From the sermon given on Gaudete Sunday in 2014

Almighty and ever-living God, let all the assembly of Christ’s faithful ones laud the graces that are near, and sing their highest praises to Thee, our Creator. When Thy only-begotten Son, through Whom Thou created this world, redeemed us, He fulfilled the promises which Thy prophets spoke in the ages past.

The Word, having come down from Heaven, and shown Himself to men, took away the punishment due to our sins; and assuming our nature, though but dust, He vanquished the prince of death. Born of a Mother in time, but begotten eternally from Thee, Father, in the two substances there is but one Person, that is the Person of the Word. God made man has come into this world, that our old man being changed into the new, we may put on new beauty by being regenerated in the new-born God.

Let this coming of Jesus our Savior be celebrated with devout solemnity by all, and may this divine Nativity bring light, strength, conversion, and sanctification to Holy Mother Church, especially to the Pope, the cardinals, the bishops, and all priests.

May our devout celebration of the coming of Jesus our Savior in the flesh give us confidence as we look to the day when His Second Coming shall burst upon the world and fill it with fear and judgment.

To God the Father, and to His only Son, and to the Holy Ghost, be glory for ever and ever. Amen.