
The Family Needs Purity of Intent


Our Lady provides a great model for what it means to be pure, which is far more than just purity in body. Purity begins in the mind. A family can't be happy unless it is a pure family. Purity helps us resist pride, selfishness, and the world. It means not judging things by our feelings but according to what God wills. Parents, practice purity and form your children accordingly. Children should not face these things alone. It is far easier to shun vice when we know the truth. Marriage is not for pleasure or self, it is to die; to die [...]

The Family Needs Purity of Intent2025-02-11T09:03:13-05:00

Put Ye On the Lord Jesus Christ


In giving us His Son, God could give us nothing more. And He gives us everything. God provides this season of Advent so that we will change! Strive to make it a holy season. Father lists numerous ways to grow in Advent. Do not displease Christ. Conform your will to His. May He reign over you. Behold His Heart which has loved so much that It has given itself completely and spared nothing. How do I respond? By Christmas, we must be clothed more with Christ and less with our own self will. Unite my heart with Thine and my will with [...]

Put Ye On the Lord Jesus Christ2024-12-08T21:14:44-05:00

Guided by the Feasts of the Church


Too often we want to know or experience directly what Heaven is saying to us. (This leads some to give undeserved attention to unapproved private revelations.) Instead, put more faith in what, without any doubt, comes from God. He speaks to us through the Church's feasts. For example, in these past weeks God is speaking to us about the importance of Christ's Kingship, venerating the saints, aiding the poor souls, pondering the Four Last Things, and growing in faith, hope, and charity. It is so important that you make a greater effort to live based on the Faith, not on secular [...]

Guided by the Feasts of the Church2024-11-13T06:23:39-05:00

Many Reject Christ’s Kingship


Jesus Christ is King. This is a great dogma of our faith. All things are created by Him and for Him. The State has an obligation towards Him and man's laws must be subject to His Law. The only way to have peace is for all nations to submit to Christ the King. Yet many so called Christians – even in the Church – reject His kingship.  Our presidential candidates do not confess Christ's Kingship. Bishops are not defending this truth. Francis' recent statements are blasphemous and heretical against this doctrine. As small individuals we may not be able to change [...]

Many Reject Christ’s Kingship2024-10-21T23:24:45-04:00

Three Examples of the Incredible Power of the Rosary


In 1571, Pope St. Pius V called all Christendom to pray the Rosary. In response, Our Lady routed the superior Moslem forces at the naval Battle of Lepanto. At Hiroshima, She protected eight Jesuits priests, living the Message of Fatima, from the atomic bomb. In the 1960s, Brazil was saved from communism by the Rosary. The Blessed Mother told St. Dominic that the Rosary is a most powerful means to [1] dissipate heresy, [2] extinguish vice, [3] spread virtue, [4] implore God's mercy, and [5] obtain her protection. And in our time, God has granted the Rosary even more power, so [...]

Three Examples of the Incredible Power of the Rosary2024-10-07T22:21:33-04:00

Living Through The Crisis 1 – Faith


A divine chastisement is imminent. Our Lady has already warned us at Fatima and Akita. Very few Catholics, even in traditional circles, are spiritually prepared for what is coming. This series explores the virtues most needed to survive the coming years. Each one of us needs to be working on this now, while we still have the time. The first talk centers on the supernatural virtue of Faith.

Living Through The Crisis 1 – Faith2024-08-07T21:32:45-04:00

Know Them By Their Fruits


We must learn to pray as Holy Mother Church prays. Make petitions in union with her solemn prayer. It is clear that many of us are failing in our fundamental duty. We are living through the consequences thereof. Discern the false shepherds by their fruits. Consider as well the wondrous fruits of the Precious Blood. His Blood is shed for us at Holy Mass. Do you really believe?

Know Them By Their Fruits2024-08-02T16:40:18-04:00

Mammon of Iniquity


Created things are not sinful. They are good for God has made them. We are to use the created things God has given us to please Him, to merit His graces, to fulfill our duty and come to Heaven. But they become an object of sin when we misuse them. Consider our use of food, drink, cell phones, clothing, and time to excess or defect. We restore the balance with penance and fasting. Everything is good, but not everything is good for me.  So, what creature has become the mammon of iniquity for me?

Mammon of Iniquity2024-07-28T21:47:04-04:00

Grant Us An Increase of Religion


The Mass' Collect Prayer is a solemn petition on the part of the Universal Church. Today we ask God, "Graft in our hearts love for Thy Name and grant us an increase of religion." Religion is the highest moral virtue; by it we render to God the worship and honor due to God. This virtue necessitates being convinced of God's greatness and our own nothingness. It calls us to overcome our self-love and pride, both great obstacles which prevent us from loving God. At Mass, make a special effort to consider the Sacred Heart. "O Jesus, take my heart and change [...]

Grant Us An Increase of Religion2024-07-26T19:10:43-04:00

Martyrs of Christmastide


At the center of Christmas we see Jesus willing to take on a human nature so that we may be conformed to His likeness. Another "epiphany" is the Divine Child revealing Himself by shedding His Precious Blood and giving us the grace to live and die for Him. As Christ's disciples, we are called to believe in Him and to be faithful to His teaching (which is the teaching of the Church). Every single martyr gave his blood for the truth; we must be willing to suffer for the truth. The Church honors many martyrs in this season: SS. Peter and [...]

Martyrs of Christmastide2024-02-04T09:05:02-05:00
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