Ten Commandments

The Family Needs Purity of Intent


Our Lady provides a great model for what it means to be pure, which is far more than just purity in body. Purity begins in the mind. A family can't be happy unless it is a pure family. Purity helps us resist pride, selfishness, and the world. It means not judging things by our feelings but according to what God wills. Parents, practice purity and form your children accordingly. Children should not face these things alone. It is far easier to shun vice when we know the truth. Marriage is not for pleasure or self, it is to die; to die [...]

The Family Needs Purity of Intent2025-02-11T09:03:13-05:00

Key to Cracking Our Hardened Souls


Jesus weeps over Jerusalem. Despite so many chance, God's people reject Him. They devised a religion centered upon man. Yet we are no different. We should expect the situation we are in today because we have turned our back on God. If the first Four Commandments are not being practiced by Catholics, how can we expect anything to change? We must first place God at the center of our lives. Society and the nation will follow. Imitate Our Lady. She pondered God's deeds in silence, practiced fidelity in small things, and was constant in prayer.

Key to Cracking Our Hardened Souls2024-08-12T21:34:08-04:00

Impurity Unleashes Destructive Passions and Death


We must understand the root causes which plague our Church and society. When man indulges an unchaste desire, he starts down a trajectory of sin that leads to violence and destruction. Unbridled passions in man's interior life lead to confusion, anger, frustration and unleash external acts of uncontrolled passion. Impure people are easily manipulated by the powers that be. Revolutionaries, hardened criminals and satanists are able to commit terrible atrocities because they first desensitize themselves by violations of the Sixth Commandment. As we are living though an unhappy time of unbridled luxury, we should expect that riots, acts of senseless violence, destruction, and public murder [...]

Impurity Unleashes Destructive Passions and Death2020-11-13T21:49:49-05:00

Purity of Heart and the Commandments


Lent is a time to turn away from sin (convert!) and to turn to God. Christ asks of us our heart and that we follow Him. Now is a time to strive after a clean heart, that we may see God! Many people mistakenly think the Ten Commandments are merely a list of "thou shalt nots" and they fail to see how the Commandments also call us to practice virtue, to do good, to love our neighbor, and to love God. In fact, the Commandments are a wondrous expression of God's love and the most basic means by which we can [...]

Purity of Heart and the Commandments2020-03-15T08:29:50-04:00

Heresy of Apollinarianism and the Tilma


We have reason to rejoice in our Holy Mother: The Church and Our Lady. Mary is the perfect type of the Church.  The miraculous tilma of Guadalupe points to numerous truths about the Church: She is divine, she is alive, Jesus lives in her, she is indestructible, she is sweet even as she corrects and reproves. We also recently celebrated Pope St. Damasus (+384), who battled an anti-pope, upheld the Sacred Scriptures, and condemned heresy. He defended the Person of Christ and His two natures. These truths dispel today's popular errors that animals may be resurrected, redeemed or have eternal souls.

Heresy of Apollinarianism and the Tilma2024-12-20T12:26:04-05:00
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