
The Great Thought


For Christ to truly be King, He must reign in men's minds. This means man assents – with perfect submission and firm belief – to the doctrines taught by Christ and His Church. How terrible that many occupying high places in the Church are instead seeking to undermine His teachings. We instead must remain steadfast and faithful to the Great Truth. As an example, consider the Church's teachings on the Four Last Things. Review a 'Short Catechism on Eternity.' Heed the example of St. Anthony Mary Claret. And in all thy works, remember thy last end, and thou shall never sin [...]

The Great Thought2023-12-08T16:58:46-05:00

Immaculate Conception Prayer


O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. Mary, mystic rose of purity, I rejoice with thee at the glorious triumph thou didst gain over the serpent by thy Immaculate Conception, in that thou wast conceived without original sin.  I thank and praise with my whole heart the ever blessed Trinity, Who granted thee that glorious privilege; and I pray thee to obtain for me courage to overcome every snare of the great enemy, and never to stain my soul with mortal sin.  Be thou always mine aid, and enable me with thy protection to obtain [...]

Immaculate Conception Prayer2023-12-07T10:25:08-05:00

The One Thing That Prevents Your Sanctity


All Saints is time to reflect and celebrate those men and women who accomplished what they were born for. We are all meant to be saints and to reign in Heaven. Yet the Saints were at a time ordinary men and women. There is no difference between them and us on the level where we begin. So what did they do differently? What iron clad gates do we build up around our soul to prevent sanctity? Examine yourself and firmly resolve to eliminate just one simple thing which holds you back.

The One Thing That Prevents Your Sanctity2023-11-21T07:43:24-05:00

Decline of Public Authority


Obedience is a moral virtue that inclines the human will to comply with the will of another who has the right to command. We must obey the just commands of superiors because they represent the authority that comes from God. A grave error is to think men ("the people") are the source of public authority. Our nation is founded upon this false principle. When those in authority do not acknowledge the divine source of their authority, they abuse their power, becoming despotic. Subjects in turn mock rulers and only comply out of fear. The result is social dysfunction. Having cast Christ [...]

Decline of Public Authority2023-11-06T13:53:21-05:00

Humility of Intellect and of Will


St. Francis is the first recorded instance of the stigmata. Suffering with Christ –the Cross!– is central to our faith. The Cross is the source of all blessings, the cause of all grace, and the only path to Heaven. Carrying our cross well is what it means to be Catholic. Yet pride leads us to reject the cross. So we must grow in humility. Humility of intellect (an honest acknowledgement of our total dependence on God and of our real incapability of doing anything good without His assistance) makes us faithful to prayer. Humility of will (the readiness of the heart [...]

Humility of Intellect and of Will2023-11-07T09:45:37-05:00

Is it Catholic to Support Illegal Immigration?


We are witnessing a Great Replacement via mass immigration. This is not a conspiracy theory merely a factual observation. A mass population influx can destabilize a country similar to a military invasion. Nations in Europe and North America are experiencing such tremendous ethnic and civilizational substitution that one wonders if traditional Western cultures will be lost. Mass migration is a new form of slavery, hurting the immigrant and inflicting terrible damage on his homeland. Thomas Aquinas and our Popes have provided sound teaching regarding immigration but few Catholics know it. It is part of the Natural Law that we love and [...]

Is it Catholic to Support Illegal Immigration?2023-10-07T20:21:03-04:00

Walk in the Spirit


To 'walk in the Spirit' is an apt description of the Catholic life, of grace at work, and of the Holy Ghost bringing about salvation and sanctification. Yet we all suffer from concupiscence, a consequence of original sin. This is our inclination to evil that desires what seems agreeable whether good or evil, true of false. It operates upon every aspect of our being, exterior and interior senses. This battle is not easy and lasts all life long. Take this struggle seriously. As soldiers of Christ we are called to fight this battle. Where do we get the grace to conquer?

Walk in the Spirit2023-09-05T06:23:09-04:00

The Art of Complaining


Complaining is a human universal. Why do we complain? Two reasons: [1] Because of our ingratitude. Reality does not line up with what we want. God has given us everything even though we don't deserve it. To complain is immature. We must grow up! [2] Because we lack courage. We complain to illegitimatize something and then not have to give ourselves to it. Complaining is delaying the necessity of action. We lack courage. The only cure is to know Christ – to believe in Him. We have no greater model than the Sacred Heart.

The Art of Complaining2023-06-30T18:46:23-04:00

Return of Pagan Demons Repelled by Heroism


The Pantheon in Rome honored all the pagan gods (demons) of the Empire. Yet Christ conquered and this became the Basilica of St. Mary and the Martyrs. Prior to Christianity, tyranny and oppression reigned, the most revolting vices were promoted, and half the world's population was enslaved. Yet Christ's light dispelled these evils and elevated civilzation to a level hitherto unknown; it was the glory of Christendom. Now the demons, seven times more wicked, have returned to repossess society. Today we have a crisis of saints. We need heroic faith and the practice of heroic virtue in our daily lives. So [...]

Return of Pagan Demons Repelled by Heroism2023-03-01T12:54:30-05:00

The Difference Between Me and the Saints


At the start of November we celebrate all the saints. For a time, they were ordinary men and women similar to us. They suffered from the same temptations, faults, discouragements, obstacles. So what did they do differently? Each of us has something we can get rid of that will make a huge difference. At our judgment, it's not about excuses or justifications. God keeps it simple: Why did you choose to not make that change. So examine yourself. You are supposed to be a saint. Decide now.

The Difference Between Me and the Saints2022-11-29T12:55:59-05:00
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