Evening Conference: Genesis and First Councils
You are cordially invited to a one day conference sponsored by the St. Vincent Ferrer Foundation. See schedule below.
Come hear Mr. Hugh Owen speak on what are possibly the most dangerous errors of our time. The number one reason why young people are abandoning the Catholic Faith is accepting as "scientific fact" the lies of evolutionary theory and big bang fantasy. The book of Genesis, like all Sacred Scripture, is inerrant and inspired by the Holy Ghost, Who can neither deceive nor be deceived. In the opening talk, David Rodríguez will provide a cursory historical and theological survey of the Church's first seven councils. Catholics today almost exclusively focus on Vatican II, though some do recall teachings from Vatican I and Trent. Yet there is much we can learn from the earliest councils, which are infallible in their dogmatic definitions.
Catholics can not afford to remain unaware of these important topics.
The event is free and open to the public.
Donations are gratefully accepted!
Schedule of Events
5:15 PM - Holy Rosary
5:45 PM - Insights for Today from the Church's First Seven Councils, talk by David Rodríguez, M.Th.
6:30 PM - The Fatima Message and Devotion to the Holy Face: A Call to Return to God's Genesis Revelation, talk by Hugh Owen
7:30 PM - Conclusion
Date: Monday, March 31, 2025
Location: Boone County Scheben Library
Conference Room AB (2nd Floor)
Address: 8899 US-42
City: Union, KY 41091
Fatima Conference in Cincinnati Area
May 17 - 18, 2025
See Speakers and Schedule