
Fire and Blood


Pentecost is a Christocentric feast. Today, the Apostles become Christ (no longer just followers). Something changed in them. It is the key to understanding Pentecost. Fire is full of hunger and consumes everything it can. It transforms all into itself. Blood spilled on this earth is what made the world Catholic. What kind of hunger do you have? What blood are you willing to suffer? You only have one life to live. Don't let it pass by in fleeting vanities. Only God can satisfy you.

Fire and Blood2023-06-01T11:18:52-04:00

We Must Recognize the Risen Lord


Some disciples adored the Risen Christ, yet others doubted. All had difficulty recognizing Him. Why? His appearance is clearly different. He chooses to remain with us in His mysteries. Thus, our focus should be on how He is present at Mass – by faith and by the power of the Holy Ghost. Sadly, many aspects of the Mew Mass deform our belief in the Mass and our understanding of what it means to participate in the Mass. Pay special attention to Our Lady's role in the Mass and participate in the Mass after her example.

We Must Recognize the Risen Lord2023-05-31T06:22:13-04:00

Tranissaries and Alphabet Ideology


How terrible that Audrey Hale attacked a Christian school in Nashville. Not all has been revealed for it is too dangerous and destructive. But what happened to her? And how is it that ideologues declare her the victim and brazenly blame attack those who uphold Christ's teachings? The dynamic at work is reminiscent of the Janissaries, an elite core of greatly feared soldiers. These brutal soldiers were blindly loyal and terribly wicked. They were psychologically deconstructed, abused, and subjected to unnatural vice. Many youth today are being virtually kidnapped and turned against their own.

Tranissaries and Alphabet Ideology2023-05-30T16:26:42-04:00

Teach and Baptize All Nations


Let us dwell on the final words Christ speaks on earth before ascending (Mt 28:16-20). Do you believe Christ has power to do all things? Do you act as if He does? He told the pope and bishops they must teach His truth to everyone. He call you to this as well, i.e. according to your state of life. In the Infant Church we see already present every essential element. It is here that Christ fulfills His great promise: to always remain with His Church. It is here that Faith grows.

Teach and Baptize All Nations2023-05-23T07:52:17-04:00

Unchanging Faith and Mass


God commands us to believe an unchangeable faith. Our Mass reflects this. Any developments must always be truly organic, leaving the essence unchanged. It is absurd to say we can "never go back" because when you make a wrong turn you must go back and correct it; otherwise you only get further lost. Catholics who love the Mass of Ages do not suffer from a nostalgic disease. Most of them are young and never saw the Mass for it was stolen from us. The best way to live in the moment – and prepare for the future – is by holding [...]

Unchanging Faith and Mass2023-05-22T10:20:45-04:00

Mane Nobiscum


Read the resurrection accounts with faith for a deeper understanding. Far too many people invent their own way of believing in Jesus. Instead, note how Christ establishes His Church and chooses to remain with us (Teaching, Apostles, Mass, Eucharist). These are patterns He continues to this day. Follow the examples of St. Mary Magdalene, the Emmaus disciples, and St. Thomas. With great desire remain with Christ!

Mane Nobiscum2023-05-22T08:06:42-04:00

Sacrilege in the Cathedral of Rome


St. Paul of the Cross (April 28 feast day) preached Christ crucified unceasingly. In particular, he prayed for England to return to the Faith. Surely his intercession played a role in the conversion of John Henry Newman. Yet on April 18, Anglican "ministers"–including women–held a heretical service at the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran. The ceremony was led by a fake bishop who is divorced and "remarried" and a known Freemason. The idolatry of pachamama took place in 2019 at St. Peter's.  Now we have sinful rituals upon the altar of the Mother of all Churches in the entire Catholic world. [...]

Sacrilege in the Cathedral of Rome2023-06-30T19:24:22-04:00

Twelve Apparitions of the Risen Lord


The Risen Lord calls His disciples to know Him and believe in Him in a deeper way, i.e. through faith. And He provides the necessary grace. We see this in twelve apparitions between the resurrection and ascension (ten from scripture, two from tradition). During this time, Christ is setting the pattern for all those who come after to follow. He reveals Himself in His Church by His teaching and His Sacraments.

Twelve Apparitions of the Risen Lord2023-05-10T13:16:38-04:00

Seven Privileges for St Joseph Devotees


God's gift of St. Joseph is a cause for great rejoicing. No saint's intercession, excepting Our Lady, is more powerful. Know the seven privileges granted those who invoke St. Joseph in a devout and proper manner. Meditate upon his life (as seen by the mystics). Appreciate his patronage more and grow in your devotion to him.  

Seven Privileges for St Joseph Devotees2023-05-01T11:50:14-04:00

Knowing Jesus Christ Crucified


Passiontide is a time of mourning. All our statues, save the Stations, are veiled in purple. These are the two great weeks of our salvation. St. Philip Neri converted Rome by turning eyes onto the Passion of Christ. St. Paul of the Cross reminds us" "The greatest most stupendous overwhelming work of God's love is the passion and death of our Savior Jesus Christ; and so we have that always before us." Strive to meditate on His passion, at least a few minutes, every day. And pray for grace to suffer for the love of Jesus.

Knowing Jesus Christ Crucified2023-04-27T10:30:47-04:00
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