
Christmas Petitions


This Christmas Season, make the same petitions as the saints. Thus will you better understand what it means to truly love Jesus. St. Alphonsus repeatedly prayed to obey God alone, to seek to please God alone, and to desire God more and more (even while others crave worldly goods and fortunes). May God dispose of me and my affairs as He wills. St. Louis de Montfort constantly prayed for the grace to imitate the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It was her heart which hastened the Incarnation, bringing the True Light to men. Reflect upon the fact that Christmas is a great [...]

Christmas Petitions2025-01-01T16:03:27-05:00

Prepare for He is Near


We rejoice in the Lord because He is near. But we must also prepare for He is coming. God Himself teaches us that preparation is extremely important. The entire Old Testament is a great example of God's preparation. We could say preparation is one of the grand laws of the divine economy. This entire week, to prepare well, we beg God to move our hearts: "Stir up our hearts O Lord to prepare the ways of Thine Only Begotten Son." How well are we preparing?

Prepare for He is Near2025-01-05T11:27:37-05:00

Fr. Rodríguez’s 28th Anniversary


Father Michael Rodríguez - 28th Ordination Anniversary Thou art a priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek. - Hebrews 7:17 8 December 2024. On this day, Father offered Our Blessed Mother, the Immaculate Conception, twenty-eight white roses. - One rose for each year of his priesthood; - White in honor of her perfect purity. Thou art all fair, O Mary, and the stain of Original Sin is not in thee. Thy garments are white as snow, and thy face is like the sun. Thou art the glory of Jerusalem; thou art the Joy of Israel; thou art the Honor of [...]

Fr. Rodríguez’s 28th Anniversary2024-12-21T10:13:29-05:00

Value Grace Above All Else


The Immaculate Conception is a singular example of the infinite power of God's grace and how God grants grace to overcome sin. She gives us the perfect example of what it means to "put on Christ." In this mystery, we see the full grandeur of God's grace. Make it personal! God's grace can overcome any difficulty, temptation or sin which plagues you. This feast dispels a heresy, promoted by Bregoglio, that at times our "best effort" is a sin, or that God might ask of us a sinful act (in Amoris Lætitia). With God's grace you can always grow in holiness. [...]

Value Grace Above All Else2024-12-20T08:59:36-05:00

Revístete del Señor Jesucristo


Al darnos a su Hijo, Dios no podía darnos nada más. Y Él nos lo da todo. Dios nos conceda este tiempo de adviento para que cambiemos. Esfuérzate para que sea un tiempo santo. No vivas el adviento como los demás. ¡Vívelo con fe! Contempla el Sagrado Corazón que ha amado tanto y que se ha entregado por completo y no ha escatimado nada. ¿Cómo respondo? Conforma tu voluntad a la de Cristo. Deja que Cristo reine sobre ti. No desperdicies esta temporada llena de gracia. O Dios, une mi corazón al Tuyo y mi voluntad a la Tuya.

Revístete del Señor Jesucristo2024-12-11T20:48:21-05:00

Put Ye On the Lord Jesus Christ


In giving us His Son, God could give us nothing more. And He gives us everything. God provides this season of Advent so that we will change! Strive to make it a holy season. Father lists numerous ways to grow in Advent. Do not displease Christ. Conform your will to His. May He reign over you. Behold His Heart which has loved so much that It has given itself completely and spared nothing. How do I respond? By Christmas, we must be clothed more with Christ and less with our own self will. Unite my heart with Thine and my will with [...]

Put Ye On the Lord Jesus Christ2024-12-08T21:14:44-05:00

Hijitos, Amaos Los Unos a Los Otros


Jesús es el rey del amor y nos llama a permanecer en Su amor. Si Dios nos da la vida hoy, es para que tengamos nuevas oportunidades de amarle más. ¿Me tienes en tu afecto por encima de todas las criaturas? Durante el Adviento somos más conscientes de que Su juicio se acerca. Su juicio se basará en la verdad y la caridad. Quien ama a Dios obedece Su voluntad significada (expresada en sus mandamientos, sacramentos, enseñanzas de la Iglesia y mandatos de nuestros legítimos superiores). Y se conforma a Su voluntad de beneplácito (es decir, aceptar todo lo que sucede, [...]

Hijitos, Amaos Los Unos a Los Otros2024-12-08T17:43:02-05:00

The Two Cleansings of The Temple


Always take gospel passages in context. Consider the three times Our Lord shed tears. For Lazarus; He mourns the sins in our personal relationships. For Jerusalem; He mourns His nation and the blindness that causes its destruction. For the world: His creation is in open rebellion and sin has alienated them from the love of God. Our Lord then cleanses the temple of those who use spiritual goods to make a profit. What terrible corruption when religious are more concerned with material good than the salvation of souls. As the leaders go, so go the people. We must pay for the [...]

The Two Cleansings of The Temple2024-12-05T19:37:20-05:00

Little Children, Love One Another


Jesus loves us and calls us to love Him in return His judgment of each one of us will be based on truth and charity. Because we love Him we obey Him and seek to follow His will. Conform yourself to His signified will (as expressed in His commandments, sacraments, church teachings and the commands of our lawful superiors). Conform yourself to the will of His good pleasure (i.e. have a wiling and cheerful acceptance of everything that happens, realizing it comes from His loving hand). Detach yourself from creatures - including self – in order to attach yourself to God.

Little Children, Love One Another2024-12-02T09:20:12-05:00

Charity Must Begin at Home


Faith, hope, and charity are like a mustard seed. Meant to grow from the moment of baptism, they are essential to the Kingdom of God. Charity means loving God above all things for His own sake and loving our neighbor for the sake of God. We must patiently endure the faults of others, forgive injuries, and do good to our enemies. God also calls us to practice charity towards the souls in Purgatory. To be more effective, sacrifices, prayers and indulgences should be offered with true charity. Look to the teaching and example of the saints, such as St. Gertrude the [...]

Charity Must Begin at Home2024-12-01T12:29:50-05:00
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