
Catholic or Worldling


The world is opposed to the Church. The world holds that each man should be able to judge what is good and evil for himself, and that government should preserve man's (false) freedom to choose to do evil things (to believe lies, to worship falsely, to poison himself). The worldling does not like conflict, fears appearing judgmental, and only holds his beliefs as a 'personal preference.' He claim to be Christ's disciple but loves the world (and the world loves him). The reality that Catholicism is the only true religion (no other religion is good, true, or saving) is abhorrent to [...]

Catholic or Worldling2019-07-30T07:30:07-04:00

Maturity Full Stature in Christ


Maturity is an essential trait for a servant of God. In a way, that is the purpose for our time on this earth - to mature into the full stature of Christ. Guided by the wisdom St. Paul, who coined this term, let us strive after this maturity (cf. Eph. 4:13-15; 2 Cor 4:7-9). The saints also guide us in this path. We ought to look to St. Anne as we approach her great feast. Why did God make Saints Joachim and Anne wait to receive a child? Apart from the significance of their age and sterility being linked to the [...]

Maturity Full Stature in Christ2019-07-22T08:37:32-04:00

Veni Dator Munerum


The season of Pentecost provides Christians with important spiritual lessons: [1] the primary of grace; [2] the importance of prayer; [3] the Church's life centers on prayer and holiness; [4] the role of Our Lady; [5] and the importance of purity - in mind, heart and body. This is a time for every Catholic to cultivate a special devotion to the Holy Ghost, especially since [1] He is God, [2] His mission is to impart divine gifts (e.g. truth for the mind and charity for the heart), and [3] we are all spiritually poor (weak) and desperately need His aid. Yet [...]

Veni Dator Munerum2019-07-22T06:16:38-04:00

Feminie Modesty


We live in a time of great immodesty; yet it has not always been this way. Society reveals itself by the fashions it promotes. Modesty is connected to self-control and acts as a guardian for purity. There are objective standards for modesty provided by the Church, and to set our secular time of utter immodesty as any kind of standard is insanity. Women in the past lived far harder lives, raised larger families, on less income, without modern conveniences, and still managed to engage in all their activities in modest attire appropriate to their gender. Women have a duty to dress [...]

Feminie Modesty2019-07-09T06:36:26-04:00

Fruits of the Holy Ghost


The Fruits of the Holy Ghost come about both by the Holy Ghost working in man, but also by man willingly cooperating with Him. Gold provides an analogy, since man does not produce gold, but he can cooperate with it to generate more. A man is known by his works (fruits) for the fruits are dispositions in man's soul (his higher faculties) which provide a proper orientation with regard to things that are good and evil. One ought to examine himself with regard to these fruits. Following Aquinas' division, we will look at the the first two sets: those ordering the [...]

Fruits of the Holy Ghost2019-06-25T22:29:23-04:00

Memory is Powerful


“These things have I spoken to you that you may not be scandalized … yea the hour cometh, that whosoever killeth you, will think that he doth a service to God … But these things have I told you, that when the hour shall come, you may REMEMBER that I told you of them.” We live in a time of many scandals with many people falling away. We live in a time when Christians are being killed simply for being Christian. Although trials for Christians have always been present, they are presently becoming more universal and closer to home. Our Lord [...]

Memory is Powerful2019-05-29T12:06:58-04:00

Faith Like Our Lady


Faith is the virtue by which we firmly believe all the truths God has revealed on the word of God revealing them. it is impossible to be saved without faith. This is a grace which only God can give and He wills to give it to all. Many refuse it. Many fail to nourish it by not studying their catechism or by neglecting the practice of religion. It can wither when one needlessly exposed to things opposed to the faith or via unnecessary interaction with people opposed to the faith or shameless living contrary to it. Nor should one actively doubt, [...]

Faith Like Our Lady2019-05-19T22:52:37-04:00

Humility and Love


Palm Sunday and Maundy Thursday Sermons Our Lord entered Jerusalem on a donkey. A consideration of three attributes of the donkey illustrate why this was so fitting. A donkey is humble, not prideful or beautiful like the horse. It is also patient, even while enduring ill-treatment. The donkey is submissive - an obedient beast of burden. Call this image to mind when tempted to ostentation or pride. We are fascinated by great power in small packages. Imagine if all your parents' love could be packaged into a button which they gave you as they lay dying. Our Lord did pour all [...]

Humility and Love2019-04-30T15:41:38-04:00

Whose Glory Do You Seek


How do we keep Christ's words? Do we seek to use them simply to justify ourselves and serve our cause? If so, we glorify ourselves. Yet if speak with meekness, bless, and give good words - for our salvation and our neighbor's advantage - then we glorify God. When one is unable to speak thus, silence is best, lest one mimic the devil's tongue uttering curses, insults, deceit and envy. In such an event we are worse than devils, because we use that very same tongue to also taste the Flesh of the Savior. We know it is hard to remain [...]

Whose Glory Do You Seek2019-04-12T08:52:01-04:00

God Protects the Humble


Consider the prideful desire we often have for defending our honor. We are so busy protecting our name that we often don't allow God to do so. Learn from the collect, a prayer which always teaches how to pray and how to live. If you want your prayer heard - be humble! If you seek God's protection - be humble! That is, think, speak and act like you need God's protection, instead of relying on your own. Do not be prideful in your Lenten penances, but through them see your weakness. Good penances make us diminish so that Christ increases (recall [...]

God Protects the Humble2019-04-01T06:17:51-04:00
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