
Exaltation of St. Michael


A magnificent abbey in northwestern France, Mont Saint-Michel, and numberless altars and churches are consecrated in honor of St. Michael. Why? Because St. Michael grew indignant at the outrage offered to the sovereign Lord by Lucifer and the rebellious angels. True to his very name, he exclaimed: "Who is like unto God?" How dare anyone question, much less revolt, against God's perfect plan! St. Michael’s faithfulness, good example, and humility strengthened the good angels. With him they stood, defeated the devils, and passed their test. God rewarded them by unveiling to them His very Face in the Beatific Vision. St. Michael [...]

Exaltation of St. Michael2019-10-07T16:26:03-04:00

Sorrow and Humility Restore Creation


We have often heard that the Church Fathers call Mary the New Eve (Christ the New Adam), and how by her obedience at the Ave, she undid the disobedience of Eva. Let us reflect more profoundly on how this 'role reversal' is accomplished. God restores creation according to His plan from the foundation of the world! Yet weakness, humility, complete dependence on God, and profound sorrow all play indispensable roles in achieving this peak of glory. Note how sacrifice is necessary for the perfection of creation, [2] man's reparation can console Our Lady's sorrow, and (3) the simplest more direct way [...]

Sorrow and Humility Restore Creation2019-09-25T19:26:02-04:00

Dependence Upon God is Freedom


There are three basic 'rules' for satanists: [1] Do what you want; [2] No one has the right to command you; [3] You are your own god. These false maxims give the impression of freedom (independence), but lead to ruin and destruction. On the other hand, Catholics honor Our Lady because she is supremely successful in being completely dependent upon God. No part of our Our Lady is "free" of God. In fact, while virginity in man is complete dependence, virginity in God is complete autonomy! God in turn grants dominion upon His dependents. Protestants misunderstand Our Lady because they fail to value [...]

Dependence Upon God is Freedom2019-09-10T06:36:29-04:00

Music Can Establish or Destroy Morality


Music has a profound effect on man as it is a 'language' which speaks directly to the soul. It can be used to bring order to man, refresh the human soul, and glorify God. Yet the devils can also pervert it to bring disorder, arouse the passions, and lead man into much sin and immorality. Studies have shown that music even affects plants and animals! Ancient traditions recount how bad music led the sons of Seth into sin, and we know it played a role in the quintessential idolatry of the golden calf. St. Peter Claver, not unlike Our Lord cleansing [...]

Music Can Establish or Destroy Morality2019-08-31T08:54:24-04:00

Chastity and Reverence


Blessed Mary’s perfect and immaculate purity, of both body and soul, are contributing causes to today’s mystery of the Assumption. Nothing impure can enter into heaven says the Apocalypse! After all, no human being can be good or truly happy, in this life or the next, without chastity. Rob man of chastity and you take from him self-respect and his desire to pray. No wonder the devil likes to start with impure temptations! To remain truly chaste, it greatly helps to understand the connection between chastity and reverence. Yet we need the aid of the Blessed Virgin to deal properly with [...]

Chastity and Reverence2019-08-23T06:23:33-04:00

Use Memory to Grow in Sanctity


In the parable of the publican and the pharisee, note how the publican remembered his sins, whereas the pharisee did not (instead he remembered the sins of others). This shows us that overcoming sin and growing in grace, truth and virtue has a lot to do with memory. When you have been rescued from a pit, it is good to remember that God rescued you because He loves you. It is also good to remember that, on your own, you are capable of falling back into a deeper pit. Our Lord gave St. Margaret of Cortona nine remembrances for graces - [...]

Use Memory to Grow in Sanctity2019-08-23T05:23:39-04:00

The Power of Compunction


On 13 Oct 1917, the little shepherdess Lucia asked Our Lady at Fatima, “I have many things to ask of You: to heal some sick people and to convert some sinners…” The beautiful Lady responded: “Some, yes; others, no. People must amend their lives and ask pardon for their sins. [then growing still more sad, She added] They must not offend Our Lord any more for He is already too much offended.” Our Lady said some of the prayers, conversions, and healings would be denied. Why? These people were not committed to amending their lives. They did not have true contrition. [...]

The Power of Compunction2019-07-30T07:40:34-04:00

Catholic or Worldling


The world is opposed to the Church. The world holds that each man should be able to judge what is good and evil for himself, and that government should preserve man's (false) freedom to choose to do evil things (to believe lies, to worship falsely, to poison himself). The worldling does not like conflict, fears appearing judgmental, and only holds his beliefs as a 'personal preference.' He claim to be Christ's disciple but loves the world (and the world loves him). The reality that Catholicism is the only true religion (no other religion is good, true, or saving) is abhorrent to [...]

Catholic or Worldling2019-07-30T07:30:07-04:00

Maturity Full Stature in Christ


Maturity is an essential trait for a servant of God. In a way, that is the purpose for our time on this earth - to mature into the full stature of Christ. Guided by the wisdom St. Paul, who coined this term, let us strive after this maturity (cf. Eph. 4:13-15; 2 Cor 4:7-9). The saints also guide us in this path. We ought to look to St. Anne as we approach her great feast. Why did God make Saints Joachim and Anne wait to receive a child? Apart from the significance of their age and sterility being linked to the [...]

Maturity Full Stature in Christ2019-07-22T08:37:32-04:00

Veni Dator Munerum


The season of Pentecost provides Christians with important spiritual lessons: [1] the primary of grace; [2] the importance of prayer; [3] the Church's life centers on prayer and holiness; [4] the role of Our Lady; [5] and the importance of purity - in mind, heart and body. This is a time for every Catholic to cultivate a special devotion to the Holy Ghost, especially since [1] He is God, [2] His mission is to impart divine gifts (e.g. truth for the mind and charity for the heart), and [3] we are all spiritually poor (weak) and desperately need His aid. Yet [...]

Veni Dator Munerum2019-07-22T06:16:38-04:00
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