
Misterios de la Divina Infancia


"Que toda la tierra te adore y te cante, cante tu nombre" (Salmo 65:4). Éste es buen resumen de todos los Misterios de la Navidad. San Alfonso de Ligorio enumera doce. Deberíamos meditarlos. Cada uno muestra la gran batalla entre el mundo y Dios. También indican el gran don que Dios nos da: la luz de la estrella, nuestra fe católica. Nosotros, a nuestra vez, debemos ofrecerle lo mejor que podamos de nuestro amor, oración y mortificación. El Padre enumera ocasiones en las que debemos invocar el Santo Nombre y formas sencillas y breves de invocarlo en la oración.    

Misterios de la Divina Infancia2024-01-20T12:28:36-05:00

Tollite Hostias


A beautiful Christmas hymn is tollite hostias et adorate dominum, "Offer your gifts to the Divine Child and Adore Him"  (Psalm 95:8-9). What will you offer Him? The most acceptable gift is a contrite and loving heart. Do you pray every day? Spend time before the manger and think about the incredible love of the Divine Child for you! Make an effort to think about and reject [hate] your sins, for your sins are what most offend Baby Jesus. Ask the Blessed Virgin to adore the Divine Child on your behalf. To truly love Him, seek to please Him in all [...]

Tollite Hostias2024-01-18T08:48:50-05:00

Dios Nos Sigue Enviando Su Luz


Debemos vivir según la luz de la fe, no según el mundo. Los mundanos actúan como si la Navidad ya hubiera pasado y olvidan sus grandes misterios. Pero la Epifanía es uno de los cinco días más sagrados del año. Incluye tres acontecimientos principales: los reyes (las naciones) vienen a adorar; [2] el bautismo del Señor; y [3] el milagro de las bodas de Caná. Ofrece a Dios tu amor (oro), oración (incienso) y mortificación (mirra). El Señor debe ser el centro de nuestras familias y matrimonios. Como María, guardemos y contemplemos estos misterios en nuestro corazón.

Dios Nos Sigue Enviando Su Luz2024-01-08T17:41:57-05:00

True Stories About Guardian Angels


Scripture frequently mentions the angels. They are beings of pure spirit who have great wisdom, power and holiness. First and foremost, the angels exist to give glory to God. In addition, they assist in the salvation of souls. The angels are grouped into three hierarchies and nine choirs. They reflect God's perfections and it behooves us to pray to the different angels according to their mission. Know the seven ways in which your guardian angel assists you. Acknowledge the valuable work he does on your behalf and engage your guardian angel in conversation.

True Stories About Guardian Angels2024-01-08T08:11:20-05:00

Cómo No Caer Nunca en Pecado


El santísimo nombre de Jesús significa "Dios salva". Ante todo, su nombre manifiesta su amor y su poder. En particular, el Santo Nombre está vinculado a su nacimiento (Belén) y a su muerte (Calvario), dos grandes acontecimientos de salvación. El santo nombre de Jesús nos inflama de amor por Él y nos protege del mal. Cuando te ataquen los demonios o los hombres, cuando te atormenten y te inciten a pecar, invoca el Santo Nombre. Siempre que rezamos el santísimo nombre de Jesús debemos inclinar la cabeza. Clama a Su Nombre con confianza, amor y perseverancia.

Cómo No Caer Nunca en Pecado2024-01-07T08:37:13-05:00

Are Our Customs and Habits Too Secular?


We form our ideas, habits and custom from our childhood and if that is reinforced over time, it becomes who we are and how we live. At the root of the grave crisis in the Church is secularization. Too many Catholics have allowed the secular world to completely overrun our customs. We must begin to change this. It will not happen overnight. Take small steps in the right direction. How can you include more silence, prayer, recollection, and detachment from the world in your daily routine and celebration of Advent and Christmas? Because Christmas is not about cookies, eggnog and parties. [...]

Are Our Customs and Habits Too Secular?2024-01-04T09:12:57-05:00

A Wicked Voice in the Vatican


The world we live in is pagan; we must broadcast the Gospel everywhere to bring all to the obedience of faith. Today the Faith is being destroyed from the inside. We have had wicked popes, but none have tried to impose their [lack of] morality upon the Church. Yet Scripture and Tradition have  prepared us. We know the truth, because the Catholic Faith is what has been believed everywhere (universality), always (antiquity) and by all (consensus). What to do? Get on your knees and ask our Blessed Lady to protect our faith. Pray to have have the strength to live according to the [...]

A Wicked Voice in the Vatican2024-01-02T06:46:39-05:00

Day of Joy and Pardon


Christ was born to save sinners [us!] at midnight in Bethlehem in piercing cold. What a wondrous night of joy, of salvation, and of of pardon. Yet we must acknowledge sin as sin and not dismiss it under a pretext of focusing on the "positive." Otherwise, Christmas loses its true meaning. Let us not fail to ask Him for the great spiritual graces He wishes to grant this day. The shepherds brought their gifts; you must also bring your gifts to Him. What will you bring to Him?

Day of Joy and Pardon2024-01-01T07:38:58-05:00

New Scandalous Vatican Document


Fiducia Supplicans, the latest scandalous document from the Vatican, is a direct contradiction of the truths of the four great comings of Christ. Only one without faith in Christ could author or support this document. It is truly diabolical and the height of sinister modernism, attempting to create a new kind of "pastoral" blessing. The truth is that God calls us to repent, to convert, and turn away from sin. Christ came to give us the grace and strength to overcome sin and to be able to make heroic sacrifices. Sadly, only a few Catholic bishops have given faithful public responses. [...]

New Scandalous Vatican Document2023-12-30T22:19:16-05:00

¿Qué Significa Amar a Jesús?


Contempla al Divino Niño para que te inspire a amarle. Suplícale que te conceda la gracia de amarle por encima de todo. Meditemos los escritos de San Juan, Apóstol del Amor, y de San Alfonso, considerando las siguientes preguntas. ¿Qué trajo a Dios del Cielo para nacer en una cueva? ¿Cuál es el verdadero sentido de la Navidad? ¿Qué relación tiene la Navidad con la Sagrada Eucaristía?

¿Qué Significa Amar a Jesús?2023-12-26T14:27:21-05:00
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