A Prayer for Studying the Faith and an Act of Consecration
DVR Fatima2023-11-20T09:47:28-05:00From the Raccolta (Prayer 763) Under Thy patronage, dear Mother, and invokingthe mystery of Thine Immaculate Conception, Idesire to pursue my studies and my literary labors:I hereby solemnly declare that I am devotingmyself to these studies chiefly to the followingend: that I may the better contribute to the gloryof God and to the spread of Thy venerationamong men. I pray Thee, therefore, most lovingMother, who art the Seat of Wisdom, to bless mylabors in Thy loving kindness. Moreover, Ipromise with true affection and a willing spirit, asit is right that I should do, to ascribe all the goodthat shall accrue to [...]