
Great Pearl and Irrelevance of Novelty


False religions deny Christ and thus have the spirit of anitchrist. Modern Jews are defined by their rejection of Christ. Protestants identify themselves by their denial of the Church. This same pattern, of finding one's identity by denial or rejection, is found in the novus ordo liturgy. Many of its advocates harbor a virulent animus against Tradition, wishing to sentence the traditional liturgy to death.  Revolutionaries long for the complete destruction of the old order, otherwise their revolution can't fully succeed. Traditional Catholics should not fall prey to identification by being against the new order for they have the most beautiful thing [...]

Great Pearl and Irrelevance of Novelty2023-11-20T08:46:34-05:00

Viva Cristo Rey


Jesus Christ is God. Jesus Christ is Lord. Jesus Christ is King. We were born to profess this Faith. A major problem is how many claim to know and feel Jesus, but it is not about believing in Jesus "in our own way" but according to His way. Everything must be subject to Him: governments, schools, media, entertainment, sciences, arts, families, marriages, and each individual. Consider these examples of how He must reign in every person's mind, will, heart and body. [Father José María Robles was killed for Christ on June 26, 1927. He helped build a huge statue of Christ [...]

Viva Cristo Rey2024-10-23T14:17:40-04:00

Silent Killers


The dramatic rise in our use of technology is severely handicapping us. Everything we consume is immediate, fleeting and has to entertain. God is not this way. Yet each day we expend much effort habituating ourselves to prompt gratification. We are looking for a God that is easily packaged. This makes it extremely difficult to be in a relationship with God. Even worse, technology induces us to look at obstacles as impossibilities instead of as an invitation from God to do something greater. No one of us is dealing with technology correctly. We see its terrible effect upon vocations. Limit your [...]

Silent Killers2023-11-14T06:14:12-05:00

Dominus Universorum


We say that Christ is King – but what does that mean? It means He must be king over all - every person, every family, every nation. His kingdom is one of truth and eternal life. So it means we must be supremely faithful to the truth. And it means we must reject the values of this world in favor of His kingdom than the values of this world. Now if Christ is King for all eternity and all-powerful [by nature], then His Mother is Queen of all eternity and all-powerful [by grace]. Nothing is excluded for Christ's dominion or from [...]

Dominus Universorum2023-11-13T22:46:22-05:00

Prisoners of War and Purgatory


The saints see the connectivity of all history by typology. Yet this connectivity extends even beyond the confines of this world. A type for the poor souls in Purgatory can be noted in the true story of Robert Trimble. He was an American Air Force captain striving to rescue prisoners of war in WW2. Our hearts should be moved to do all we can to help the holy souls arrive at their heavenly homeland.

Prisoners of War and Purgatory2023-11-13T15:55:33-05:00

Decline of Public Authority


Obedience is a moral virtue that inclines the human will to comply with the will of another who has the right to command. We must obey the just commands of superiors because they represent the authority that comes from God. A grave error is to think men ("the people") are the source of public authority. Our nation is founded upon this false principle. When those in authority do not acknowledge the divine source of their authority, they abuse their power, becoming despotic. Subjects in turn mock rulers and only comply out of fear. The result is social dysfunction. Having cast Christ [...]

Decline of Public Authority2023-11-06T13:53:21-05:00

The Fourth Sorrow of Our Lady


It is ordained by God, from all eternity, that the sorrows of Our Lady be united with the sufferings of Jesus Christ –in the great sacrifice of Calvary– to make reparation for sin. On the Via Dolorosa, Our Lady fell prostrate and adored Her Son with profound reverence. The more she suffered, the more she drew nearer to the Cross. Yet what causes her the most suffering is to see her spiritual children dead. On Calvary there were two altars: one in the body of Jesus and the other in Mary's heart. She sacrificed her soul by compassion. Imitate Our Lady so [...]

The Fourth Sorrow of Our Lady2023-11-06T06:57:16-05:00

Humility of Intellect and of Will


St. Francis is the first recorded instance of the stigmata. Suffering with Christ –the Cross!– is central to our faith. The Cross is the source of all blessings, the cause of all grace, and the only path to Heaven. Carrying our cross well is what it means to be Catholic. Yet pride leads us to reject the cross. So we must grow in humility. Humility of intellect (an honest acknowledgement of our total dependence on God and of our real incapability of doing anything good without His assistance) makes us faithful to prayer. Humility of will (the readiness of the heart [...]

Humility of Intellect and of Will2023-11-07T09:45:37-05:00

St Teresa and Mental Prayer


Church tradition honors St. Teresa of Avila as the virgo seraphica, doctrix mystica, and reformer of the Carmelite Order. Her life was marked by such miracles as a 'resurrection' and the transverbration. She can teach us much about mental prayer, including overcoming failures. Prayer is essential for salvation and meditation is necessary for growth in virtue. Mental prayer is nothing else than an intimate friendship, a frequent heart to heart conversation, with God. [This sermon includes a brief, yet excellent, explanation of how to do mental prayer.]

St Teresa and Mental Prayer2023-10-30T22:50:57-04:00

Divine Maternity of Mary


The central mystery of Our Lady's life –from which all her mysteries, privileges and perfection flow– is her Divine Motherhood. It is the reason God graced her as immaculately conceived, sinless, and perpetual virgin. Her assumption into Heaven and crowning as Queen are likewise rooted therein. It is also why she is Mediatrix of all Graces and our Spiritual Mother. In fact, all of Our Lady's apparitions manifest both her divine maternity and her spiritual motherhood of all the faithful.

Divine Maternity of Mary2023-10-29T12:12:33-04:00
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