Fr. Simplicius

The Doctrine of Predestination


God by the eternal resolve of His will has predetermined certain men to eternal blessedness. The number of the elect is predetermined and can not change (none added, none taken away). While God wills all men to be saved, not all men are saved. This is based not on God's providence but on a man's sin and lack of contrition. The heresy of "double predestination" holds that men are like brute beasts with God leading some to salvation and others to damnation by His (predetermined) divine will. For men how are saved, it is a gift from God; from men who [...]

The Doctrine of Predestination2023-12-17T10:57:40-05:00

Great Pearl and Irrelevance of Novelty


False religions deny Christ and thus have the spirit of anitchrist. Modern Jews are defined by their rejection of Christ. Protestants identify themselves by their denial of the Church. This same pattern, of finding one's identity by denial or rejection, is found in the novus ordo liturgy. Many of its advocates harbor a virulent animus against Tradition, wishing to sentence the traditional liturgy to death.  Revolutionaries long for the complete destruction of the old order, otherwise their revolution can't fully succeed. Traditional Catholics should not fall prey to identification by being against the new order for they have the most beautiful thing [...]

Great Pearl and Irrelevance of Novelty2023-11-20T08:46:34-05:00

Decline of Public Authority


Obedience is a moral virtue that inclines the human will to comply with the will of another who has the right to command. We must obey the just commands of superiors because they represent the authority that comes from God. A grave error is to think men ("the people") are the source of public authority. Our nation is founded upon this false principle. When those in authority do not acknowledge the divine source of their authority, they abuse their power, becoming despotic. Subjects in turn mock rulers and only comply out of fear. The result is social dysfunction. Having cast Christ [...]

Decline of Public Authority2023-11-06T13:53:21-05:00

St Teresa and Mental Prayer


Church tradition honors St. Teresa of Avila as the virgo seraphica, doctrix mystica, and reformer of the Carmelite Order. Her life was marked by such miracles as a 'resurrection' and the transverbration. She can teach us much about mental prayer, including overcoming failures. Prayer is essential for salvation and meditation is necessary for growth in virtue. Mental prayer is nothing else than an intimate friendship, a frequent heart to heart conversation, with God. [This sermon includes a brief, yet excellent, explanation of how to do mental prayer.]

St Teresa and Mental Prayer2023-10-30T22:50:57-04:00

Can Dogma Change?


Five cardinals sent dubias to the Vatican. Francis' answers increase doubt and raise greater concerns. Much is being said at the synodabout the theory of the 'development of doctrine.' Modernists are using this notion, first expounded by St. Vincent of Lerins, to undermine the Church. We must understand it correctly and not fall into their snares of deceit. Our understanding of a doctrine may deepen, but the meaning can never change to something contrary. Authentic development establishes identity with the past, not difference. It make us more, not less, Catholic. A reversal in doctrine is a clear sign of heresy. The [...]

Can Dogma Change?2023-10-24T14:12:25-04:00

Is it Catholic to Support Illegal Immigration?


We are witnessing a Great Replacement via mass immigration. This is not a conspiracy theory merely a factual observation. A mass population influx can destabilize a country similar to a military invasion. Nations in Europe and North America are experiencing such tremendous ethnic and civilizational substitution that one wonders if traditional Western cultures will be lost. Mass migration is a new form of slavery, hurting the immigrant and inflicting terrible damage on his homeland. Thomas Aquinas and our Popes have provided sound teaching regarding immigration but few Catholics know it. It is part of the Natural Law that we love and [...]

Is it Catholic to Support Illegal Immigration?2023-10-07T20:21:03-04:00

Resist the Cultural Genocide in Our Church


Ireland, the land of saints and scholars, suffered under Britain terrible persecution meant to destroy their culture. The main aim of the French Revolution was to de-Christianize the nation. Cultural genocide is the effort to eradicate a people by destroying their culture. The modernists did not want another Church, they wanted a different Church. Catholic tradition was destroyed not by an invading army but from within. Now, we must rediscover and reestablish tradition. Abhor  innovation and have a holy stubbornness. Show you will not surrender Catholic Tradition (in liturgy, spirituality, morality, catechesis, etc.). We must be willing to fight for our [...]

Resist the Cultural Genocide in Our Church2023-09-24T05:57:19-04:00

The Harrowing of Hell


By way of comparison, Our Lord used his own 'Trojan Horse' strategy to strip hades (death) and satan of their spoils. He took a human nature and flesh from the Virgin's womb so that by dying He could pass through the gates of the netherworld. The 'Gospel' of Nicodemus, an ancient Christian text, piously narrates this tradition. We profess our faith in this truth every Sunday when we pray the Creed, "... He descended into hell."

The Harrowing of Hell2023-06-30T19:31:49-04:00

Neither Progressive Nor Conservative


The whole world has divided itself into progressive and conservatives. Sadly, progressives make mistakes and conservatives prevent those mistakes from being corrected. We see this in politics, in society, and in the Church. Progressivism is the mother of problems. Conservatives compound the problem by codifying (enshrining) the revolution. Christ is neither. He restores all realities by always returning to God's original plan. Like Our Lord, let us be 'Restorationists.'

Neither Progressive Nor Conservative2023-06-12T16:27:50-04:00

Modern Day Montanists


Montanus was a faithful priest turned heretic. He claimed to be filled with Holy Ghost, so much so, that his teachings excelled even that of Tradition and the Apostles. He leaned heavily on emotionalism. He preached revival and renewal, but many of his practices were from the devil. His heresy was condemned in the 2nd Century. Yet his error has returned in greater force today. Let us not confuse the Holy Ghost with the spirit of the world, of revolution, or of the devil. Forget not the Holy Ghost, pray for His gifts, and hold fast to Tradition.  

Modern Day Montanists2023-06-07T06:08:36-04:00
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