
Return of Pagan Demons Repelled by Heroism


The Pantheon in Rome honored all the pagan gods (demons) of the Empire. Yet Christ conquered and this became the Basilica of St. Mary and the Martyrs. Prior to Christianity, tyranny and oppression reigned, the most revolting vices were promoted, and half the world's population was enslaved. Yet Christ's light dispelled these evils and elevated civilzation to a level hitherto unknown; it was the glory of Christendom. Now the demons, seven times more wicked, have returned to repossess society. Today we have a crisis of saints. We need heroic faith and the practice of heroic virtue in our daily lives. So [...]

Return of Pagan Demons Repelled by Heroism2023-03-01T12:54:30-05:00

The Difference Between Me and the Saints


At the start of November we celebrate all the saints. For a time, they were ordinary men and women similar to us. They suffered from the same temptations, faults, discouragements, obstacles. So what did they do differently? Each of us has something we can get rid of that will make a huge difference. At our judgment, it's not about excuses or justifications. God keeps it simple: Why did you choose to not make that change. So examine yourself. You are supposed to be a saint. Decide now.

The Difference Between Me and the Saints2022-11-29T12:55:59-05:00

Be Bold


We must be magnanimous souls! Three virtues that are so important for the Catholic in today's world are: [1] Humility. Dig into every detail of you life to see how you can serve God better. If you are not accusing yourself, you are excusing yourself. [2] Confidence in God. Catholic souls will only go out into the world, which we must do, when we know God is on our side. [3] Hope. Be ambitious in what you know God is asking you to do. Never look away from the mirror of self-sacrifice. Have the boldness to do things far greater than [...]

Be Bold2022-11-20T11:22:46-05:00

Final Christian Perseverance


The Church is always teaching us perseverance. She does so, not so much in words, but through her liturgy, sacraments, prayers (e.g. novena), the lives of the saints, and how she calls us to live. From the day of our baptism, we are called to the grace of final perseverance. One of the main purposes of confirmation is to help us persevere. We can never arrive at our heavenly end unto eternity unless we persevere in the True Faith

Final Christian Perseverance2022-08-02T11:22:05-04:00

Humility and Greatness of Man


Never be surprised when you fall. Be grounded in who you actually are: sinful and stumbling about. Yet you also have the capacity for greatness; so strive for it! Don't let the devil handcuff you to sin; instead, be a joyful soul when you go to confession. Have the humility to witness your great fall but know you can still reach for the stars - and see this in others. "Every man in the light of his ego is a fallen monarch."

Humility and Greatness of Man2022-06-11T17:52:58-04:00

Presentation and Purification


Consider the Twelve Mysteries of Christ's Infancy and Childhood. The Holy Family suffers much and endures many trials. Why? Because they are obedient to God's holy will. So how should we respond to these Mysteries? With obedience. What of those who are fearful and have heard this 'virus-crisis' excuses them from Sunday Mass? Meditate upon the connection between Christ's Presentation in the Temple, His Sacrifice on Calvary, and the Mass. Imitate Our Lady.

Presentation and Purification2022-02-19T13:14:54-05:00

Mysteries of His Sacred Infancy


Devotion to the Child Jesus means devotion to the Mystery of the Incarnation. Meditate on the mysteries of His sacred Infancy to grow in love for Him. These mysteries highlight His humility, poverty, obedience and love. In particular, consider that He purposefully chose each of these events to begin His saving mission on earth. To love Him you must strive to imitate Him. For example, every one of us can be more detached from the world; by this we imitate His poverty.

Mysteries of His Sacred Infancy2022-02-07T09:49:04-05:00

Three Brief Lessons on Holiness


Holiness consists in being united to Christ. [1] Jesus Himself calls us to holiness through the Church Triumphant and the Church Suffering. [2] We are the Church Militant because we are fighting for what? for holiness! To be Catholic is to strive to be holy. God's plan for our holiness is His Church, and outside His Church there can be no true holiness. [3] Holiness consists in conformity to the will of God.

Three Brief Lessons on Holiness2021-11-20T06:36:59-05:00

Suffer With Jesus and Mary


A basic rule of the spiritual life is to imitate Jesus and Mary. Marian devotion is not something "invented" by Catholics. Rather, Christ requires it — for He Himself gave His Sorrowful Mother to us at the foot of the Cross. We can never fully appreciate her sorrows for we can't fathom the depth of her love for her Son. However, we can pray for many graces to be more like Jesus and Mary: to hate sin and to ensure insults and ridicule with patience as they did. Pray for the grace to love Jesus and suffer for Him as Our [...]

Suffer With Jesus and Mary2021-11-02T12:05:20-04:00

Four Virtues for Spouses


God speaks to you in the lessons for Mass. Today, God calls you to practice four specific virtues: Humility, Meekness, Patience and Charity. These are the four virtues which Our Lord most clearly exhibits in His Passion. You are called to walk worthily in your vocation, and although we have different vocations, each Christian is called to deny himself and carry his cross daily.

Four Virtues for Spouses2021-10-31T07:10:03-04:00
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