
Three Marian Advent Feasts of Salvation


The very name "Jesus" means "God saves." All His comings (advents) have to do with the salvation of souls. We pray: O Lord show us Thy mercy and grant us Thy salvation. Can there be a more important prayer? And this God answers through the Blessed Virgin Mary. Consider the Church's three feasts of December 8, 10, and 12. They emphasize: the glory and power of God, the purity we require, true faith, true worship, and our duty to form homes where we work out our salvation. God created Our Lady and made her our Mother to show us His mercy [...]

Three Marian Advent Feasts of Salvation2023-12-26T05:49:04-05:00

Dos Cosas Constituyen Mi Cielo en la Tierra


En su primer nacimiento, Jesús nos dice: "He venido para que el pecador que ha muerto resucite a la vida". Lo mismo nos dice cuando nace en la Eucaristía, añadiendo: 'Y yo he venido para que el justo que tiene vida, la tenga en abundancia, avance en la gracia y crezca de virtud en virtud'. Lo mejor que podemos hacer por Navidad es ofrecer a Jesús todos los afectos de nuestro corazón y desear no separarnos nunca de Él. Escuchemos la enseñanza de los santos sobre la Eucaristía.

Dos Cosas Constituyen Mi Cielo en la Tierra2023-12-27T07:56:17-05:00

The Advent Wreath


The Advent Wreath is full of rich symbolism. The circular shape evokes eternity and the evergreen represents hope and renewal. Purple stands for penance and rose for joy. Each colored candle represents a millennia and a person(s). A blessed and lighted candle always symbolizes Christ. Each candle also represents a great truth about Christ: [1] He will come again in power to judge all. [2] He will judge me at the moment of my death. [3] Jesus comes to me with His grace, now, especially at Mass. [4] Jesus came in the flesh to save us - to save me. Hope [...]

The Advent Wreath2023-12-22T08:21:13-05:00

The Conscience of Man


God gave man a connection to Him - an interior voice, a conscience. St. John the Baptist is a symbol of that voice. We can chose to heed or suppress our conscience; yet, man only finds peace when he listens to it. The conscience is a proof of the soul's immortality. It witnesses, bonds and incites; it also accuses, torments, and rebukes. It incites a holy anger (hatred) against sin, so that man roots out faults instead of justifying them. Make friends with your adversary (conscience) before you are handed over to the Judge.

The Conscience of Man2023-12-26T05:48:23-05:00

Hope and Daring


When you rise and when yo go to bed, ask yourself these two questions: [1] What drives you or fuels your desire? [2] What are you afraid of? We often know what we have to do but fail to do it because of something we fear. What keeps us from giving ourselves to God, and neighbor, as we are meant to do? During Advent, the Church calls to mind the example of St. John the Baptist and the Immaculate Conception. Saints change the world because they do what what others dare not. They achieve great virtue by their hope (the virtue [...]

Hope and Daring2023-12-17T12:04:51-05:00

The Doctrine of Predestination


God by the eternal resolve of His will has predetermined certain men to eternal blessedness. The number of the elect is predetermined and can not change (none added, none taken away). While God wills all men to be saved, not all men are saved. This is based not on God's providence but on a man's sin and lack of contrition. The heresy of "double predestination" holds that men are like brute beasts with God leading some to salvation and others to damnation by His (predetermined) divine will. For men how are saved, it is a gift from God; from men who [...]

The Doctrine of Predestination2023-12-17T10:57:40-05:00

Eternity Always in View


Nothing impure can enter Heaven. Thinking about Purgatory inspires penance and self denial (which we all struggle with). Here are five important means to avoid Purgatory. Our Lady is the Mother of everyone in Purgatory and there is no soul there whose pain is not alleviated by her. Happy is the he who loves with eternity always in view; with a lively faith that he must shortly die and enter into eternity.

Eternity Always in View2023-12-17T10:22:20-05:00

La Imagen Milagrosa de Guadalupe


Nuestra Señora vino a América para traer a Cristo, la verdadera fe católica y la salvación. Su imagen es uno de los milagros más poderosos de la historia. Esto debería ayudarnos a confiar en la importancia de la Virgen María y en el poder de su santa intercesión.

La Imagen Milagrosa de Guadalupe2023-12-27T07:58:11-05:00

No Se Turbe Tu Corazón


Cristo vino a este continente a través de la Santísima Virgen María. En el fondo, Guadalupe es el mismo misterio que su nacimiento en Belén. Creer en Dios significa creer en la Madre de Dios, es decir, confiar verdaderamente en su poderosa intercesión. Hay que confiar cada vez más en las palabras de la Virgen. Por ejemplo, no debemos temer ninguna enfermedad. Considera cuán grande fue la fe, la humildad, el amor y el deseo de María por la venida de Jesús. Al comulgar, trata de imitar más estas disposiciones interiores de la Santísima Virgen María.

No Se Turbe Tu Corazón2023-12-26T14:17:56-05:00

The Saints on Purgatory


You will be judged by God at your death, the moment your soul leaves your body, at the very spot where you breathe your last. All you ever said, thought or did shall come under God's judgment. Consider your end and the Last Things. Can the souls in Purgatory help us? When can our normal prayers not aid a soul in Purgatory? What grace is there in a mother who forgives even murder for the love of God? May the teaching and example of saints help motivate us.

The Saints on Purgatory2023-12-11T16:30:52-05:00
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