
Whose Glory Do You Seek


How do we keep Christ's words? Do we seek to use them simply to justify ourselves and serve our cause? If so, we glorify ourselves. Yet if speak with meekness, bless, and give good words - for our salvation and our neighbor's advantage - then we glorify God. When one is unable to speak thus, silence is best, lest one mimic the devil's tongue uttering curses, insults, deceit and envy. In such an event we are worse than devils, because we use that very same tongue to also taste the Flesh of the Savior. We know it is hard to remain [...]

Whose Glory Do You Seek2019-04-12T08:52:01-04:00

God Protects the Humble


Consider the prideful desire we often have for defending our honor. We are so busy protecting our name that we often don't allow God to do so. Learn from the collect, a prayer which always teaches how to pray and how to live. If you want your prayer heard - be humble! If you seek God's protection - be humble! That is, think, speak and act like you need God's protection, instead of relying on your own. Do not be prideful in your Lenten penances, but through them see your weakness. Good penances make us diminish so that Christ increases (recall [...]

God Protects the Humble2019-04-01T06:17:51-04:00
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