
As A Man Hopes in His Heart So He Is


Every single human seeks joy, but we are always looking in the wrong place. Our habitual thoughts [hopes] make us who we are. True and lasting joy comes from Christ. Without Him, man is filled with sadness. By abiding in Him, our joy is complete. The Day of Wrath will be one of great joy for those called to eternal beatitude. Christ comes through Our Lady and thus she is the Cause of Our Joy. Nothing should take away our joy for we should allow nothing to take us away from Jesus.

As A Man Hopes in His Heart So He Is2022-12-18T06:36:51-05:00

Remember Christian Soul This Day and Every Day


The three great feasts of Christ King, All Saints, & All Souls help us glorify God by recognizing the truth about God. We acknowledge Christ's Kingdom is an eternal and universal kingdom and reflect upon the Four Last Things (and Purgatory). Every person, not just Catholics, will be judged. The King will ask, 'Why did you not believe the Truth?' Read Matthew 25 in the context of Christ the King who will come to judge. We must be prepared for we know not when He comes.  

Remember Christian Soul This Day and Every Day2022-12-17T10:03:06-05:00

Catholic Symbolism of the Advent Wreath


The symbolism of the advent wreath centers on the Coming of the Lord. The candle stands for Christ. The circle is a symbol of eternity (Heaven and hell are the only options). The evergreen is for eternal life. Green stands for hope and its renewal. A blessed candle always represents Christ. Violet and rose call us to penance and joy. Each candle also represents one millennium of hope in the Messiah. Pray the psalms, as they are excellent means to nurture hope.

Catholic Symbolism of the Advent Wreath2022-12-12T10:53:17-05:00

Our Lady of Sorrows Saves from the Fires


Three important September Marian feasts highlight the profound union between Jesus and Mary. Their Holy Names are inseparable. Her nativity, like the Morning Star, prepares us for His coming. She suffered her Son's Passion and her Sorrows are part of His Passion. The strongest inclination of Mary is to unite us to her Son; and the strongest inclination of the Son is that we should come to Him through His holy Mother. May we ever keep in our minds and hearts the bitter passion of Our Lord and sorrowful sufferings of Our Lady.

Our Lady of Sorrows Saves from the Fires2022-12-11T11:57:21-05:00

Christmas and the Judgment


The Coming of the Lord is the great Mystery with which the Church year begins (and ends). Why does Jesus come? [1] To save your soul. [2] To judge your soul. We must see it as something very personal – as “Jesus and You.” God is giving you this year to prepare for your death and judgement, that you may avoid hell and gain Heaven. Consider Christmas in the light of salvation and of faith – not in a worldly way. Recommendations for Advent include prayer (e.g. the Christmas Novena), penance, and especially detachment.

Christmas and the Judgment2022-11-30T06:02:25-05:00

The Difference Between Me and the Saints


At the start of November we celebrate all the saints. For a time, they were ordinary men and women similar to us. They suffered from the same temptations, faults, discouragements, obstacles. So what did they do differently? Each of us has something we can get rid of that will make a huge difference. At our judgment, it's not about excuses or justifications. God keeps it simple: Why did you choose to not make that change. So examine yourself. You are supposed to be a saint. Decide now.

The Difference Between Me and the Saints2022-11-29T12:55:59-05:00

Rezar la Oración Colecta


Ponga su atención sobre la Oración Colecta de la Iglesia en general y hoy en particular. Rezamos por un aumento de la fe, la esperanza y la caridad. No podemos crecer en las virtudes teológicas por nuestros propios medios. Dios nos las promete y son Sus regalos gratuitos. Sin embargo, hay que hacer nuestra parte para merecerlos. También le pedimos a Dios que nos ayude a amar Sus Mandamientos. Con demasiada frecuencia, los hombres ven erróneamente la ley de Dios como una carga; sin embargo, es una expresión del amor divino.

Rezar la Oración Colecta2022-11-26T07:41:45-05:00

A Potent Collect Prayer


Draw your attention to the Church’s Collect Prayer in general and today in particular. We beg God for an increase of faith, hope and charity. We can’t grow in them based on our own will and effort. God promises them to us and they are His free gifts to us. Nevertheless, we must do our part to merit them. We also ask God to help us love His Commandments. Too often men erroneously view God’s law as burdensome; yet it is an expression of His love.

A Potent Collect Prayer2022-11-26T07:31:19-05:00

Reflect upon Death and Hell


In all your works, remember your last end, and you will never sin. Frequently prepare yourself spiritually for death. Advent is a good time for this. Pray Psalm 50 (Miserere) and Psalm 129 (De Profundis). When dangerously sick, you must be well trained to make an immediate and proper preparation for death. It is extremely important for you to reflect upon hell. We shall see Christ Our King and Judge coming on the clouds with power and majesty – Be prepared!

Reflect upon Death and Hell2022-11-22T10:55:37-05:00

La Obra Maestra de Dios


El corazón inmaculado de María contiene en si toda caridad. Inculcando en nuestros corazones los cinco sentimientos principales de su corazón es la forma más básica de fomentar devoción al corazón inmaculado. [1] Horror por todo pecado. [2] Odio por este mundo corrupto. [3] La menor estima posible hacia uno mismo. [4] Reverencia por todas las cosas de Dios. [5] Amor a la cruz.

La Obra Maestra de Dios2022-11-21T11:08:25-05:00
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