
Creer Realmente en la Asunción


La Asunción conmemora una serie de misterios; por ejemplo, la muerte y sepultura de la Virgen María, su incorrupción, su restauración a la vida, y su coronación triunfal. Cada uno de ellos revela los sentimientos del Corazón Inmaculado de María y nos enseña a vivir la vida cristiana. Porque no basta con ser «buena persona» (pues ¿qué significa eso?). Debemos perseverar en la gracia de Dios, desear ardientemente el Cielo, aceptar la cruz, no estar tan apegados a la tierra y prepararnos para una muerte santa.

Creer Realmente en la Asunción2024-10-26T09:25:00-04:00

Our Lady Requests Churches Be Built


In the heat of Rome's summer, Our Lady dropped snow to indicate where the greatest church in her honor was to be built. St. Mary Major is home to both the manger from Bethlehem and Salus Populi Romani, St. Luke's miraculous painting of Madonna and Child. Our Blessed Mother is inseparable from Her Divine Son. Jesus chooses to enter the world – and our life – through her! At many of her apparitions, Our Lady requests a church be built, not only to receive our prayers and come to our aid, but to renew the Sacrifice of Her Son. Strive to [...]

Our Lady Requests Churches Be Built2024-09-15T21:59:39-04:00

La Santisima Virgen Pide Que Se Construyan Iglesias


La Virgen María lleva el deseo de glorificar a Dios y unirnos a su Divino Hijo. Eso se realiza en el templo católico, en la Santa Misa. En muchas de sus apariciones, la Madre de Dios pide que se construya una iglesia (por ejemplo, Guadalupe, Lourdes, Fátima). En el año 352, durante el caluroso verano romano, Nuestra Señora obró un maravilloso milagro. Cayó nieve, marcando el lugar donde se construiría la mayor iglesia en su honor. Santa María la Mayor alberga tanto el pesebre de Belén como una imagen milagrosa pintada por San Lucas: Salus Populi Romani.

La Santisima Virgen Pide Que Se Construyan Iglesias2024-10-26T09:24:40-04:00

By God’s Grace I Am What I Am


St. Paul humbly acknowledges his unworthiness because he persecuted Christ and His Church. Yet God loved him, elected him, and granted him an undeserved grace. Paul responded. He cooperated – and never went back. Thus, the grace was not in vain. And what of us? We are weak. But we too receive great graces. The world is noisy and blocks out inspirations of grace. Even if we have not cooperated before, let us begin now. Open your ears and be faithful to prayer.

By God’s Grace I Am What I Am2024-09-08T21:25:22-04:00

Cómo Acabar con los Mismos Pecados de Siempre


Practica la devoción a la Preciosísima Sangre. Es un modo extraordinario de participar en la Misa. Dedica quince o veinte minutos a rezar así durante la Misa: Oh Preciosísima Sangre de Jesús, te adoro (te doy gracias / ten piedad de mí / ayúdame / o haz cualquier intención). ¡Reza con fe! Creer de verdad que el derramamiento de la Preciosísima Sangre se renueva en la Santa Misa. Pide en particular para que la Preciosísima Sangre te perdone y te libere de cualquier pecado grave. Si rezas con fe, creyendo que estos pecados son la causa de los grandes dolores y sufrimientos [...]

Cómo Acabar con los Mismos Pecados de Siempre2024-09-03T19:23:51-04:00

Por Sus Frutos Los Conocerás


Debemos aprender a rezar según el ejemplo de la iglesia. Tomad en cuenta la petición de la oración colecta de la Misa. O Dios, infunde en nuestros corazones amor por Ti y por tu nombre santo. Participar en la Santa Misa es nuestro deber principal y mayor dignidad. Lamentablemente, muchos fallan en este deber fundamental. Las consecuencias terribles son evidentes. Hay que discernir los falsos pastores por sus frutos. Considerad también los frutos maravillosos de la Preciosísima Sangre. Cristo derrama su Sangre por nosotros en la Santa Misa. ¿Creéis de verdad?

Por Sus Frutos Los Conocerás2024-09-08T21:41:05-04:00

Seven Petitions to the Precious Blood


Practice devotion to the Most Precious Blood! This is outstanding way to participate in Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Spend fifteen or twenty minutes – or more – praying thus: Precious Blood of Jesus, I adore Thee (or I thank Thee or Have mercy on me or make any specific intention such as Wash over me or Heal me). . Pray in particular for the Precious Blood to forgive and free you from any serious sin - one that has a strong hold on you. Seven petitions in particular, linked to Our Lord's seven blood sheddings, cover the entire range of the [...]

Seven Petitions to the Precious Blood2024-09-15T21:59:08-04:00

What Does It Mean to Be Merciful


God shows His power most by being merciful. Yet this is terribly misunderstood. Mercy means we see someone who is suffering and are moved to act! Mercy means replacing an evil with a good and thereby alleviating the suffering. We find this mercy in the Sacrament of Penance. Too often Catholics lose respect and honor for the sacrament; then one fails to receive all the available graces. Review how to make a good confession. See the greatness of what God is giving us. The examples of Saints Mary Magdalene. Zacheus, and Dismas will help enliven our souls with true contrition.

What Does It Mean to Be Merciful2024-08-29T17:54:41-04:00

The Devil at Work in the Church


Breaking with all Tradition, Scripture, Natural Law, and God's Authority, Francis has allowed the "blessing" of couples engaged in unnatural vice. This confusion is dividing the Church and shaking the faith of many. It is a terrible abuse. Two great problems we suffer under today are the abuse by fathers - including spiritual fathers - and a misunderstanding of marriage. Yet it is not hard for us to know the truth. We simply rely on what the Church has always and everywhere taught to all (universality, antiquity and consensus). As the Church endures this terrible passion, remain close to Our Blessed [...]

The Devil at Work in the Church2024-08-28T19:56:11-04:00

The Saints and the Precious Blood


May the saints who had a a great devotion to the Precious Blood be our guides in participating more fruitfully at Holy Mass. They help us believe in – and focus our attention upon – Our Lord's great mysteries. Saints Mechtilde, Mary Magdalene de Pazzi, Margaret Mary Alacoque, John Vianney and St. Dominic are but a few examples. At Mass, Our Lord presents His wounds to His Heavenly Father. Upon seeing them, the Father forgives us. We too should look upon His wounds, for it will move us to repent of our sins. His Precious Blood shall move us to confidence [...]

The Saints and the Precious Blood2024-08-25T16:18:11-04:00
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