
The World Is Lost


Epiphany is one of the five holiest days of the year, yet nearly everyone has 'moved past' Christmas. You must think and act like Catholics. The feasts of Church should shape your mindset. Know that the purpose of your marriage and family is to lead people to Christ, to inspire a greater love for Him – find great joy in this! The light that guides the Three Kings also represents faith. They are men of great obedience and faith who follow the light from God. Catholic, do the same!

The World Is Lost2023-03-25T07:53:49-04:00

María Conservaba Todo en Su Corazón


Los mundanos se olvidan de la Navidad después del 25 de diciembre. ¡Pero la Navidad dura hasta el 2 de febrero! Durante esta témpora, concéntrese en la gran misión que Dios confió a Nuestra Señora. Nadie conoce a Jesús tan profundamente como su Madre. Nadie es guía o maestro más competente en la 'Escuela de Cristo'. Ella hasta vivió la vida misma de Cristo. Imitemos su ejemplo de meditar cada palabra, obra y detalle de su Divino Hijo. Sabed que el Ave María es una oración ejemplar de alabanza y petición que glorifica a Dios.

María Conservaba Todo en Su Corazón2023-01-22T12:52:40-05:00

Holy Matrimony is Practicing for Heaven


The bride and groom who marry do not have true love. What they have has the potential to reach perfection as authentic ennobling love. Sadly, it can also develop into a mere coexistence and ignobility. Which shall it be? In this world, suffering is the proof of love and gives love its meaning and value. Love in marriage must mirror the love of the Blessed Trinity. It is indissoluble and self-effacing, thereby spirating love and life. Sacrifice your excellence. Bear one another. In the company of saints we become saints. The moving example of Saint Eulogius and the Cripple teach us [...]

Holy Matrimony is Practicing for Heaven2023-01-13T09:36:20-05:00

Pray the Holy Name


Jesus' holy Name is all powerful because of the Name who bears it. His Name highlights His mission as our Savior. In particular, it represents His love and power. It is the shortest and simplest prayer. "Jesus, I love Thee. Jesus, I live for Thee. Jesus, I suffer for Thee. Jesus, I die for Thee. Jesus, save me."

Pray the Holy Name2024-01-02T10:33:11-05:00

Mary Kept All These Words in Her Heart


Be not like those lost in worldliness or who forget Christmas after the 25th. Christmas lasts until February 2! During this time, focus on the great mission God entrusted to Our Lady. No one knew Christ as profoundly as Mary. No one is a more competent guide and teacher. She lived the very life of Christ. Imitate her 'Christmas' example of pondering every word, deed and detail of her Divine Son and of comforting her life to those most sacred mysteries. Know that the Hail Mary is an exemplary prayer of praise and petition which glorifies God.

Mary Kept All These Words in Her Heart2023-01-09T08:03:09-05:00

Fix Your Eyes on Heart on the Divine Child


Keeping our physical gaze on the Divine Child helps us keep our heart fixed on Him. Imitate Our Lady and never take your eyes off Her Son. The world has many attractions and human weakness fills us with doubt. Imitate. Yet Christmas is filled with beauty to help incline us towards the grace and truth Christ brings. We set our heart on Christ alone by always obeying Him, pleasing Him, desiring Him, and submitting to God's holy will.

Fix Your Eyes on Heart on the Divine Child2023-01-08T07:42:35-05:00

Mirada Fija en El Niño Dios


Debido a nuestra naturaleza humana, los signos exteriores nos impactan. Por eso el mundo es tan atrayente. Y precisamente por eso Dios nos da la gran belleza de la Navidad. No debemos apartar nuestra vista del rostro de la Virgen Maria ni de su Divino Hijo. Tener la mirada fija así tiene sentido exterior e interior. Queremos [1] obedecer a Dios; [2] complacer solo a Jesús; [3] aceptar la voluntad de Dios; y [4] solo desear a Dios.

Mirada Fija en El Niño Dios2023-01-11T07:38:18-05:00

The Nativity Scene


In 1223, with the Pope's blessing, St. Francis created the first Nativity Scene. He wanted to kindle devotion by reliving the historical birth of Christ. Indeed miracles were subsequently associated with this "Feast of feasts." Throughout Advent we longed for His Coming. Angels now beckon us to the Nativity Scene. Jesus comes in gentleness and mercy, not judgment or condemnation. He comes as a Lamb (Agnus Dei), a willing victim, born for the purpose of dying. Come, let us adore Him.

The Nativity Scene2022-12-28T08:49:49-05:00

Everlasting Fire or Life


Prepare for a happy death, which is not the same as a painless death. To die as softly as one drops off asleep and awaking to find an angry Judge and an everlasting fire is not a happy death. St. Lawrence and St. Agnes had happy painful deaths.  A happy death is one in the state of grace, for this — and this alone — means eternal salvation. The less debt one owes to God's justice, the happier one's death. Cease not to pray for the souls in Purgatory, that they may be worthy of God.

Everlasting Fire or Life2022-12-28T08:50:08-05:00

Ten Greatest Marian Prayers


When a mother is expecting, all her thoughts and actions revolve around her child. If a mere human merits this attention, how much more Christ? It is very sad how the vast majority of Catholics are unprepared for Christmas and do the opposite of what they ought. Much reparation is needed, so grow in your devotion to Our Lady. Familiarize yourself with the Church's ten greatest Marian prayers. God has chosen to come to us through her, so too He desires we go to Him through His Most Holy Mother.

Ten Greatest Marian Prayers2022-12-25T12:34:39-05:00
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