
The Exsutlet


At the Easter Vigil we sing the Exsultet. It is a great Christian hymn praising the sacrificial Lamb and victory of our King. It proclaims the Cross. By the Cross He conquered; from the Cross He reigns; His wounds heal. The Cross puts the devil to flight, brings conversion, and bestows innumerable graces. The principal reason we have not received more graces and blessings is because, rather than embrace and love the Cross, we complain and reject the Cross. Yet the Cross is the source of all blessings and the cause of all graces. We must truly believe this.  

The Exsutlet2023-04-17T07:03:11-04:00

The True Roman Rite


The Roman Empire's Fall sent shockwaves throughout the world. The unthinkable had occurred. Then God sent a holy man - St. Benedict - to revitalize a continent in darkness. The Benedictines most important work was true divine worship. Today another great fall threatens: the collapse of the Roman Liturgy. No one should dare touch its essentials, for fidelity to the liturgy is fidelity to Christ and confession of the True Faith. But we have witnessed a liturgical rupture. Tradition is the guiding principle for all Christian Liturgy. It is handed down, not artificially constructed. It originates from Christ and is guided [...]

The True Roman Rite2023-04-17T07:55:55-04:00

Early in the Morning


Throughout history, God likes to work early in the morning. This is typological. It reflects the Resurrection. The psalms teach that at this time He hears prayers, grants mercy, and destroys His enemies. Consider Sennacherib's Assyrian siege of Jerusalem under good King Hezekiah (~701 BC). Consider the prophecy of Isaias 28:14-19 and let us avoid entering a league with falsehood, hell and death. Hold fast to the Faith and the Mass, which remain immovable – even in this dark time. Let us rise early and be about the duties of our state, for the glory of God and salvation of our [...]

Early in the Morning2023-04-17T05:44:21-04:00

Prayer – Why How What


Like fasting, prayer makes satisfaction for sins, protects us from the enemies of our soul, and obtains grace from God. Prayer is offering God our homage and imploring His favors in order to grow in holiness for His glory. It ought to be humble, fervent, resigned, persevering and accompanied with great reverence. Practice the Presence of God, have a set time to prayer, and use traditional prayer books. Look to three great examples of prayer in Our Lord's life: His time in the desert, His agony in Gethsemane, His death on the Cross.

Prayer – Why How What2023-04-08T08:06:18-04:00

His Death on the Cross


Jesus takes up His Cross. The Via Dolorosa. Pilate left perplexed. Lessons from St. Joseph. Our Lord's tears of joy. The confusion of satan. Our Lady's role standing at the foot of the Cross.

His Death on the Cross2023-04-17T07:04:58-04:00

Fruits of Fasting


The goal of Lent is to grow in your love of God: to do His holy will, to live for Him, to be with Him. Fasting gives strength against sin, represses evil desires, repels temptation, humbles pride, cools anger, quenches fires of lust, renders the heart contrite, detaches from the world and and helps practice every virtue. It has great spiritual fruit: [1] makes satisfaction for sins, [2] protects the soul from its enemies, [3] and obtains grace from God. What better motives can you have to fast and abstain!

Fruits of Fasting2023-04-06T14:32:08-04:00

Peter Judas and All Abandon Christ


Meditation of the events once Our Lord is arrested. Peter's dilemma and denial.  What of the other Apostles? Caiaphas rejection of God.

Peter Judas and All Abandon Christ2023-04-17T07:04:04-04:00

The Last Supper and Betrayal


Meditation upon events from Holy Thursday. Friendship with our Lord and the Sacrament of Charity. Christ looks at Judas, the Betrayer. The agony in Gethsemane. The battle between Christ and satan.

The Last Supper and Betrayal2023-04-17T07:04:40-04:00

When Is It Asking Too Much


Things are now different in Passiontide. The Church covers up her saints? Why? She is merely following the spirit of her Master, who now covers up His glory. If Christ has nothing to give you, will you still follow Him? What are the limits of your love for Him? All that really matters is that we fall in love with Christ. This is the Catholic Faith. These two weeks define us as Catholics, how will you respond?  

When Is It Asking Too Much2023-04-03T14:37:27-04:00

Fasting and Prayer Dispel Spiritual Blindness


In today's Gospel, Jesus Himself teaches us how to see supernatural realities (the value of grace, of union with God). Satan works to tempt him in worldly ways. Take to heart the importance of prayer and fasting. Without these, we are guaranteed to lose the spiritual battle. Make efforts to grow in your prayer repertoire and to pray with a pure heart. Fasting is urgently needed to do necessary penance and to recover our Catholic Faith. Write down your Lenten plan for accountability!

Fasting and Prayer Dispel Spiritual Blindness2023-04-05T10:15:04-04:00
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