
The Saints on Purgatory


You will be judged by God at your death, the moment your soul leaves your body, at the very spot where you breathe your last. All you ever said, thought or did shall come under God's judgment. Consider your end and the Last Things. Can the souls in Purgatory help us? When can our normal prayers not aid a soul in Purgatory? What grace is there in a mother who forgives even murder for the love of God? May the teaching and example of saints help motivate us.

The Saints on Purgatory2023-12-11T16:30:52-05:00

La Comunión Requiere Una Preparación Seria


Prepárate para salir al encuentro de tu Dios. Jesús vino a salvarnos (pasado) y vendrá de nuevo a juzgar a todos (futuro). Algunos se salvarán, pero muchos se condenarán. Jesús viene en la Sagrada Eucaristía (presente). Recuerda, Él que viene a ti en la Sagrada Comunión es el mismo Jesús que nació en Belén. Si de verdad creemos que Jesús viene, debemos prepararnos bien. Pero nuestra fe es débil; para fortalecerla, Dios establece paralelismos entre el nacimiento de Jesús y la Santa Misa. El gran deseo de Jesús es que lo recibamos digna y frecuentemente. Todas nuestras oraciones y obras deben [...]

La Comunión Requiere Una Preparación Seria2023-12-26T14:17:18-05:00

The Great Thought


For Christ to truly be King, He must reign in men's minds. This means man assents – with perfect submission and firm belief – to the doctrines taught by Christ and His Church. How terrible that many occupying high places in the Church are instead seeking to undermine His teachings. We instead must remain steadfast and faithful to the Great Truth. As an example, consider the Church's teachings on the Four Last Things. Review a 'Short Catechism on Eternity.' Heed the example of St. Anthony Mary Claret. And in all thy works, remember thy last end, and thou shall never sin [...]

The Great Thought2023-12-08T16:58:46-05:00

Mystery is Essential to Christmas


Christ subverts the expectations of the worldly. Yet we are still in love with the things of this world – and our vice – because we have yet to see the true worth in tossing them aside. Christ changes the way we value things. The element of mystery, which surrounds Christmas, compels us to acts of greater virtue. (Note: Father's considerations of the Holy Family in Bethlehem touch upon matters not defined by Scripture or Tradition. Faithful Catholics are free to disagree on such details.)

Mystery is Essential to Christmas2023-12-08T16:06:31-05:00

Tiempo de Preparación Espiritual


Adviento es tiempo para enfocarse en la venida del Señor. Es realmente triste que es cuando más se ve la desviación de tantos católicos. En lugar de vivir de acuerdo con la luz de la fe y la voz del Señor, vivimos como los paganos. La Navidad no debe celebrarse antes de tiempo. El Adviento es tiempo de preparación espiritual, de conversión, de confesarse, y de meditar en las tres venidas de Jesús. ¡Prepárate para salir al encuentro de tu Dios!

Tiempo de Preparación Espiritual2023-12-06T07:30:41-05:00

Viva Cristo Rey


Jesucristo de Dios; Él es Señor; y Él es Rey. He aquí tres sencillas y grandes frases que resumen la profesión de nuestra fe católica. Recuerda que hemos nacido para profesar y vivir esta fe. Hay muchos que profesan creer en Jesucristo, pero son pocos los que creen verdaderamente en Él. Porque no se trata de creer en Jesús a nuestra manera, sino como Jesús manda. Todo debe estar sometido a Él y servirle: las naciones, el Estado, las instituciones públicas, las escuelas, la prensa, la tecnología, las artes; a nivel personal: nuestras familias, nuestro matrimonio y nuestro trabajo. Cristo debe [...]

Viva Cristo Rey2023-12-06T07:57:05-05:00

Be a Master of Your Craft


Here are three means to progress and excel in the spiritual life. [1] An ability to identify defects. We usually don't want to hear any critique of ourselves. Yet seeing our [minor] defects, which aren't easy to self detect, is the only way to make progress. [2] Humility in the spirit of collaboration. Every criticism has an element of truth, so be hungry for criticism (not paranoid or angry). [3] Love what you do and study your craft. Be obsessed with being Catholic. If you love your state in life, then at every moment you will try to learn how to [...]

Be a Master of Your Craft2023-11-26T19:38:16-05:00

The World Beyond


The Church's feasts at the end of the liturgical year lead us to contemplate the Four Last Things. The enemies of Christ mind earthly things but those who seek to follow Christ contemplate the world beyond us. Tell yourself often, "I am going to die and I will be judged." This judgment shall be rigorous; are you prepared? Man must perfectly submit his mind to the truths of Christ, which always flow from the truth about who God is. And man must live in accordance with truth. As an example, consider the Church's teaching on Purgatory. It must be true for [...]

The World Beyond2023-11-26T16:55:07-05:00

Thou Shall Not Make a False Peace


Why is the Synod discussing so many un-Catholic things? Why is the Latin Mass being suppressed? Why is Russia once again at war? We must seek the cause. And we shall find an all encompassing answer to these problems. Christ's truth requires that man first conquer in the interior life; then he can conquer on the outside. Yet modern man has sought new avenues according to his own wisdom. He seeks an easy way apart from the cross. He chooses compromise with the world to accomplish only an external peace. Yet false peace brings perpetual war. As we ignore Our Lady [...]

Thou Shall Not Make a False Peace2023-11-26T16:31:51-05:00

The One Thing That Prevents Your Sanctity


All Saints is time to reflect and celebrate those men and women who accomplished what they were born for. We are all meant to be saints and to reign in Heaven. Yet the Saints were at a time ordinary men and women. There is no difference between them and us on the level where we begin. So what did they do differently? What iron clad gates do we build up around our soul to prevent sanctity? Examine yourself and firmly resolve to eliminate just one simple thing which holds you back.

The One Thing That Prevents Your Sanctity2023-11-21T07:43:24-05:00
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