
Vax-Cult Opposes Christs Kingship


Few remember the destruction wrought by vaccine mandates in 19th century England. If we don't learn from history, then we're doomed to repeat it. Strange how modern governments, which claim to be so enlightened, can be so despotic. The modern state sees itself as absolute. All must submit to its authority and doctrines, while it submits to none. Yet a tyranny sincerely exercised for the 'good' of its victims is the most oppressive. Thus, the vax-cult sets itself up as false religion against the Kingship of Christ.

Vax-Cult Opposes Christs Kingship2022-01-23T13:31:37-05:00

Lies, Delusion, and Deceit of the Pandemic


Christ is source of ALL reality. When we depart from Him, we have no option but to live in a mad world filled with delusion and deception. Such lies are clear signs that satan is at work. Looking over the covid and vaccine narrative for the past two years, it is clear that it has been filled with lies. A work is known by its fruits. Resist the lies, psy-ops and abuse as best you can and live in accordance with truth!

Lies, Delusion, and Deceit of the Pandemic2022-01-15T17:37:01-05:00

Christ the King vs the Virus and Jab


Christ the King commands us to be faithful to truth and to life. Archbishop Vigano has written an open letter which I strongly urge you to read. The potential evil of the vaccine far outweighs the potential good. Human babies are being murdered in the continued production of the vaccine. This scamdemic is filled with misinformation, lies, evil, and death. We have to oppose this vaccination agenda with all our strength. What can you do? Recognize the extreme situation we are in. Look to Christ the King on the Cross. Make an act of faith: He is the truth, we follow [...]

Christ the King vs the Virus and Jab2021-11-20T06:50:13-05:00

Our World is Being Forever Altered


A new social ethics has been created with its own twisted sense of virtue, false commandments, and moral imperatives. That in itself is terrible. Yet even more sickening is how these values—of a materialistic God-denying culture—have become the standard for so many within the Church Militant. The eternal good of the soul, and those things necessary for salvation, are discouraged or cancelled. The opinions of men are believed over the divine word of God. Any wonder why many are leaving the Faith? May God forgive us!

Our World is Being Forever Altered2021-05-01T22:19:29-04:00

The Mission of Husband and Wife


Keep your Nativity Scene up until Feb 2 so as to continue looking upon the Holy Family - our exemplar model. Families should also strive to imitate the Three Kings, who offered gifts of love, prayer and mortification. By the command of Christ, marriage is meant to give rise to a people, fellow citizens with the saints in Heaven, who render fitting worship to the true God. Marriage is a sacrament and it symbolizes exalted mysteries, such as the union of Christ and His Church. Husband and wife must strive to subject themselves to God and hold their passions check. Chastity, [...]

The Mission of Husband and Wife2021-02-11T08:03:35-05:00
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