
Glorious is God in His Saints


Christ the King has redeemed and transformed all time. Living in accordance with the liturgical year is a basic and daily way by which we truly live as Christ's subjects. Yet the vast majority of Catholics ignore His being Lord of all time. The recent feasts emphasize the importance of the saints. Make a special effort to draw closer to them. The examples of St. Rita of Casia (+1457), saint of the impossible, and St. Humility (+1310), illustrate how the saints made Christ sovereign over mind, will, body, time, and life. By their intercession may we too enthrone Christ over our [...]

Glorious is God in His Saints2024-11-21T16:48:59-05:00

Our Lady of Sorrows Carried Her Cross


When one makes the Sign of the Cross, he professes the two greatest Christian mysteries. In fact, the cross is the primary symbol of the Christian Faith. It is the source of all blessings and cause of all graces. It represents the mystery of Christ and His infinite love. There is no health of soul or hope of eternal life without the cross.  Yes, the Cross is the proof that God loves us, but it is also the proof He requires of us to show our love fro Him. We must carry our share of the cross. Has anyone done this [...]

Our Lady of Sorrows Carried Her Cross2024-11-21T16:47:42-05:00

Guiados por las fiestas de la Iglesia


Consideren bien estos dias sacratísimos que marcan el fin del año litúrgico:  Cristo Rey, Todos los Santos, de los Fieles Difuntos. Estas fiestas nos llaman a contemplar el mundo del más allá. Debemos vivir la vida basándonos en una fe segura, no en valores mundanos ni en revelaciones privadas no aprobadas. El reino de Cristo es un reino de fe, esperanza y caridad. Debemos fomentar estas virtudes sobrenaturales. El Padre concluye con un breve catecismo sobre la virtud de la esperanza, incluyendo cómo la presunción y la desesperación son pecados contra la esperanza.

Guiados por las fiestas de la Iglesia2024-11-18T11:35:25-05:00

Guided by the Feasts of the Church


Too often we want to know or experience directly what Heaven is saying to us. (This leads some to give undeserved attention to unapproved private revelations.) Instead, put more faith in what, without any doubt, comes from God. He speaks to us through the Church's feasts. For example, in these past weeks God is speaking to us about the importance of Christ's Kingship, venerating the saints, aiding the poor souls, pondering the Four Last Things, and growing in faith, hope, and charity. It is so important that you make a greater effort to live based on the Faith, not on secular [...]

Guided by the Feasts of the Church2024-11-13T06:23:39-05:00

Fidelity to God’s Grace


Saintly mystics of the Church provide us with an account of Mary's birth, which we celebrate today. Our Lady was conceived without sin and with the ability to know and love God. Within St. Anne's womb, Mary was already faithfully corresponding to this first grace – and thus growing in grace. Let us be more aware of the graces God gives us and do our very best to correspond with them. Yet attachment to sin and to the world impedes our growth. We prefer what is easier and more comfortable. To counter this, grow in your devotion to Mary, especially Our [...]

Fidelity to God’s Grace2024-11-11T07:58:05-05:00

The Saints Believe Christ is King


The saints truly believe – and live! – that Christ is King. We see this in their heartfelt prayer, which we should strive to adopt as own. Do not fall prey to the founding principles of modern democracies which reject, or set aside, Christ's Kingship. Catholics should not live in accordance with these errors, even if everyone else around us does. While this is not an issue we can force, we can be clear regarding the truth and plant the seeds of truth in others. You may not be able to change the trajectory of the nation (that may require a [...]

The Saints Believe Christ is King2024-11-04T08:46:50-05:00

Depths of the Immaculate Heart


All of Our Lady's feasts manifest the immense, incomprehensible and incomparable love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary for God, and for us poor sinners. No where else does the adorable will of God reign so perfectly and so we can never adequately revere her Heart. Her tremendous love continues its role in heavenly meditation today. Her intercession is so powerful because her love is so great. In the depths of her heart are the mysteries of God, the Passion of her Son, and all He said and did. Those who truly love and honor Mary receive abundant gifts, favors and blessings [...]

Depths of the Immaculate Heart2024-11-06T10:23:29-05:00

Patronage of St Michael


St. Michael promotes and defends the glory of God, which includes the truth of God and what He has revealed. St. Michael is the guardian angel of the Holy Eucharist and of the Catholic Faith. He is the defender of the Church and of the Blessed Virgin Mary. When these are not upheld, his guardianship lessens. Catholic bulwarks are being dismantled and satan is wrecking havoc in the Church. Francis' latest statements, perhaps his worst on record, clearly contradict Our Lord. Priests are being persecuted by churchmen simply for defending the Church's doctrine and worship. Our love and devotion to St. [...]

Patronage of St Michael2024-11-04T08:48:23-05:00

Todo Debe Ser Sometido a Cristo Rey


Cristo es Rey. Este es un gran dogma de nuestra fe católica y es un resumen de toda nuestra santa religión. Es también uno de los títulos más importantes de nuestro Salvador Jesucristo. Todas las cosas, visibles e invisibles, fueron creadas por y para Cristo. Por eso, todas las personas, familias, instituciones y naciones, en privado y en público, deben someterse a Cristo Rey. Consideremos los ejemplos del aborto, el matrimonio, los medios de comunicación, las escuelas, y las elecciones presidenciales. Quizá no podamos cambiarlos, pero debemos conocer y defender la verdad.

Todo Debe Ser Sometido a Cristo Rey2024-10-26T10:38:25-04:00
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