks then continue by presenting some foundational principles of Catholic doctrine and spirituality, which are also the basis for St. Louis de Montfort's Perfect Devotion to Mary: God, baptism, consecration, sin, dying to self, ridding oneself of the spirit of the world, the theological virtue of faith, and Mary's indispensable role in God's Plan of Salvation.
Finally, the talks explain, more specifically, the method taught by St. Louis de Montfort of Perfect Consecration to Jesus Christ/Perfect Devotion to Mary.
The conference talks each being with powerful and profound meditations from The City of God, the definitive biography of Our Lady by Ven. Mary of Agreda. Three sermons on “faith” are also included in this conference set.
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[heading]Living in an Age of Apostasy[/heading]
These talks are a “must hear” for any Catholic striving
to recover and restore our spiritual heritage and glorious tradition.
An Urgent Need: More and more Catholics are realizing that we are living in a time of unprecedented crisis in the Catholic Church – we are living in an Age of Apostasy. But how is one to live as a faithful Catholic and grow in holiness in this turbulent time? This most pressing “practical” spiritual question inspired this conference.
Summary: In the opening sermon, Fr. Rodríguez introduces the two dominant themes for the conference: [1] man must focus on God first and [2] with God’s grace, man must strive for holiness. In the first talk, Our Lady’s Heavenly Solution for Our Time, Mr. Rodríguez fills us with hope by showing that, though the Blessed Virgin Mary, God has prepared us for these times and already provided the solution. Next, Fr. Rodríguez explains how a principal and indispensable element of the solution is that we must all strive towards The Restoration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. In his second talk, Mr. Rodríguez provides seven Spiritual Survival Skills for Catholics living in this age of diabolical disorientation. In his second sermon and talk, Father presents The Most Necessary Means to Sanctity in Today’s Time of Crisis as five ways of loving God: love of the Truth, of God’s will, of the Cross, of the Church, and of His Mother. In the final conference, Father emphasizes how everything in the Mass must be for the greater glory and Majesty of the Lord.
Exhortation: These talks showcase a synthesis of nearly all the major themes promoted by this Foundation. If someone were only able to hear one conference from our website, this is the one we would recommend.
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[heading]A King Is Born To You[/heading]
(to Our Lady of Good Success in Quito, Ecuador)
Brief Description: In six conferences, Father Rodríguez engages the faithful with profound meditations that lead one to a much greater appreciation of Christ's love for us and what His Kingship truly means, especially in a personal and practical way. Father masterfully weaves together the theme of the Kingship of Christ with the mysteries of Our Lord's infancy and the mysteries of His Passion. Even one's entire appreciation for Lent takes on a whole new dimension through the Passion's connections to Christmas and the Kingship of Christ. These interconnections are something we rarely consider, yet Father shows that they are essential. They bring us a greater knowledge of Christ and help us respond to Him with a more profound love.
Structure: Each of the six conference consists of four parts: opening prayers, meditation on a Christmas Mystery, Consideration of Christ's Kingship, and Closing Prayers.
Resource: Fr. Rodríguez prepared a special prayer book for this spiritual pilgrimage and conference. It contains numerous prayers to Christ the King, the Holy Ghost and Our Lady. Each conference begins and ends with prayers from this marvelous prayer booklet (56 pages).
Exhortation: "All Christian sanctity is contained in two things: the knowledge of God and the knowledge of self," wrote Fr. Jean Nicholas Grou, an 18th century Jesuit mystic. St. Augustine similarly prayed, "Lord, that I may know Thee and that I may know myself." These spiritual conferences lead one to a deeper knowledge of Christ and of one's self. Thus, they are a valuable tool in aiding one's growth in sanctity.
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[heading]The Ninety-Nine Left Behind[/heading]
(to Our Lady of Good Success in Quito, Ecuador)
Exhortation: Have you ever wondered what the ninety-nine sheep went through while their Shepherd was away seeking that one lost sheep? Did they get along without the Shepherd around? What were they supposed to be doing while He was away? Throughout salvation history, there have been many times when it seems that Our Lord, the Good Shepherd, the Shepherd of shepherds, went away for a spell. During this time the storms seem to rage and the water rises, such that divisions, weaknesses, and even golden calves are revealed. Even relatives and friends are at odds with each other. What can be done? Many Saints have been here before us. They reveal a survivor spirituality that calms the winds and the waves and helps the Good Shepherd return with the one lost sheep.
Quick Summary: The Church Fathers point out that the Ninety-Nine Left Behind are the good angels and the one lost sheep which Jesus went in search for is Adam (who stands for all fallen human men). We are living in the time of a terrible revolution which aims to destroy our world, our civilization, and, if it could, even the Church. In order to survive the moral filth and smog of this 21st century Sodom & Gomorroah, we need an angelic spirituality and the armor of saints. These talks will help prepare you to face the worsening crisis, to persevere in grace, and to grow in virtue.
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[heading]Our Lady of Lourdes and Catholic Restoration[/heading]
Theme: Our Lady of Lourdes and the Catholic Restoration
Summary: Our Lady's apparition to St. Bernadette Subirous in the Cave of Massabielle (at Lourdes) marks a definitive step in the restoration of the Catholic Faith. At the final restoration, all bodies will be Resurrected according to the Judgment; goats on the left to everlasting damnation and sheep on the right to eternal blessedness. Incorruptible bodies prefigure this destiny. Many of the elect will first have to pass through the purifying fires of Purgatory. The Church's teaching on this subject is part of her infallible dogmatic patrimony. Today it is often neglected or denied and all Catholics of good will must recover this teaching and its associated practice. Sadly, "Modern Man" has turned towards atheism and even many bad Catholics live a practical atheism. Like the Prodigal Son we must return to God. Throughout history we see how such a Catholic Restoration has begun in caves filled with Faith. This restoration can only be accomplished through Our Lady. She is the Immaculate Conception who crushes the devil. She is the Co-Redemptrix who testifies that human suffering has great value and dignity. The other pillar of this Catholic Restoration must be the Most Blessed Sacrament. Many blasphemies, outrages and sacrileges are committed daily against the Person of Our Lord, the King of Kings, in His Holy Eucharist. Let us faithful Catholics instead make acts of reparation and love - for in His great mercy our Lord has poured down bounteous grace and wondrous miracles.
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[heading]Our Lady of Lourdes, Piety and Healing[/heading]
Theme: Our Lady of Lourdes and the Virtue of Piety
Summary: Piety is the foundation of all virtue. It gives us a filial affection for God as a most loving Father. This 'godliness' makes us love what God loves and abhor what God abhors. It is a virtue desperately needed in our times to dispel diabolical confusion, to make grace more readily accessible, and to restore God's right order. Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Bernadette show us how piety leads us to (1) Pray for the poor souls in purgatory, (2) Love the Church and our Lady, (3) Fulfill the duties of our state in life, (4) Discern the voices of Heaven above and distinguish them from the voices below, and (5) Grow in our devotion to the Most Holy Eucharist.
Theme: Traditional ways of healing wounded man.
Class 1: Overview of the spiritual life under the aspect of the Mountain of God. Man resists climbing due to four wounds and various obstacles.
Class 2: Overcoming obstacles caused by external agents. The need for the discernment of spirits and deliverance from malignant spiritual foes.
Class 3: Overcoming obstacles caused by interior dispositions. The need for detachment.
Class 4: Overcoming obstacles caused by our relations with others. The need for forgiveness.[/column]
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[heading]The Mystery of Grace: Mary Brings us the Life of Christ[/heading]
Summary of the Conference: Jesus Christ is the origin, center, and end of the Catholic religion. God has created us in order for us to choose freely to know Him, love Him, and serve Him. The Mystery of God's grace is that He Himself accomplishes this for us in Christ Jesus Our Lord. Thus, it is our Christian vocation to live the life of Christ; not only to know and love Christ, but to live His very life.
In the Mystery of God's grace, it is the Holy Ghost and the Blessed Virgin Mary who form Christ in souls. The Blessed Virgin Mary brings us the life of Christ. She is also the perfect Christian, because she lived the life of Christ to perfection, full of grace.
The Catholic Church is the one, true Church, outside of which there is no salvation. She is the only one who has the mission of forming the life of Christ in her members. She does this primarily through her divine Liturgy: the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Sacraments.
God is always at work in His Church to form Christ in souls. Four very important ways which He gives us are: devotion to the Holy Ghost, devotion to the Holy Eucharist, conformity of man's will with God's Will, and St. Louis de Montfort's method of perfect consecration to Jesus through Mary.
These talks include sermons (usually the first track on a given CD) and devotional prayers (usually at the start and end of each talk). A listing of all 99 tracks can be found under the "Conference Overview.
Here are a few comment from some listeners:
"There was something for everyone. Father went over the 'fundamentals' but in a profound way, so that the neophyte could follow along and even the well-studied Catholic would learn much."
"These talks have awakened in me a greater love for our Blessed Mother and a deeper awareness of the tremendous gift that Jesus gives us in the Holy Eucharist."
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[heading]Our Lady of Good Success and the Mystery of the Cross[/heading]
Theme: If we wish to save our souls and be faithful disciples of Christ, then we must (1) battle against evil and (2) fervently carry out the work of reparation in union with Christ. Relying on the wisdom of the saints, Fr. Rodríguez emphasizes in these talks: (1) Growing in Grace, especially in Faith, Hope and Charity; (2) Growing in our devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament; (3) Growing in our devotion to the Passion of Christi; and (4) Growing in our devotion to Mary.
These talks were given to pilgrims during a pilgrimage to Quito, Ecuador. Each day included Holy Mass, the Holy Rosary, the Novena to Our Lady of Good Success, numerous devotions and visiting holy shrines. The spiritual conferences, given each evening, include many stories from the lives of the saints, in particular those associated with Ecuador and saints who were Victim Souls. The pious Catholic will learn much from these talks regarding the spiritual life, especially how we are to bear our crosses and offer up our sufferings so as to make reparation for our sins and the sins of others. The conference talks also include various daily sermons and devotional prayers from the pilgrimage.
Here are a few comments from some listeners:
“Father has very clearly marked out for us the path towards sanctity.”
“This is a must hear for every Catholic that wants to get to heaven.”
“These are the best talks I have ever heard from Fr. Rodríguez, and that’s saying a lot!”
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[heading]Message of Our Lady of Fatima[/heading]
Theme: Every single Catholic (every single person!) ought to be familiar with Our Lady of the Rosary's Message at Fatima, because IT IS the most important message for the times in which we are living (the 20th and 21st centuries) It is the ONLY path to peace and to the restoration and glorious flourishing of the Catholic Church.
God sent His Mother to the Cova de Iria (Portugal) in 1917 with the remedy for ALL our world’s evils, to usher in real peace, to begin the glorious triumph of her Immaculate Heart over all the earth, and to save many souls from hell. Yet very few have paid attention to Our Lord and our Lady; thus we suffer calamities and worse chastisements are to come. All must know that the Rosary and the Immaculate Heart of Mary have been granted even greater power and grace by God in our days and will remain as our final remedies.
These spiritual conferences were given in North Carolina. Each day included Holy Mass, the prayer of the most Holy Rosary, and opportunities for Confession. These talks connect the Message of Fatima to the current crisis in the Church, mysteries in the lives of Jesus and Mary, other approved private revelations, and with the need for reparation and Victim Souls, like Bl. Alexandrina Maria da Costa.
Unlike many talks on this topic, the unique advantage to these talks is simply how spiritually practically they are: truly illuminating and inspirational.
Here are a few testimonies from some listeners:
A traditional homeschooling mom said: “Hearing these talks made me want to go home and be a much better mother."
A traditional catechist commented: “I thought I knew all the essentials of Fatima, even the current controversy surrounding the 'Fourth' Secret, but I learned a number of very important things about Fatima through these talks.”
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[heading]Sanctity Via Mental Prayer[/heading]
Brief Description: The saints tell us that prayer is absolutely necessary for salvation and that mental prayer is a most sure way to advance in sanctity. In fact, if one perseveres in mental prayer, it is a sure sign that one is among the elect. Yet very few of us practice mental prayer because it has never been taught to us or we find it intimidating. These talks teach you why and how to do mental prayer in the most basic and simple ways. All you need is the desire to persevere, and Father's words are a great inspirational fount to help instill that commitment within us.
Definition: Mental prayer is a silent elevation and supplication of our mind and heart to God in order to offer Him our homage and promote His glory by our advancement in virtue.
Content: In this course you will learn: (1) The five elements of mental prayer. (2) The structure and basic parts constitutive of mental prayer. (3) The methods taught by St. Ignatious of Loyola, St. Francis de Sales, and St. Alphonsus Liguori. (4) How mental prayer can be more fruitful through a union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Holy Rosary. (5) Sufficient topics for meditation to keep you growing in sanctity for the rest of your life.
Exhortation: God gives man all the helps he needs to get to Heaven - but does man do his part? Are YOU willing to commit just fifteen minutes a day to developing your relationship with God and growing in sanctity via mental prayer?
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[heading]ON LIMBO[/heading]
Summary: Has the Church ever taught the existence of Limbo? We must begin by defining what actually is meant by Limbo. The word comes from the Latin word limbus, meaning edge or border. In short, Limbo is the edge or border of hell. It is the very outer circle of hell. We can split Limbo into sections. First the Limbus Patrum, that is the Limbo of the Fathers where the saints of the Old Testament remained until Christ's coming and the work of Redemption. But we also need to consider another section of Limbo, one that is not temporary, but rather forever, that is the Limbus Infantium or Limbus Puerorum, the place for those infants who die in Original Sin but are innocent of any actual sins. Today we are told that the Limbo of the Infants doesn’t exist; that it is a leftover theological position of the Middle Ages. But is this true? Listen to this talk and discover the answer according to Tradition.
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[heading]The Rosary and Brown Scapular[/heading]
Summary: Two of the greatest spiritual aids we have are the Rosary and the Brown Scapular. Both of them were given to mankind miraculously and directly by the hands of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the 13th century, Our Lady gave the Holy Rosary to St. Dominic and the Scapular to St. Simon Stock. Both devotions also have wondrous promises guaranteed to their faithful devotees by the Mother of God herself. Over history, they have proven their supernatural origin and promises on numerous occasions. However, in these times, they are even more important and have been endowed with even greater graces.
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[heading]What is Truth?[/heading]
Summary: Truth is fundamental to the good working of any society. It touches on every aspect of our lives: What we know, how we know it, what we believe and why we believe it, who we have as our friends, how we live our lives and how we die. All these depend on our understanding of truth. If someone gets the fundamentals of truth wrong, it can lead to some pretty serious problems later. As all of us should know by now, a small error in the premises can lead to bigger problems in the conclusion.
What is troublesome today is that there are two different, competing, and mutually exclusive ways of defining truth: the traditional way (as explained by St. Thomas Aquinas and many others) and the modern way (as follows from the thinking of Rene Descartes and those who followed him). All things fundamental to our Church and society will be affected by the definition of truth we build upon. In the end, we should never forget that the only truth that really hurts is a twisted truth. In this conference, we attempt to show how truth is twisted by using the modern definition.
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[heading]Miracles Explained[/heading]
Theme: An excellent conference on miracles: what they are, why God works them, how we can identify them, and how we can avoid the false ones.
Miracles are often scorned by modern, "enlightened" rationalistic men, yet they are a very important aspect of our Catholic Faith. The Church teaches that miracles are one of the privileged means which God uses to guarantee the content of His self revelation to man. Truths necessary for our salvation are supported by God through miracles. God also knows that men suffer from doubt and skepticism. Therefore, in His goodness He provides man with helps. The two principal ones are (1) miracles and (2) prophecies fulfilled.
Miracles are often misnamed and misunderstood, so we need to know the characteristics of a bonafide miracle. Men can do some very extraordinary things and the devil can work in the preternatural realm, but neither of these acts is properly speaking a miracle. The Resurrection of Christ is the most important miracle, and our entire Faith hinges upon is. As St. Paul says, if Christ is not resurrected then we disciples of Christ are the most pitiable of men (cf 1 Cor 15:19). This conference includes many examples of the miraculous, including many at Lourdes.[/column]
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[heading]Cur Deus Homo[/heading]
Theme: "Why God Became Man" - The Mystery of the Incarnation, the Hypostatic Union and our Salvation.
In the Creed we confess that His Majesty, Christ our Lord, came down from Heaven propter nos homines et propter nostram salutem (on account of us men and our salvation). Yet the exact nature of the relationship between Christ's coming amongst us and our salvation remains undefined by the Church. This should not surprise us since the effects of original sin are manifold (wounding us in a number of ways such as ignorance, concupiscence, and malice), we should then expect the cure to most likely be manifold as well. Fallen man must be healed and instructed; he must offer reparation to God Whom he has offended.
Thus we find a number of ways in which the Scriptures and Fathers and Doctors of the Church present the matter, reducible, it seems to seven ways: pedagogical, transactional/redemption, recapitulation, physical, sacrificial, satisfactory and meritorious. Although we are mostly interested in the physical category at this time (due to the Christmas season and prevalent modern errors), let us nevertheless look into them all, even if only briefly.
When any one way is looked at exclusively, dismissing the others, then heresy rears its venomous head. Today an overemphasis on the physical way has led to such errors as 'the Cosmic Christ,' the anonymous Christian, and the heresy of Universalism. Understanding proper distinctions helps us avoid these errors, explain the truth, and hold fast to our Faith.
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[heading]On Private Revelation[/heading]
Theme: Why God provides man with Private Revelation and how we can discern its Authenticity.
A widespread false argument is that all we need is Public Revelation. If this were true, then why would God in His infinite goodness and wisdom give us Private Revelation? We need to have a correct understanding of the role of each to dispel this error. It is also very important to know the reasons which prompt God to provide man with private revelation.
However, not all supposed revelations are authentic - that is they do not all come from God. It is very important to discern if a private revelation comes from God, for its source could also be due to illusions, psychological problems, deceits or even the devil. There are certain tell-tale signs which help identify true from false private revelations and we should be adept at applying them. Above all, it is the charism of the Church's magisterium, being guided by the Holy Ghost, to judge if this or that private revelation is authentic.
However, once a private revelation is judged by the magisterium as coming from God, then it would bind all whom God intends to bind by it. After all, this is a truth being given to man by God and man is obligated to obey God. In this conference, Father also provides numerous helpful examples.
The conference consists of three parts, and the audio is located here below. Notes from the conference can also be downloaded in the column to the right.[/column]
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[heading]Jesus Christ, His Love, My Perfection[/heading]
Theme of Mission: We can never sufficiently contemplate the eternal, perfect and infinite love that Jesus Christ has for us. The more we meditate upon this profound reality, the more we will seek to be perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect.
Exhortation: This mission presents foundational principles of the Christian spiritual life. If you strive to live according to the principles presented herein, you will indeed become the saint God desires you to be.
Summary: Charity consists in that God has first loved us and in that He has so greatly loved us. It is the love of God, particularly expressed through Jesus Christ, that enables us to even have the ability to love. Without knowing the love of God, man cannot love God, his neighbor, or even himself. Yet in order to have charity, one must first come to know Jesus Christ. This can only be done by "seeing" Him through Faith. As disciples of Christ, we must focus on His Person (The Word-made-flesh). Privileged means of coming to know Christ are the Gospels, the Mysteries of His life, the lives of the Saints, and the Church and her Sacraments. If we wish to profit spiritually from these means, then we must be guided by the Holy Ghost (authentic Church doctrine) and strive to be clean of heart. The charity of Christ will then in turn impel us to seek Christian perfection. In this mission we consider eight paths and eight obstacles to Christian Perfection. The path Christ trod is best expressed in the Beatitudes. It was by living according to those principles of perfection that every saint in fact became a saint.
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[heading]Enemies of our Soul's Salvation[/heading]
Theme of Mission: Man's final end is eternal blessedness with God; yet it is an arduous task. Our life is a great battle, a spiritual battle, in which we must defeat the three main enemies of our soul's salvation: the world, the flesh and the devil.
One of the most prevalent heresies causing great destruction today is 'universalism' (the belief that everyone, or nearly everyone, goes to Heaven). Quite the opposite is true. In fact, it is a sure and certain teaching of the Church that few are saved. This teaching is even contained in our Lord's own words (cf. Matthew 7:13-14). Yet convincing people that nearly everyone goes to Heaven is one of the devil's most effective stratagems, along with making people believe that he does not exist.
Our life is a spiritual combat. The battle ends when we die; the spoils of victory is the eternity of our soul. The Christian must daily and continually fight to overcome the three great enemies of his soul. He must resist the deceits of the devil, flee from the vanity of the world, and subdue the concupiscence of the flesh.
Basing himself upon the wisdom and examples of the saints, Father provides practical remedies for man's concupiscence of the flesh, of the eyes, and the pride of life. It is Our Lady of the Rosary's Message at Fatima that is a sure antidote to the seductions of satan. To counter the great havoc being wreaked by the devil upon the world, and the Church, we must rely ever more on the three great friends of the soul's salvation.
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[heading]The Ten Commandments[/heading]
Theme of Mission: God's Love is clearly manifested in His Law. Christ taught us: "If you love Me, keep My Commandments" (Jn 14:15). Sadly, many Catholics see God’s Law negatively. In response, Father illuminates the beauty and joy of living in accordance with God’s signified will.
When the rich young man asked Jesus what he had to do to gain eternal life, Our Lord reminded him to keep the Commandments (cf. Matthew 19). Being faithful to God's holy Law is but a 'first step' in living the Christian life. Yet how many Catholics do not even know the Ten Commandments by heart? We can't live what we don't know. Therefore, these mission talks are essential for everyone.
Fortunately, Father speaks at a level which is easy enough for even the uninitiated to understand, but also deep enough for life-long Catholics to be greatly edified. He not only provides the traditional teaching of the Church in a clear unambiguous way, but he explains the reasons and motives behind the teaching. He also narrates examples from the lives of the saints and shares many other practical examples.
In particular, Father focuses on how we need to pray for a heart and will which desire to fulfill God's Law because we know, in faith, that this obedience is essential to His Divine Love (how He loves us and how we love Him in return). Father provides prayers and tools for meditation so as to grow in this much needed grace. These mission talks also serves as a helpful guide in examining one’s conscience.
Note: On account of a lack of time, Father was only able to provide instruction on the first six Commandments. (Later, the Foundation sponsored a class in which all Ten Commandments were covered in depth and these talks are also available.)
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[heading]On Mortification[/heading]
Theme of Mission: God wills our sanctification, but we must be willing to mortify ourselves. Every disciple of Christ must live a certain degree of asceticism; yet this essential aspect of Catholic spirituality often goes unmentioned today.
We must mortify ourselves if we wished to be saved, for reaching heaven is not easy. Our Lord said: "Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it!"
Fr. Rodríguez explains the Purgative Way: how one must keep custody of his eyes, ears and tongue, one must purify his passions, mortify his interior senses (memory and imagination) and his higher spiritual faculties (mind and will) as well.
The practice of mortification is a hallmark of our authentic Catholic tradition. If we wish to restore our Faith, we must recover and practice this essential discipline. The Spiritual Life is a battle and only he who is willing to crucify his flesh and its lusts will emerge victorious!
The Parish Mission lasted five days. Each Mission began with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The sermon from the Mass is included in the audio recordings. These sermons focused on different methods by which the faithful may purposefully, devoutly and actively participate at the Traditional Latin Mass. Following the spiritual conference, Father would have a Holy Hour which included various devotions and praying the most Holy Rosary. The Sacrament of Penance was also available every evening of the Parish Mission.
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[heading]Classes for Children by Topic[/heading]
Brief Description: Each of these is a stand alone class which Fr. Rodríguez gave to a group of children. Their purpose is to provide basic catechesis and an introduction to each topic. Although the intended audience is children (age six-twelve), many adults have commented that they too have learned a great deal from these classes.
Classes include: [1] The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass; [2] Praying the Rosary Well; [3] How to Make a Good Confession; [4] Our Lady of Fatima.
[heading]Formation in Faith and Homeschool[/heading]
Brief Description: Five talks given by Fr. Michael Rodríguez (Sept 2013): (1) a sermon given at Mass during a day-retreat for homeschool families; (2) a talk for the younger children (K-5th); (3) and a talk for adults (teachers, parents and confirmation students included) on how to prepare for the reception of the sacraments; (4) a talk given to parents regarding the goal and purpose of homeschooling along with some spiritual tips; (5) and a talk Father gave the older students explaining their duties and responsibilities (6th-10th)
[heading]Confirmation Retreat[/heading]
Brief Description: Two talks given by Fr. Michael Rodríguez to youth on retreat who were preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation (March 2012).
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