Say the word and Receive the Word
wpengine2024-12-21T11:02:20-05:00The four advent candles represent four millennia and stand for the patriarchs, the prophets, the Precursor, and Our Lady. They also represent the 77 generations between Adam and Christ. At the Annunciation, Gabriel approaches Mary as her inferior subject. In this passage we see the truths of her sinlessness, her perpetual virginity, her divine motherhood, and her perfect mediation. The world alone was unworthy to receive the Savior directly. Yet Our Lady surpasses all the grace of the angels and saints together. Mary alone merited the Son of God becoming man by the power of her prayer and perfection of her [...]
Christian Remember Your Dignity
wpengine2025-01-02T08:21:47-05:00Christmas is such a wondrous feast that it demands great celebration. God became man that we might share in His divine nature; that man might be like God! St. Francis originated the tradition of the nativity scene so all would see the love, humility, and poverty of our good God. Yet so many live this blessed season in undignified manners, as if they were no more than material beasts. Today, the war on Christmas is even openly demonic. Oppose this blasphemy, remember your Christian dignity, and act in a godly way.