From the sermon Practice True Devotion to the Holy Ghost (May 19, 2024 - Pentecost Sunday).
O Holy Ghost, Who guidest and governest the Church of Christ in all truth, illuminating its Doctors, strengthening its Martyrs, and perfecting its Saints; Thou Bond of mystical union between Christ our head and us His members; between the Church above and the Church here below; have mercy on us and keep us in the unity of the Faith. Amen.
O Spirit of Light, Love and Life, be with us every day and every hour of our life. Illumine, vitalize, enkindle us. Lift up our hearts; keep in strength and honor the body which Thou hast chosen for Thy temple; grant us integrity of purpose; cleanse us of inordinate self-love and of self-deceit. Reveal to us the beauty of holiness; speak to us above the voices of the world and give us grace to hear Thee, Who together with the Father and the Son art one God, for all eternity. Amen.
Come, O Holy Ghost, Thou blessed Paraclete, thou most merciful Comforter! Come, Thou Purifier of sins, Thou Upholder of the falling, Thou Teacher of the deceived, Thou Guide of the erring, Thou Friend of the friendless, Hope of the despairing, Consoler of the sorrowful, Physician of the sick; come, Thou Glory of the living and Salvation of the dying! Come, and have pity on us and on all who have recommended themselves to our prayers or stand in need of special aid from on high. Lead us all safely through this valley of tears to the city of God, our heavenly home. Amen.