Spiritual Battle

Two Kinds of Levitation


Once in speaking on the Holy Trinity, St. John of the Cross levitated up into the air before St. Teresa of Avila. On another occasion, this same saintly friar was called to exorcize a possessed nun. As the community prayed the Gloria Patri, the nun leaped into the air and remained suspended upside down. She was completely inverted. These two levitations, each facing opposite directions, symbolize much of what is possible for man in this life. If we orient ourselves towards God, we perceive His beauty and order in all things -- even our trials and crosses. Yet if we make unto ourselves [...]

Two Kinds of Levitation2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Extinguish Not the Spirit


Frequently invoke the Holy Ghost, imploring Him to enlighten your mind, inflame your heart, and strengthen your will. He is the never ceasing font of truth, love and grace. He is the Author of all supernatural gifts and nothing good begins without His help. Now there is a tremendous battle going on between the Spirit of God and the spirit of the world, of the flesh, and of the devil. The spirits contrary to God must be cast out if the Holy Ghost is to abide in us. One who saturates himself with these evil spirits extinguishes the Holy Ghost from his [...]

Extinguish Not the Spirit2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Dark Night of Advent


We are nearing the end of Advent. It is the darkest time of the year in more ways than one. You may be feeling more attacks and temptations than normal. Are you physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually worn down? Patience runs low, relationships are stained, some even broken. We desire to do the good, but the power seems lacking. This is Advent. It is a revealer of faults and problems. God means for it to be a passive purgation. With St. John of the Cross as our guide, let us consider various spiritual maladies which prevent those who want to grow [...]

Dark Night of Advent2019-12-24T13:58:13-05:00

Trophies Spoils of War


The dictionary tells us the meaning of 'trophy' from the ancient Greek and Latin is “the weapons and other spoils of a defeated army set up as a memorial of victory.” The Romans famously filled their capital with countless such trophies from all over the world. Pagan Rome tried to conquer Christianity, but failed when the Cross appeared in the Heavens above to Constantine, with the saying, 'In Hoc Signo Vinces'. Christianity conquered Rome and turned her into a Christian trophy case. Sadly this process is now reversing. Worse, many in the Church have welcomed a return to pre-Constanian times. Consider [...]

Trophies Spoils of War2019-12-07T05:46:08-05:00

Thou Callest Me Master and Heedest Me Not


Consider the following words carved by an unknown sculptor into the walls of an old European Cathedral: "Thou callest Me Master, yet heedest not Me. Thou callest Me Light, yet I shine not in thee. That callest me Way, but dost follow Me not... Thou callest Me JUST; Oh! if just then I be, when I shall condemn thee, reproach thou not Me." These words can serve as a helpful examination of conscience. Place them in your prayerbooks or refrigerator door - anywhere you will see them often and meditate upon their profound import.

Thou Callest Me Master and Heedest Me Not2019-11-24T11:21:25-05:00

The Devil Has Intensified His Constant War


St. Augustine teaches that "Our enemies are ever on the alert to work our ruin and we are ever forgetful of our salvation." Religious are especially consecrated for this battle against the world, the flesh and the devil; yet we too must wage it continually. St. Michael aids us, for one of his principal offices is to wage incessant war against the arch fiend, satan. The devil is the father of lies and a seducer. In particular, he wishes to seduce religious and the hierarchy of the Church. He traps  men by cloaking his evil with good and leading them to think he is not [...]

The Devil Has Intensified His Constant War2019-10-11T07:10:40-04:00
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