
Lord That I May See


Every single one of us (to varying degrees) is spiritually blind. We don't recognize the goodness and greatness of God. We are oblivious to the evil and horror of our sin. In daily life we ignore our eternal end. We are blind because we are worldly and the spirit of the world will never let us see. The capital sins enslave us. We fail to see our desperate need to convert. Reflect on this and take it seriously. Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving – true penance – are needed. Pray: "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me! Lord, grant that I [...]

Lord That I May See2023-03-25T08:24:20-04:00

Our Lady of Lourdes


Lourdes is an excellent example of how God comes to our aid through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We also see how saints are molded in and with Mary. The miracles continue at Lourdes to this day and Our Lady's message remains exceptionally timely. Every detail if filled with meaning. Let us consider ten important spiritual lessons from Lourdes.

Our Lady of Lourdes2023-03-20T18:30:26-04:00

The Great Fast


Consider the Transfiguration from the Apostles' point of the view. They perceive a coming struggle and prefer to stay where its comfortable. So Christ immediately ends the consolation. We want to be saints; we want great results; but, we flee from the struggle it requires. This is a natural problem, not just a spiritual one. We want everything to be fine and everyone to be nice. But there is no "ok" or "nice" when it comes to the Catholic soul. It takes hard men and women to break the Gates of Heaven. Lent is not so much a time to 'suffer' [...]

The Great Fast2023-03-13T07:50:24-04:00

Exterior Devotion and Interior Piety


There is a vast difference in how the majority of Catholics live Christmas and Septuageisma. As tradition was abandoned, many forgot the liturgical seasons. In seeking to restore Catholicism, let us not be content with exterior devotions. That is only a first step. Have an authentic interior observance of prayer and of these great Mysteries. Consider how the Son of God made Himself entirely subject to His human Mother – and willingly remains obedient to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Exterior Devotion and Interior Piety2023-03-10T06:27:09-05:00

Key to the Beauty of Catholic Life


For good or ill man desires that which is 'new.' This desire has lead to advances in civilization and destruction. Man also desires 'nostalgia.' The Greek root of this word means the pain from an old wound. Too often we look for what is new and avoid the old as we strive towards God. Yet the answers for the human soul lie not in something new but in the pain of a very old wound. You shall be restless until you rest in the Cross.

Key to the Beauty of Catholic Life2023-03-02T09:27:16-05:00

Temple Sacrifice and Truth


Christ gives us great blessings by His birth - let us thank Him and, like our Lady, keep in mind and heart the great mysteries of Christmas. The Presentation highlights the offering of the Child Jesus to the Eternal Father on the part of His Mother, the temple priests, and holy Simeon. The final mysteries of Christmas take place in the temple. They emphasize sacrifice (the Mass!) and Jesus' teaching the truth (doctrine!). Both of these are suffering terrible attacks today from our own prelates.

Temple Sacrifice and Truth2023-03-25T07:55:14-04:00

Return of Pagan Demons Repelled by Heroism


The Pantheon in Rome honored all the pagan gods (demons) of the Empire. Yet Christ conquered and this became the Basilica of St. Mary and the Martyrs. Prior to Christianity, tyranny and oppression reigned, the most revolting vices were promoted, and half the world's population was enslaved. Yet Christ's light dispelled these evils and elevated civilzation to a level hitherto unknown; it was the glory of Christendom. Now the demons, seven times more wicked, have returned to repossess society. Today we have a crisis of saints. We need heroic faith and the practice of heroic virtue in our daily lives. So [...]

Return of Pagan Demons Repelled by Heroism2023-03-01T12:54:30-05:00

Will You Win the Battle Today?


Preparation is the focal point of the Blessed Trinity's message to man. Christ first prepares His Apostles (come see where I live) and only afterwards does He send them out. The war is upon us (Islamic sword, the world, the devil). Yet wars are won in preparation. While you sit idle, the enemy prepares every day. You must have a relentless aggressive push against the world. Rest is not an option. Prepare and work continually. Only then will you be prepared to fight the battle.

Will You Win the Battle Today?2023-02-05T12:43:15-05:00

The Divine Child as Teacher


The Magi saw the Christ Child carrying His cross in the light of the star. The manger is Jesus' cathedra (teaching chair of authority) from which He confounds the spirit of the world. Christ teaches us by the very mysteries He chose to live in His infancy. He teaches us to overcome our inordinate inclinations (concupiscence). These Mysteries testify to His love and desire to save us.

The Divine Child as Teacher2023-02-05T11:24:38-05:00

Anarchy and Tyranny in Church and State


Those in power are employing a purposeful strategy of oppression to strengthen their authority. Oppressive government power is used against the law abiding. Yet a grotesque paralysis sets in when that same power should carry out the most basic duties. They use disorder to terrorize opponents and protect chaos to crush resistance. The Catholic faithful are also suffering terribly under the anarchy-tyranny of shepherds who are leading the sheep to slaughter.  

Anarchy and Tyranny in Church and State2023-01-29T21:10:29-05:00
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